Interface ReplicationStatus

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ReplicationStatus
    Determines the replication status of an asset/page.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String NODE_PROPERTY_LAST_REPLICATED
        The name of the property that records the date of the last replication.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String NODE_PROPERTY_LAST_REPLICATED_BY
        The name of the property that records the userid of the last replication
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String NODE_PROPERTY_LAST_REPLICATION_ACTION
        The name of the property that records the last replication action
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NODE_TYPE

        static final java.lang.String NODE_TYPE
        Name of the node type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getLastPublished

        java.util.Calendar getLastPublished()
        Returns the time when the content was last published (i.e. activated or deactivated).
        last publish date or null
      • getLastPublishedBy

        java.lang.String getLastPublishedBy()
        Returns the user id who issues the last publish action.
        The publish user id or null
      • getLastReplicationAction

        ReplicationActionType getLastReplicationAction()
        Return the last replication action.
        The action type or null
      • isDelivered

        boolean isDelivered()
        Checks if the content is delivered. Note that this is calculated only by the logs of replication actions. It does not check if the content is physically on the server. a content is delivered if the last action was 'Activate' and the action is processed. of if the action was 'deactivate' and the action is still pending.
        true if the content is delivered.
      • isActivated

        boolean isActivated()
        Convenience method that checks if the last publish action was 'activate'. Note that !isActivated() does not automatically mean that the content is deactivated.
        true if the last publish action was 'activate'
      • isDeactivated

        boolean isDeactivated()
        Convenience method that checks if the last publish action was 'deactivate'. Note that !isDeactivated() does not automatically mean that the content is activated.
        true if the last publish action was 'activate'
      • isPending

        boolean isPending()
        Checks if the last publish action is pending, i.e. if it's still present in any of the queues.
        true if the action is pending
      • getPending

        java.util.List<ReplicationQueue.Entry> getPending()
        Checks if the last publish action is still pending, i.e. if it's still present in any of the queues.
        the list of pending queue entries
      • getQueueStatus

        java.util.List<ReplicationQueue.Entry> getQueueStatus()
        Returns the queue status of this content. if this content is not queued at all, an empty list is returned.
        a queue status for each queue.
      • getAvailableAgents

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAvailableAgents()
        Returns all agents for which a replication status is available; these agents must be present and active in the system.
        the agents for which a replication status is available, or an empty set if no status is available for an agent.
      • getStatusForAgent

        ReplicationStatus getStatusForAgent​(java.lang.String agentName)
        Return the replication status for exactly one agent.
        agentName - the name of an existing agent (as returned by getAvailableAgents())
        the ReplicationStatus for that agent; null if the replication agent does not exist or no status is available for it.