- Summary:
- Nested |
- Field |
- Constr |
- Method
- Detail:
- Field |
- Constr |
- Method
- Type Parameters:
- the type of the keys in the map
- the type of the values in the map
- All Superinterfaces:
- Get<K,V>, IterableGet<K,V>, IterableMap<K,V>, java.util.Map<K,V>, OrderedMap<K,V>, Put<K,V>, java.util.SortedMap<K,V>
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- Trie<K,V>
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AbstractBitwiseTrie, AbstractSortedMapDecorator, FixedSizeSortedMap, PatriciaTrie, UnmodifiableSortedMap, UnmodifiableTrie
public interface IterableSortedMap<K,V>
extends java.util.SortedMap<K,V>, OrderedMap<K,V>
- Since:
- 4.0
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface java.util.SortedMap
comparator, entrySet, firstKey, headMap, keySet, lastKey, subMap, tailMap, values
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Map
clear, compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, containsKey, containsValue, equals, forEach, get, getOrDefault, hashCode, isEmpty, merge, put, putAll, putIfAbsent, remove, remove, replace, replace, replaceAll, size
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.collections4.Put
clear, put, putAll
- Summary:
- Nested |
- Field |
- Constr |
- Method
- Detail:
- Field |
- Constr |
- Method
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