Editor Core
The Editor Core client library provides all the base objects and concepts to support authoring of content resources.
NB: At the moment the Editor only supports cq:Page
In the repository, the code is located under /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/editors/clientlibs/core
The corresponding client library category is cq.authoring.editor.core
All the relevant JS objects and classes are accessible under the Granite.author
The Editor Core represents a foundation upon which specific Editors are built, like for instance:
- The Sites Page Editor, defined in
- The Sites Template Editor, defined in
The Editor operates on a content resource determined by the URL suffix (cf. editor.html/path/to/the/content.html).
Core Modules
The Editor user interface is composed of the following elements:
, wrapper of the content page to be authoredGranite.author.EditorFrame
, wrapper of the Editor specific elementsGranite.author.ui.globalBar
, the Editor header barGranite.author.ui.SidePanel
, aside of the EditorFrameGranite.author.ui.assetFinder
, to search for Assets to be inserted into the content pageGranite.author.ui.componentBrowser
, to search for Components to be inserted into the content page
Each component included by the content page will result in a Granite.author.Editable
entity that is used in the Editor to perform any kind of operation.
The Editor stores all Editables under Granite.author.editables
Editables are JS data structures holding a link to the component instance they represent and containing the edit configuration coming from the corresponding component; they are represented by Granite.author.ui.Overlay
elements in the EditorFrame to allow user interaction.
For instance, when a user clicks an Overlay, the Granite.author.ui.Toolbar
shows up and offers the different actions available to be performed on the Editable.
The Editor uses the concept Granite.author.Layer
to encapsulate features related for a given purpose.
The default Layers include:
, providing general "edit" operations on the contentGranite.author.PreviewLayer
, providing a quick preview of the authored content
Layers contain the configuration needed to tailor the different modules to their needs; so for instance, the Edit Layer comes with:
, to enable drag and drop on OverlaysGranite.author.edit.Toolbar
, to perform Actions on EditablesGranite.author.edit.EditableActions
, providing the low-level actions (CRUD) on EditablesGranite.author.edit.ToolbarActions
, providing the high-level actions on Editables