Interface Summary | |
Binary | A Binary object holds a JCR property value of type
Credentials | Interface for all credentials that may be passed to the Repository.login(Credentials credentials, String workspaceName) method. |
ImportUUIDBehavior | The possible actions specified by the uuidBehavior parameter in
Workspace.importXML(java.lang.String, java.io.InputStream, int) , Session.importXML(java.lang.String, java.io.InputStream, int) , Workspace.getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String, int) and Session.getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String, int) . |
Item | The Item is the base interface of and
. |
ItemVisitor | This interface defines two signatures of the visit method; one
taking a Node , the other a Property . |
NamespaceRegistry | Each repository has a single, persistent namespace registry represented by
the NamespaceRegistry object, accessed via Workspace.getNamespaceRegistry() . |
Node | The Node interface represents a node in a workspace. |
NodeIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Node s with
nextNode as well as a skip method inherited from
RangeIterator . |
Property | A Property object represents the smallest granularity of content
storage. |
PropertyIterator | Allows easy iteration through a list of Property s with
nextProperty as well as a skip method. |
RangeIterator | Extends Iterator with the skip ,
getSize and getPosition methods. |
Repository | The entry point into the content repository. |
RepositoryFactory | RepositoryFactory is a factory for Repository
objects. |
Session | The Session object provides read and (in level 2) write access
to the content of a particular workspace in the repository. |
Value | A generic holder for the value of a property. |
ValueFactory | The ValueFactory object provides methods for the creation Value
objects that can then be used to set properties. |
Workspace | A Workspace object represents a view onto a persitent workspace
within a repository. |
Class Summary | |
GuestCredentials | GuestCredentials implements the Credentials
interface and is used to obtain a "guest", "public" or "anonymous" session. |
PropertyType | The property types supported by the JCR standard. |
SimpleCredentials | SimpleCredentials implements the Credentials
interface and represents simple user ID/password credentials. |
Exception Summary | |
AccessDeniedException | Exception thrown by access-related methods. |
InvalidItemStateException | Exception thrown by the write methods of Node and Property
and by Session.save() and Session.refresh(boolean) if an attempted
change would conflict with a change to the persistent workspace made through
another Session . |
InvalidLifecycleTransitionException | Exception thrown by Lifecycle management-related methods. |
InvalidSerializedDataException | Exception thrown by the deserialization methods of Session if
the serialized data being input has an invalid format. |
ItemExistsException | An exception thrown when an attempt is made to place an item in a position where another item already exists. |
ItemNotFoundException | Exception thrown by methods of , and when an item is not found. |
LoginException | Exception thrown by and if
the specified credentials are invalid. |
MergeException | Exception thrown by Node.merge(String srcWorkspace, boolean isDeep) . |
NamespaceException | Exception thrown by if the specified uri is not registered in
the NamespaceRegistry . |
NoSuchWorkspaceException | Exception thrown by when a specific workspace is not found. |
PathNotFoundException | Exception thrown when no Item exists at the specified path or
when the specified path implies intermediary Node s that do not
exist. |
ReferentialIntegrityException | Exception thrown on referential integrity violation. |
RepositoryException | Main exception thrown by classes in this package. |
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException | Thrown by methods that are not supported by a particular implementation. |
ValueFormatException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to assign a value to a property that has an invalid format, given the type of the property. |
Provides interfaces and classes for the Content Repository for Java Technology.