public interface RightsManagementServiceInterface
This interface list of all methods that needs to be implemented by RightsManagementService for policy, license, watermark etc creation, deletion, updation, document protect/un-protect, inspect, revoking it and many other functionalities related to Document Security.
Method Summary | |
Document |
applyPolicy(Document inPDFDoc,
java.lang.String documentName,
java.lang.String policyId,
java.lang.String pubUsername,
java.lang.String pubDomain)
Document |
applyPolicy(Document inPDFDoc,
java.lang.String documentName,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName,
java.lang.String pubUsername,
java.lang.String pubDomain)
Deprecated. |
void |
associateUserWithLicenseAndPolicy(java.lang.String domain,
java.lang.String userId,
java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String policyId)
void |
changeLicensePolicy(java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String newPolicyId)
void |
changeLicensePolicy(java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String newPolicySetName,
java.lang.String newPolicyName)
Switches the policy for the specified license. |
void |
changePolicyOwner(java.lang.String policyName,
PrincipalReference existingOwner,
PrincipalReference newOwner)
Changes the owner of the policy. |
PublishLicenseDTO |
createLicense(java.lang.String policyId,
java.lang.String publishUserName,
java.lang.String publishUserDomain)
PublishLicenseDTO |
createLicense(java.lang.String policyId,
java.lang.String publishUserName,
java.lang.String publishUserDomain,
java.lang.String documentName,
boolean logEvent)
Creates a publish license for the specified user and policy combination. |
PublishLicenseDTO |
createLicense(java.lang.String policyId,
java.lang.String publishUserName,
java.lang.String publishUserDomain,
java.lang.String documentName,
boolean logEvent,
java.lang.String issuingAuthorityBase)
Creates a publish license for the specified user and policy combination. |
java.lang.String |
createPolicyFromAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policySetNameOfNewPolicy,
java.lang.String newPolicyName,
java.lang.String policySetForAbstractPolicy,
java.lang.String abstractPolicyName,
java.util.List principals)
Create a policy from an existing abstract policy |
java.lang.String |
createPolicyFromExistingPolicy(java.lang.String policySetNameOfNewPolicy,
java.lang.String newPolicyName,
java.lang.String policySetNameOfExistingPolicy,
java.lang.String existingPolicyName,
int offlineLeasePeriod,
java.util.Date startingDate,
java.util.Date expirationDate,
IUserlist principalsToAdd,
java.util.List permissions,
IUserlist principalsToRemove,
java.lang.String watermarkName)
Create a policy from an existing policy with a chance to update the validity period, add or remove principals, set permissions, and add or update the watermark. |
java.lang.String |
createPolicyFromTemplate(java.lang.String newPolicySetName,
java.lang.String newPolicyName,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName,
int offlineLeasePeriod,
java.util.List principalsToAdd,
java.util.List principalsToRemove,
java.lang.String watermarkName)
Deprecated. |
java.lang.String |
createPolicySet(PolicySetSpec psSpec)
This method creates a PolicySet, Creating a lot of PolicySets will have adverse performance effects. |
void |
deleteAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policyId)
Deletes the policy specified by policyId. |
void |
deleteAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName)
Deletes the policy specified by policySetName/policyName. |
int |
deleteEvents(EventSpec event)
void |
deleteMyPolicy(java.lang.String policyName,
java.lang.String ownerUsername,
java.lang.String ownerDomain)
Deletes the policy specified by policyName/policyOwnerUsername/ownerDomain. |
void |
deletePolicy(java.lang.String policyId)
Deletes the policy specified by policyId. |
void |
deletePolicy(java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName)
Deletes the policy specified by policySetName/policyName. |
java.util.HashMap |
deletePolicySets(java.util.List policySetIds)
This method deletes all policySets whose ids have been set as argument |
void |
deleteWatermark(java.lang.String watermarkId)
Deletes the specified watermark so that it can no longer be added to policies. |
void |
exportEvents(EventSpec event,
java.lang.String filePrefix,
int maxRecordsPerFile,
EventExportFileFormat fileFormat)
Document |
extractProtectedDocument(Document inPDFDoc)
Extracts and returns the protected document from the document with cover page. |
java.util.List |
getAbstractPolicies(AbstractPolicySearchFilterSpec filter,
int maxResults)
Returns all policies of the specified type up to maxResults. |
AbstractPolicySpec |
getAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policyId)
Retrieves the policy specified by the policyId from the server. |
AbstractPolicySpec |
getAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName)
Registers the provided policy with the server. |
java.util.List |
java.util.List |
java.util.List |
java.util.List |
java.lang.String |
getDocumentKeyToRemoveSecurity(java.lang.String licenseId)
java.lang.String |
getDocumentKeyToRemoveSecurity(java.lang.String licenseId,
boolean logEvent)
returns the document key if you have the POLICY_SWITCH permission. |
LicenseSpec |
getLicense(java.lang.String licenseId)
returns the License object for the specified licenseId |
LicenseSpec |
getLicenseByAlternateId(java.lang.String alternateId)
Returns the license associated with the provided alternateId |
java.lang.String |
getLicenseID(Document inPDFDoc)
Returns the License ID held within a Policy protected document |
java.util.List |
getLicenses(LicenseSearchFilterSpec filter,
int maxResults)
Returns all licenses to maxResults. |
PolicySpec |
getMyPolicy(java.lang.String policyName,
java.lang.String ownerUsername,
java.lang.String ownerDomain)
Retrieves the policy specified by the policyName/policyOwnerUsername/ownerDomain from the server. |
int |
getNumberOfSearchedEvents(EventSpec event)
java.util.List |
getPolicies(PolicySearchFilterSpec filter,
int maxResults)
Returns all policies of the specified type up to maxResults. |
PolicySpec |
getPolicy(java.lang.String policyId)
Retrieves the policy specified by the policyId from the server. |
PolicySpec |
getPolicy(java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName)
Registers the provided policy with the server. |
PolicySpec |
getPolicyByAlternateId(java.lang.String alternateId)
Returns the policy for the specified alternateId. |
java.util.List |
getPolicyNames(java.lang.String policySetName)
PolicySetSpec |
getPolicySet(java.lang.String policySetId,
boolean fetchPolicies)
This method returns PolicySet details for the provided policySetId and if fetchPolicies is set to true, it bring details of all policies under it. |
java.lang.String |
getPolicySetIdByPolicySetName(java.lang.String policySetName)
This method get the PolicySetId corresponding to the PolicySetName |
PublishLicenseDTO |
getPublishLicenseForUser(java.lang.String domain,
java.lang.String userId)
WatermarkSpec |
getWatermark(java.lang.String watermarkId)
Returns the watermark for the specified watermarkId |
WatermarkSpec2 |
getWatermark2(java.lang.String watermarkId)
Returns the watermark for the specified watermarkId |
WatermarkSpec |
getWatermarkByName(java.lang.String watermarkName)
Returns the watermark for the specified name |
WatermarkSpec2 |
getWatermarkByName2(java.lang.String watermarkName)
Returns the watermark for the specified name |
RMInspectResult |
inspectDocument(Document inPDFDoc)
java.util.List |
inviteExternalUsers(java.util.List emails)
Sends invitation emails to a list of external users to register with the Policy server |
RMSecureDocumentResult |
protectDocument(Document inDoc,
PublishLicenseDTO publishLicense)
RMSecureDocumentResult |
protectDocument(Document inDoc,
java.lang.String documentName,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName,
java.lang.String pubUsername,
java.lang.String pubDomain,
RMLocale locale)
RMSecureDocumentResult |
protectDocument(Document inDoc,
java.lang.String documentName,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName,
java.lang.String pubUsername,
java.lang.String pubDomain,
RMLocale locale,
boolean bNamesExactMatch)
RMSecureDocumentResult |
protectDocumentWithCoverPage(Document inDoc,
java.lang.String documentName,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName,
java.lang.String pubUsername,
java.lang.String pubDomain,
Document coverDoc,
boolean bNamesExactMatch)
Secures a given PDF with the specified policy, and returns a document with a cover page and the protected document as an attachment. |
java.lang.String |
registerAbstractPolicy(AbstractPolicySpec policy)
Registers the provided abstract policy with the server. |
java.lang.String |
registerAbstractPolicy(AbstractPolicySpec policy,
java.lang.String policySetName)
Registers the abstract provided policy with the server. |
java.lang.String |
registerPolicy(PolicySpec policy)
Registers the provided policy with the server. |
java.lang.String |
registerPolicy(PolicySpec policy,
java.lang.String policySetName)
Registers the provided policy with the server. |
java.lang.String |
registerWatermark(WatermarkSpec watermark)
Registers the specified watermark with the server, allowing it to be used in policies. |
java.lang.String |
registerWatermark2(WatermarkSpec2 watermark)
Registers the specified watermark with the server, allowing it to be used in policies. |
Document |
removePolicySecurity(Document inPDFDoc)
Returns a new Document that has security removed given a policy protected document as input. |
boolean |
resetExternalUserPassword(User user,
java.lang.String pwd)
void |
revokeDocument(Document document,
Reason reason,
java.lang.String revocationURL)
Revokes the specified document, making the document it secures inaccessible |
void |
revokeLicense(java.lang.String licenseId,
Reason reason,
java.lang.String revocationURL)
Revokes the specified license, making the document it secures inaccessible |
java.util.List |
searchForEvents(EventSpec event,
int maxResults)
void |
setLicenseAlternateId(java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String alternateId)
Associates an alternate id (such as a customer invoice number) with the license |
java.util.Map |
switchPolicy(java.util.List licenseIds,
java.lang.String policyId)
java.util.Map |
switchPolicy(java.util.List licenseIds,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName)
void |
switchPolicy(java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String policyId)
void |
switchPolicy(java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName)
Document |
unlockPDFUsingPolicy(Document inPDFDoc)
Returns a new unlocked PDF given a policy protected document as input. |
void |
unrevokeDocument(Document document)
Returns the state of the document to not revoked. |
void |
unrevokeLicense(java.lang.String licenseId)
Returns the state of the license to not revoked. |
void |
updateAbstractPolicy(AbstractPolicySpec updatedPolicy)
Updates an existing policy. |
void |
updateCoordinatorPermission(java.lang.String policySetId,
java.lang.String userId,
java.util.ArrayList perms)
This method helps update Coordinator's (userId) Permissions (perms) for a given policySetId |
void |
updatePolicy(PolicySpec updatedPolicy)
Updates an existing policy. |
void |
updatePolicy(java.lang.String policySetName,
java.lang.String policyName,
int offlineLeasePeriod,
IUserlist principalsToAdd,
IUserlist principalsToRemove,
java.lang.String watermarkName)
Updates an existing policy. |
void |
updatePolicySetCoordinators(java.lang.String policysetId,
java.util.ArrayList userIdAndPermsList,
boolean add)
This method helps add/remove Coordinators on a given policySet |
void |
updatePolicySetInfo(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String desc,
java.lang.String policySetId)
This method updates the information for the given PolicySetId |
void |
updatePolicySetPublishers(java.lang.String policysetId,
java.util.ArrayList userIds,
boolean add)
This method helps add/remove Publishers on a given policySet |
void |
updatePolicySetVisibleUsersGroups(java.lang.String policysetId,
java.util.ArrayList userIds,
boolean add)
This method helps add/remove VisibleUsersGroups on a given policySet |
void |
updateRevocationURL(Document document,
java.lang.String newURL)
Updates the revocation URL for an already-revoked license |
void |
updateRevocationURL(java.lang.String licenseId,
java.lang.String newURL)
Updates the revocation URL for an already-revoked license |
void |
updateWatermark(WatermarkSpec watermark)
Updates the specified watermark with the server, allowing it to be used in policies. |
void |
updateWatermark2(WatermarkSpec2 watermark)
Updates the specified watermark with the server, allowing it to be used in policies. |
Method Detail |
java.lang.String getLicenseID(Document inPDFDoc) throws PDFEncryptionException, SDKException
RMInspectResult inspectDocument(Document inPDFDoc) throws SDKException
RMSecureDocumentResult protectDocument(Document inDoc, java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName, java.lang.String pubUsername, java.lang.String pubDomain, RMLocale locale, boolean bNamesExactMatch) throws SDKException
RMSecureDocumentResult protectDocument(Document inDoc, java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName, java.lang.String pubUsername, java.lang.String pubDomain, RMLocale locale) throws SDKException
RMSecureDocumentResult protectDocumentWithCoverPage(Document inDoc, java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName, java.lang.String pubUsername, java.lang.String pubDomain, Document coverDoc, boolean bNamesExactMatch) throws SDKException
- A Document
object that represents the PDF document to secure with the policy.documentName
- A java.lang.String
that contains the name of the document. This value
can have a maximum length of 255 single-byte characters.policySetName
- A java.lang.String
that specifies the policy set to use to secure the document.policyName
- A java.lang.String
that specifies the name of the policy to use to secure the document.pubDomain
- A java.lang.String
that represents the name of the User Manager domain of the user who is the publisher of the document.pubUsername
- A java.lang.String
that represents the canonical name of the User Manager user who is the publisher of the document.coverDoc
- A Document
object that represents the cover PDF document which will hold the protected document as an attachment.bNamesExactMatch
- A java.lang.Boolean
that tells if exact name should be used while searching the policy. The default is false. It is recommended to use true for better performance.
object that represents the policy-protected document with the cover page and other meta data.
- if any of the following conditions occur:
Document applyPolicy(Document inPDFDoc, java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName, java.lang.String pubUsername, java.lang.String pubDomain) throws PDFEncryptionException, SDKException
- an IDP Document supplied as inputencryptSpec
- an APSEncryptionSpec containing the preferences to use for encryption including the
Policy ID of the policy to use
Document applyPolicy(Document inPDFDoc, java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.String policyId, java.lang.String pubUsername, java.lang.String pubDomain) throws PDFEncryptionException, SDKException
Document unlockPDFUsingPolicy(Document inPDFDoc) throws PDFEncryptionException, SDKException
- an IDP Document supplied as input. It must be policy protected
Document removePolicySecurity(Document inPDFDoc) throws PDFEncryptionException, SDKException
- an IDP Document supplied as input. It must be policy protected
Document extractProtectedDocument(Document inPDFDoc) throws SDKException
- an IDP Document supplied as input. It must be a collection PDF with the protected PDF as an
void revokeLicense(java.lang.String licenseId, Reason reason, java.lang.String revocationURL) throws SDKException
- The Id of the license to revokereason
- The reason why the document was revoked, which will be displayed in Acrobat.
It must be one of the follow constants:
documentTerminated, documentRevised and generalMessagerevocationURL
- An optional URL that will be provided to the a user trying to open the revoked
document. This argument may be null if you do not wish to provide a URL.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
In the licenseId is not recognized by the server or the document has already been
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid revokeDocument(Document document, Reason reason, java.lang.String revocationURL) throws SDKException
- The Id of the license to revokereason
- The reason why the document was revoked, which will be displayed in Acrobat.
It must be one of the follow constants:
documentTerminated, documentRevised and generalMessagerevocationURL
- An optional URL that will be provided to the a user trying to open the revoked
document. This argument may be null if you do not wish to provide a URL.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
In the document is not recognized by the server or the document has already been
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid updateRevocationURL(java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String newURL) throws SDKException
- The Id of the revoked licensenewURL
- The new revocation URL for the revoked license
- If there was an error communicating with the server.
If the licenseId is not recognized by the server or the license is not in the
revoked state.
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid updateRevocationURL(Document document, java.lang.String newURL) throws SDKException
- The revoked documentnewURL
- The new revocation URL for the revoked license
- If there was an error communicating with the server.
If the licenseId is not recognized by the server or the license is not in the
revoked state.
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid unrevokeLicense(java.lang.String licenseId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the license to unrevoke
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the document was not recognized by the server or was not revoked.
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid unrevokeDocument(Document document) throws SDKException
- The document to unrevoke
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the document was not recognized by the server or was not revoked.
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationLicenseSpec getLicense(java.lang.String licenseId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the license to retrieve
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the licenseId was not recognized by the server
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid setLicenseAlternateId(java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String alternateId) throws SDKException
- The licenseId to associate an alternateId withalternateId
- The alternateId, which can be an arbitrary string of maximum length 255.
No two licenses may have the same alternateId associated with them
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the licenseId was not recognized by the server, or the alternateId is too long
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationLicenseSpec getLicenseByAlternateId(java.lang.String alternateId) throws SDKException
- The alternateId for a license, which was previously associated with a license
using the setAlternateIdForLicense
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the alternateId is null
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid changeLicensePolicy(java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String newPolicySetName, java.lang.String newPolicyName) throws SDKException
- The Id of the license to switch the policy on.newPolicyId
- The Id of the new policy to associate with the license
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the licenseId or newPolicyId was not recognized by the server.
If the logged in user does not have permission to perform this operationvoid changeLicensePolicy(java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String newPolicyId) throws SDKException
java.util.List getLicenses(LicenseSearchFilterSpec filter, int maxResults) throws SDKException
- A search filter that is used to specify the query. See the definition of LicenseSearchFilterSpec
for more detailsmaxResults
- The maximum number of results to return
java.lang.String registerPolicy(PolicySpec policy) throws SDKException
- A new policy to register with the server. The new policy may not have the same
name as an existing policy registered by the same user.
- If there was an error communicating with the serverjava.lang.String registerAbstractPolicy(AbstractPolicySpec policy) throws SDKException
- A new policy to register with the server. The new policy may not have the same
name as an existing policy registered by the same user.
- If there was an error communicating with the serverjava.lang.String registerAbstractPolicy(AbstractPolicySpec policy, java.lang.String policySetName) throws SDKException
- A new policy to register with the server. The new policy may not have the same
name as an existing policy registered by the same user.policySetName
- The name of the policy set that the policy will register within.
- If there was an error communicating with the serverjava.lang.String registerPolicy(PolicySpec policy, java.lang.String policySetName) throws SDKException
- A new policy to register with the server. The new policy may not have the same
name as an existing policy registered by the same user.policySetName
- The name of the policy set that the policy will register within.
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid deletePolicy(java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the policy to delete
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid deleteAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the policy to delete
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid deletePolicy(java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName) throws SDKException
- The name of the policy setpolicyName
- The name the policy (in the policy set) to delete
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid deleteAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName) throws SDKException
- The name of the policy setpolicyName
- The name the policy (in the policy set) to delete
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid deleteMyPolicy(java.lang.String policyName, java.lang.String ownerUsername, java.lang.String ownerDomain) throws SDKException
- The name the policy (in "My Policies" policy set) to deleteownerUsername
- The login identification of the policy owner of the policy to deleteownerDomain
- The domain identification of the policy owner of the policy to delete
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid updatePolicy(PolicySpec updatedPolicy) throws SDKException
- The updated policy
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid updateAbstractPolicy(AbstractPolicySpec updatedPolicy) throws SDKException
- The updated policy
- If there was an error communicating with the servervoid updatePolicy(java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName, int offlineLeasePeriod, IUserlist principalsToAdd, IUserlist principalsToRemove, java.lang.String watermarkName) throws SDKException
- The name of the policy set that contains the policy to retrievepolicyName
- The name of the policy to retrieveofflineLeasePeriod
- The offline lease period to be added or updatedprincipalToAdd
- The users and/or groups to be added to the policyprincipalToRemove
- The users and/or groups to be removed from the policypolicyId
- The name of the watermark to be added or updated
- If there was an error communicating with the serverjava.lang.String createPolicyFromTemplate(java.lang.String newPolicySetName, java.lang.String newPolicyName, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName, int offlineLeasePeriod, java.util.List principalsToAdd, java.util.List principalsToRemove, java.lang.String watermarkName) throws SDKException
- The name of the new policy set that contains the policy to retrievenewPolicyName
- The name of the new policy to retrievepolicySetName
- The name of the policy set that contains the policy to retrievepolicyName
- The name of the policy to retrieveofflineLeasePeriod
- The offline lease period to be added or updatedprincipalToAdd
- The users and/or groups to be added to the policyprincipalToRemove
- The users and/or groups to be removed from the policywatermarkName
- The name of the watermark to be added or updated
- If there was an error communicating with the servercreatePolicyFromExistingPolicy
PolicySpec getPolicy(java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the policy to retrieve
- If there was an error communicating with the serverAbstractPolicySpec getAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the policy to retrieve
- If there was an error communicating with the serverPolicySpec getPolicy(java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName) throws SDKException
- A new policy to register with the server. The new policy may not have the same
name as an existing policy registered by the same user.policySetName
- The name of the policy set that the policy will register within.
- If there was an error communicating with the serverAbstractPolicySpec getAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName) throws SDKException
- A new policy to register with the server. The new policy may not have the same
name as an existing policy registered by the same user.policySetName
- The name of the policy set that the policy will register within.
- If there was an error communicating with the serverPolicySpec getMyPolicy(java.lang.String policyName, java.lang.String ownerUsername, java.lang.String ownerDomain) throws SDKException
- The name the policy (in "My Policies" policy set) to retrieveownerUsername
- The login identification of the policy owner of the policy to retrieveownerDomain
- The domain identification of the policy owner of the policy to retrieve
- If there was an error communicating with the serverjava.util.List getPolicies(PolicySearchFilterSpec filter, int maxResults) throws SDKException
- A search filter that is used to specify the query. See the definition of PolicySearchFilter
for more detailsmaxResults
- The maximum number of results to return
java.util.List getAbstractPolicies(AbstractPolicySearchFilterSpec filter, int maxResults) throws SDKException
- A search filter that is used to specify the query. See the definition of PolicySearchFilter
for more detailsmaxResults
- The maximum number of results to return
void changePolicyOwner(java.lang.String policyName, PrincipalReference existingOwner, PrincipalReference newOwner) throws SDKException
- The new owner for the policyexistingOwner
- The new owner for the policynewOwner
- The new owner for the policy
- If there was an error communicating with the server,
If the policyName, existingOwner or newOnwer are not recognized by the server or
If the logged in user is not an AdministratorPolicySpec getPolicyByAlternateId(java.lang.String alternateId) throws SDKException
- An alternateId that was previously associated with a policy
- If there was an error communicating with the server.
If the alternateId is nullvoid switchPolicy(java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName) throws SDKException
void switchPolicy(java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
java.util.Map switchPolicy(java.util.List licenseIds, java.lang.String policySetName, java.lang.String policyName) throws SDKException
java.util.Map switchPolicy(java.util.List licenseIds, java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
java.lang.String registerWatermark(WatermarkSpec watermark) throws SDKException
- A watermark to regiseter with the server.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermark is not valid
If the logged in user is not an administrator. Only administrators may register
watermarksjava.lang.String registerWatermark2(WatermarkSpec2 watermark) throws SDKException
- A watermark to regiseter with the server.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermark is not valid
If the logged in user is not an administrator. Only administrators may register
watermarksvoid updateWatermark(WatermarkSpec watermark) throws SDKException
- A watermark to regiseter with the server.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermark is not valid
If the logged in user is not an administrator. Only administrators may register
watermarksvoid updateWatermark2(WatermarkSpec2 watermark) throws SDKException
- A watermark to regiseter with the server.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermark is not valid
If the logged in user is not an administrator. Only administrators may register
watermarksvoid deleteWatermark(java.lang.String watermarkId) throws SDKException
- The Id of the watermark to delete.
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermarkId is not recognized by the server
If the logged in user is not an administrator. Only administrators may delete
watermarksWatermarkSpec getWatermark(java.lang.String watermarkId) throws SDKException
- A valid watermarkId
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermarkId was not recognized by the serverWatermarkSpec2 getWatermark2(java.lang.String watermarkId) throws SDKException
- A valid watermarkId
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermarkId was not recognized by the serverWatermarkSpec getWatermarkByName(java.lang.String watermarkName) throws SDKException
- The name of a watermark
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermarkName is not recognized by the serverWatermarkSpec2 getWatermarkByName2(java.lang.String watermarkName) throws SDKException
- The name of a watermark
- If there was an error communicating with the server
If the watermarkName is not recognized by the serverjava.util.List inviteExternalUsers(java.util.List emails) throws SDKException
- A list of email id's to sent the invitation to
boolean resetExternalUserPassword(User user, java.lang.String pwd) throws SDKException
java.lang.String getDocumentKeyToRemoveSecurity(java.lang.String licenseId) throws SDKException
java.lang.String getDocumentKeyToRemoveSecurity(java.lang.String licenseId, boolean logEvent) throws SDKException
- - the license id for which the document key is requestedlogEvent
- - A boolean to indicate whether of logging of remove policy should be done or not
java.util.List searchForEvents(EventSpec event, int maxResults) throws SDKException
void exportEvents(EventSpec event, java.lang.String filePrefix, int maxRecordsPerFile, EventExportFileFormat fileFormat) throws SDKException
int deleteEvents(EventSpec event) throws SDKException
int getNumberOfSearchedEvents(EventSpec event) throws SDKException
java.util.List getAllPolicySetNames() throws SDKException
java.util.List getPolicyNames(java.lang.String policySetName) throws SDKException
java.util.List getAllWatermarkNames() throws SDKException
java.util.List getAllDomainNames() throws SDKException
java.util.List getCustomPermissions() throws SDKException
java.lang.String createPolicyFromExistingPolicy(java.lang.String policySetNameOfNewPolicy, java.lang.String newPolicyName, java.lang.String policySetNameOfExistingPolicy, java.lang.String existingPolicyName, int offlineLeasePeriod, java.util.Date startingDate, java.util.Date expirationDate, IUserlist principalsToAdd, java.util.List permissions, IUserlist principalsToRemove, java.lang.String watermarkName) throws SDKException
- The name of the new policy set that contains the policy to retrievenewPolicyName
- The name of the new policy to retrievepolicySetNameOfExistingPolicy
- The name of the policy set that contains the policy to retrieveexistingPolicyName
- The name of the policy to retrieveofflineLeasePeriod
- The offline lease period to be added or updatedstartingDate
- The starting date of the policy validity periodexpirationDate
- The expiration date of the policy validity periodprincipalToAdd
- The users and/or groups to be added to the policypermissions
- The permissions of the users to be added in the policyprincipalToRemove
- The users and/or groups to be removed from the policywatermarkName
- The name of the watermark to be added or updated
- If there was an error communicating with the serverjava.lang.String createPolicyFromAbstractPolicy(java.lang.String policySetNameOfNewPolicy, java.lang.String newPolicyName, java.lang.String policySetForAbstractPolicy, java.lang.String abstractPolicyName, java.util.List principals) throws SDKException
- The name of the new policy set that contains the policy to retrievenewPolicyName
- The name of the new policy to retrievepolicySetNameOfExistingPolicy
- The name of the policy set that contains the policy to retrieveabstractPolicyName
- The name of the abstract policyprincipals
- The users and/or groups to be replaced in the abstract policy
the number of principals should match the number of policy entries in the abstract policy
- If there was an error communicating with the serverPublishLicenseDTO createLicense(java.lang.String policyId, java.lang.String publishUserName, java.lang.String publishUserDomain, java.lang.String documentName, boolean logEvent) throws SDKException
- The policy id for which the license needs to be createdpublishUserId
- user id of the publisherpublishUserDomain
- domain name for the publisherdocumentName
- name of the document for which license is createdlogSecureDocEvent
- true if the secure new document event needs to be logged, false otherwise.
that contains the information
required for protecting a document
- if any of the following conditions occur:
PublishLicenseDTO createLicense(java.lang.String policyId, java.lang.String publishUserName, java.lang.String publishUserDomain) throws SDKException
PublishLicenseDTO createLicense(java.lang.String policyId, java.lang.String publishUserName, java.lang.String publishUserDomain, java.lang.String documentName, boolean logEvent, java.lang.String issuingAuthorityBase) throws SDKException
- The policy id for which the license needs to be createdpublishUserId
- user id of the publisherpublishUserDomain
- domain name for the publisherdocumentName
- name of the document for which license is createdlogSecureDocEvent
- true if the secure new document event needs to be logged, false otherwise.issuingAuthorityBase
- the base url to be embedded into the document which would be utilised to contact the drm server
that contains the information
required for protecting a document
- if any of the following conditions occur:
void associateUserWithLicenseAndPolicy(java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String licenseId, java.lang.String policyId) throws SDKException
RMSecureDocumentResult protectDocument(Document inDoc, PublishLicenseDTO publishLicense) throws SDKException
PublishLicenseDTO getPublishLicenseForUser(java.lang.String domain, java.lang.String userId) throws SDKException
PolicySetSpec getPolicySet(java.lang.String policySetId, boolean fetchPolicies) throws SDKException
- Id of the PolicySet whose information needs to be fetchedfetchPolicies
- if set to true, it fetches number of policies and details of all the policies under the policy set. If set to false, it neither fetches the details nor the count of the policies under it.
java.lang.String createPolicySet(PolicySetSpec psSpec) throws SDKException
- this object encapsulates all details related to PolicySet
void updatePolicySetInfo(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String policySetId) throws SDKException
- Updated Name of PolicySetdescription
- Updated description of the PolicySetpolicySetId
- of the PolicySet whose information needs to be updated
java.lang.String getPolicySetIdByPolicySetName(java.lang.String policySetName) throws SDKException
- name of the PolicySet
java.util.HashMap deletePolicySets(java.util.List policySetIds) throws SDKException
- of the policySets which needs to be deleted, if a policySetId does not exist the system will throw SDKException
void updatePolicySetPublishers(java.lang.String policysetId, java.util.ArrayList userIds, boolean add) throws SDKException
- id of the policySet whose publishers need to be modifieduserIds
- list of userIds which need to be added/removed from the policySet as publishersadd,
- a boolean which if set to true will add users as publishers, if set to false will delete those as publishers
void updatePolicySetVisibleUsersGroups(java.lang.String policysetId, java.util.ArrayList userIds, boolean add) throws SDKException
- id of the policySet whose VisibleUsersGroups need to be modifieduserIds
- list of userIds which need to be added/removed from the policySet as VisibleUsersGroupsadd,
- a boolean which if set to true will add users as VisibleUsersGroups, if set to false will delete those as VisibleUsersGroups
void updatePolicySetCoordinators(java.lang.String policysetId, java.util.ArrayList userIdAndPermsList, boolean add) throws SDKException
- id of the policySet whose Coordinators need to be modifieduserIdAndPermsList
- list of userIds and their permissions (com.adobe.livecycle.rightsmanagement.client.infomodel.PolicySetCoordinatorAndPerms)
which need to be added/removed from the policySet as Coordinatorsadd,
- a boolean which if set to true will add users as Coordinators, if set to false will delete those as Coordinators
void updateCoordinatorPermission(java.lang.String policySetId, java.lang.String userId, java.util.ArrayList perms) throws SDKException
- id of the policySet on which the user will we added as co-ordinatoruserId
- which will be added as co-ordinatorperms,
- an ArrayList to be set as permissions for the co-ordinator (userId).
These would be amongst com.adobe.edc.server.constants.PolicyServerConstants.PolicySetAggregatePermissions, else it would throw an exception.