Package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api
Jetty WebSocket API
Interface Summary Interface Description RemoteEndpoint Deprecated. Session Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.SuspendToken Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.UpgradeRequest Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.UpgradeResponse Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketConnectionListener Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketFrameListener Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketListener Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketPartialListener Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketPingPongListener Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WriteCallback Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported. -
Class Summary Class Description CloseStatus Deprecated. StatusCode Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketAdapter Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketConstants Deprecated. WebSocketPolicy Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BatchMode The possible batch modes when invokingOutgoingFrames.outgoingFrame(org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.extensions.Frame, WriteCallback, BatchMode)
.WebSocketBehavior Behavior for how the WebSocket should operate. -
Exception Summary Exception Description BadPayloadException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.CloseException Deprecated. InvalidWebSocketException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.MessageTooLargeException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.PolicyViolationException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.ProtocolException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.UpgradeException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.WebSocketTimeoutException Deprecated. The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.