Represents the Editor header Global Bar
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> annotationBadge
Badge showing the number of Annotations present in the page
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> contextHubTrigger
Allows to toggle the Context Hub functionalities
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> currentLayerButton
The button that activates the current Layer
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> element
The global bar jQuery element
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> emulatorTrigger
Allows to toggle the Emulator Bar
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> layerSwitcher
Allows to switch between the different Layers
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> pageInfoButton
Opens a menu showing the available Page Actions
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> previewLayerButton
The button that directly activates the Preview Layer
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> sidePanelTrigger
Allows to toggle the SidePanel
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> styleSelectorTrigger
Toggles the page Style Selector
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> addBarToPanelHeader(newBar [, position])
Adds a new bar element to the Panel Header at the given position.
The new bar is added to the bottom of the list if the position is undefined or out of range.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description newBar
jQuery | HTMLElement jQuery or HTML element
Number <optional>
Position in the list of children where to add the bar
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> addButton(cssClass, icon, title)
Adds a button to the Global Bar
Name Type Description cssClass
string CSS class of the button
string CoralUI class of the icon
string Title of the button
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js
<static> empty()
Empties the Global Bar additional action buttons
- Source:
- ui/ui.globalBar.js