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Quick Start: Make your first XD panel plugin

Let’s walk through creating your first Adobe XD panel plugin together.

We'll keep things simple in this Quick Start tutorial. Once you're done, you'll have a solid grasp of the steps to take when starting to create your own XD panel plugin.

At the end of the tutorial, we'll suggest some next steps for going deeper with the XD plugin APIs.


  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • A text editor to write your code in (like VSCode, Sublime Text, Brackets, Atom, etc)

Development Steps

Info Complete code for this plugin can be found on GitHub.

0. Get a plugin ID from the Adobe Developer Console

Before you start, you'll want to create a plugin project on the Adobe Developer Console.

  1. Go to the Adobe Developer Console and sign in or sign up
  2. Click "Create Empty Project"
  3. Create a plugin project by clicking "Add XD Plugin"
  4. Give it a project name. Note that this project name is not public; it is only visible to you and can be changed directly on the Console later.
  5. On the following page, get the 8-character unique plugin ID in the "Plugin Details" section.
  6. Optionally on the same page, download the starter project, which contains a functioning Hello, World sample plugin.

We'll use your plugin ID in one of the next steps.

1. Identify where your plugins are located

Adobe XD loads plugins that are in development from a develop folder in a specific location on your machine. To get to that folder, simply go to this menu item: Plugins > Development > Show Develop Folder.

This will open the develop folder, which we'll use in the next step.

2. Create your plugin scaffold

Next, you'll need to make a new folder within the develop folder to store the plugin files that you'll create below. Name your new plugin folder anything you like.

Now, let's create your plugin files. Open your favorite text editor and create two files inside of your new plugin folder with these exact names:

  1. manifest.json

    This file includes information about the plugin, such as its name, the menu item(s) it adds to XD, and so on.

    Learn about the manifest here.

  2. main.js

    This file contains your JavaScript code that implements your plugin's functionality.

    Learn more about main.js here.

These two files go into your plugin's parent directory. When you have the right structure, it will look like this:

Copied to your clipboard
2├── main.js
3└── manifest.json

It's possible to have more files if you want, but these files are the bare minimum requirement for your plugin to work, and are all we'll need for this Quick Start tutorial.

3. Create your plugin’s manifest

In the previous step, you created a file named manifest.json. Open that file and paste in this JSON object:

Copied to your clipboard
2 "id": "YOUR_ID_HERE",
3 "name": "Enlarge a Rectangle",
4 "version": "0.0.1",
5 "description": "Description of your plugin.",
6 "summary": "Summary of your plugin",
7 "languages": ["en"],
8 "author": "Your Name",
9 "helpUrl": "https://mywebsite.com/help",
10 "host": {
11 "app": "XD",
12 "minVersion": "18.0"
13 },
14 "uiEntryPoints": [
15 {
16 "type": "panel",
17 "label": "Enlarge a Rectangle",
18 "panelId": "enlargeRectangle"
19 }
20 ]

Be sure to replace the id value with the unique plugin ID you got from the Adobe Developer Console in the first step:

Copied to your clipboard
"id": "1234ABCD",

If you're curious about what each entry means, see the manifest documentation, where you can also learn about all manifest requirements for a plugin to be published in the XD Plugin Manager.

The value of the panelId property may be any string; in this case, it's enlargeRectangle. In the next section, we will see how this string is associated with the code for our plugin.

4. Create your plugin’s code

Next, we need to create the JavaScript code for our plugin. The code lives in a file named main.js, which we created in step #2.

Create a scaffold

Let's create some empty functions first. Copy and paste this code into main.js:

Copied to your clipboard
1function create() {}
3function show(event) {}
5function update(selection) {}
7module.exports = {
8 panels: {
9 enlargeRectangle: {
10 show,
11 update,
12 },
13 },

Now, let's look at each function in detail, starting with a create helper function that we'll use to build our UI.

Create the UI

The create function is just a helper function we'll make to help us get started. It is going to create an HTML panel element, insert our markup, and add a click event listener. The function returns our UI in code, but does not display it (we'll get to that next):

Copied to your clipboard
1let panel;
3function create() {
4 // [1]
5 const html = `
7 .break {
8 flex-wrap: wrap;
9 }
10 label.row > span {
11 color: #8E8E8E;
12 width: 20px;
13 text-align: right;
14 font-size: 9px;
15 }
16 label.row input {
17 flex: 1 1 auto;
18 }
19 form {
20 width:90%;
21 margin: -20px;
22 padding: 0px;
23 }
24 .show {
25 display: block;
26 }
27 .hide {
28 display: none;
29 }
32<form method="dialog" id="main">
33 <div class="row break">
34 <label class="row">
35 <span>↕︎</span>
36 <input type="number" uxp-quiet="true" id="txtV" value="10" placeholder="Height" />
37 </label>
38 <label class="row">
39 <span>↔︎</span>
40 <input type="number" uxp-quiet="true" id="txtH" value="10" placeholder="Width" />
41 </label>
42 </div>
43 <footer><button id="ok" type="submit" uxp-variant="cta">Apply</button></footer>
46<p id="warning">This plugin requires you to select a rectangle in the document. Please select a rectangle.</p>
49 function increaseRectangleSize() {
50 // [2]
51 const { editDocument } = require("application"); // [3]
52 const height = Number(document.querySelector("#txtV").value); // [4]
53 const width = Number(document.querySelector("#txtH").value); // [5]
55 // [6]
56 editDocument({ editLabel: "Increase rectangle size" }, function (
57 selection
58 ) {
59 const selectedRectangle = selection.items[0]; // [7]
60 selectedRectangle.width += width; // [8]
61 selectedRectangle.height += height;
62 });
63 }
65 panel = document.createElement("div"); // [9]
66 panel.innerHTML = html; // [10]
67 panel.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", increaseRectangleSize); // [11]
69 return panel; // [12]

This code does the following:

  1. Creates a const called html for your UI markup, including elements for style, form, and so on. The form tag contains a div which includes two text input fields and a footer which has a button for users to click on. The p tag contains warning text which is used to warn users when they select a non-rectangle node inside the active XD document.
  2. Creates a nested function called increaseRectangleSize.
  3. Gets a reference to the editDocument method available in the application module.
  4. Gets user input value from the "height" input element.
  5. Gets user input value from the "width" input element.
  6. Makes a request XD to manipulate the active document by using the editDocument method.
  7. Gets the first currently selected node. (Some UI logic will be added later to ensure this is a rectangle.)
  8. Modifies the width and height of the selected rectangle.
  9. Creates a div element to serve as a container for your panel UI.
  10. Attaches the HTML created in step #1.
  11. Adds a submit listener for the form element, attaching the increaseRectangleSize function created in step #2.
  12. Returns the panel UI container to be used in the next step.

Show the UI

Next, let's look at the show function. The show function is one of the lifecycle methods for a panel plugin, and the only one that is required. The show function is called when your plugin is made visible to the user.

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1function show(event) {
2 // [1]
3 if (!panel) event.node.appendChild(create()); // [2]

This code does the following:

  1. The show lifecycle method gives you access to an event argument which includes a node property that you can attach your user interface to.
  2. Adds the panel UI container returned from the create helper function to event.node if panel does not exist in the dom already.

You can also optionally provide a hide lifecycle method for your panel, but we don't need to for this example.

Update your UI

The last lifecycle method, update, is an optional function which is called whenever the user changes the selection in the XD document or mutates a node within that selection. A mutation can be anything, including moves, resizes, etc.

We'll look at this code below:

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1function update(selection) {
2 // [1]
3 const { Rectangle } = require("scenegraph"); // [2]
5 const form = document.querySelector("form"); // [3]
6 const warning = document.querySelector("#warning"); // [4]
8 if (!selection || !(selection.items[0] instanceof Rectangle)) {
9 // [5]
10 form.className = "hide";
11 warning.className = "show";
12 } else {
13 form.className = "show";
14 warning.className = "hide";
15 }

This code does the following:

  1. Uses the selection argument. update provides two arguments, selection and documentRoot. This example only uses selection.
  2. Gets a reference to the Rectangle object imported from the scenegraph module.
  3. Gets a reference to the form element in your HTML.
  4. Gets a reference to the p element with the warning message in your HTML.
  5. Checks if the user has selected anything and if the selection is a rectangle. If this validation passes, the form appears and the warning message is not shown. If not, the warning message is shown to the user and the form disappears.

Export your lifecycle methods

Finally, you need to export the panel lifecycle methods you created:

Copied to your clipboard
1module.exports = {
2 panels: {
3 enlargeRectangle: {
4 show,
5 update,
6 },
7 },

The above code exports an object with a panels property. The value of panels is also an object with a property that matches the panelId from your manifest, in this case enlargeRectangle.

Finally, enlargeRectangle is an object containing your panel lifecycle methods. Note that the show lifecycle methods is required for all panel plugins, while the hide and update methods are optional.

5. Run your plugin

So you’ve written a plugin! How do we run it?

If you haven’t already done so, launch XD and open a new document. Then navigate to the Plugins > Enlarge a Rectangle menu item. This will open your panel in the plugin launchpad on the left-hand side of the XD application.

A panel with input boxes and a button

Congratulations! You’ve built your first panel plugin for Adobe XD!

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