Name | Type | Default | Description |
debug |
boolean | false | Enable/Disable Hobbes.js debug messages in web console. See hobs.log |
context_path |
string | "" | URL prefix used during navigation. See hobs.navigate |
action_timeout |
int | 20000 | Test action default timeout in ms. |
poll_interval |
int | 250 | Default Polling interval for checking actions (in ms.). See hobs.Chaining.PollCheckStep |
global_timeout |
int | 30000 | Default timeout used for hobs.actions.core.execFct execution |
navigation_timeout |
int | 3600000 | Default timeout for navigation actions (in ms.). See hobs.navigate |
default_win_options |
string | "width=1220,height=900,top=30,left=30" | Default options used when Hobbes.js opens a new window (see hobs.actions.core.openWindow and hobs.TestSuite * execInNewWindow option) |
pacing_delay |
int | 0 | Default pacing delay (in ms.) for testcase actions. If > 0, it will add a delay before each test actions of each testcase |
global_maxretries_on_failed |
int | 0 | Number of time to re-execute a test if it fails |
hobs.config.pacing_delay -
// Set pacing delay to 1/2s. (500ms) hobs.config.pacing_delay = 500; new hobs.TestCase('tc#1') // 500ms delay then, .navigateTo('/shop/home.html') // 500ms delay then, .click('.cart-button') // 500ms delay then, .asserts.location('/shop/cart.html'); // Disable pacing delay hobs.config.pacing_delay = 0;