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Interface javax.jcr.Session

Added Methods
AccessControlManager getAccessControlManager() Returns the access control manager for this Session.
Node getNode(String) Returns the node at the specified absolute path in the workspace.
Node getNodeByIdentifier(String) Returns the node specified by the given identifier.
Property getProperty(String) Returns the property at the specified absolute path in the workspace.
RetentionManager getRetentionManager() Returns the retention and hold manager for this Session.
boolean hasCapability(String, Object, Object[]) Checks whether an operation can be performed given as much context as can be determined by the repository, including:
  • Permissions granted to the current user, including access control privileges.
boolean hasPermission(String, String) Returns true if this Session has permission to perform the specified actions at the specified absPath and false otherwise.
boolean nodeExists(String) Returns true if a node exists at absPath and this Session has read access to it; otherwise returns false.
boolean propertyExists(String) Returns true if a property exists at absPath and this Session has read access to it; otherwise returns false.
void removeItem(String) Removes the specified item and its subgraph.

Changed Methods
void addLockToken(String) Now deprecated.
As of JCR 2.0, {@link LockManager#addLockToken(String)} should be used instead.
String[] getLockTokens() Now deprecated.
As of JCR 2.0, {@link LockManager#getLockTokens()} should be used instead.
Node getNodeByUUID(String) Now deprecated.
As of JCR 2.0, {@link #getNodeByIdentifier(String)} should be used instead.
void removeLockToken(String) Now deprecated.
As of JCR 2.0, {@link LockManager#removeLockToken(String)} should be used instead.
void save() Change in exceptions: javax.jcr.ReferentialIntegrityException was added.
Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session.

Added Fields
String ACTION_ADD_NODE A constant representing the add_node action string, used to determine if this Session has permission to add a new node.
String ACTION_READ A constant representing the read action string, used to determine if this Session has permission to retrieve an item (and read the value, in the case of a property).
String ACTION_REMOVE A constant representing the remove action string, used to determine if this Session has permission to remove an item.
String ACTION_SET_PROPERTY A constant representing the set_property action string, used to determine if this Session has permission to set (add or modify) a property.