Interface VersionHistory

All Superinterfaces:
Item, Node

public interface VersionHistory
extends Node

A VersionHistory object wraps an nt:versionHistory node. It provides convenient access to version history information.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.jcr.Node
Method Summary
 void addVersionLabel(java.lang.String versionName, java.lang.String label, boolean moveLabel)
          Adds the specified label to the specified version.
 NodeIterator getAllFrozenNodes()
          Returns an iterator over all the frozen nodes of all the versions of this version history.
 NodeIterator getAllLinearFrozenNodes()
          This method returns all the frozen nodes of all the versions in this version history in the same order as getAllLinearVersions().
 VersionIterator getAllLinearVersions()
          This method returns an iterator over all the versions in the line of descent from the root version to that base version within this history that is bound to the workspace through which this VersionHistory was accessed.
 VersionIterator getAllVersions()
          Returns an iterator over all the versions within this version history.
 Version getRootVersion()
          Returns the root version of this version history.
 Version getVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
          Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version name.
 java.lang.String getVersionableIdentifier()
          Returns the identifier of the versionable node for which this is the version history.
 java.lang.String getVersionableUUID()
          Deprecated. As of JCR 2.0, getVersionableIdentifier() should be used instead.
 Version getVersionByLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version label.
 java.lang.String[] getVersionLabels()
          Returns all version labels of the history or an empty array if there are none.
 java.lang.String[] getVersionLabels(Version version)
          Returns all version labels of the given version - empty array if none.
 boolean hasVersionLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Returns true if any version in the history has the given label.
 boolean hasVersionLabel(Version version, java.lang.String label)
          Returns true if the given version has the given label.
 void removeVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
          Removes the named version from this version history and automatically repairs the version graph.
 void removeVersionLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Removes the specified label from among the labels of this version history.
Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.Node
addMixin, addNode, addNode, canAddMixin, cancelMerge, checkin, checkout, doneMerge, followLifecycleTransition, getAllowedLifecycleTransistions, getBaseVersion, getCorrespondingNodePath, getDefinition, getIdentifier, getIndex, getLock, getMixinNodeTypes, getNode, getNodes, getNodes, getNodes, getPrimaryItem, getPrimaryNodeType, getProperties, getProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getReferences, getReferences, getSharedSet, getUUID, getVersionHistory, getWeakReferences, getWeakReferences, hasNode, hasNodes, hasProperties, hasProperty, holdsLock, isCheckedOut, isLocked, isNodeType, lock, merge, orderBefore, removeMixin, removeShare, removeSharedSet, restore, restore, restore, restoreByLabel, setPrimaryType, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, unlock, update
Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.Item
accept, getAncestor, getDepth, getName, getParent, getPath, getSession, isModified, isNew, isNode, isSame, refresh, remove, save

Method Detail


java.lang.String getVersionableUUID()
                                    throws RepositoryException
Deprecated. As of JCR 2.0, getVersionableIdentifier() should be used instead.

Returns the identifier of the versionable node for which this is the version history.

the identifier of the versionable node for which this is the version history.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


java.lang.String getVersionableIdentifier()
                                          throws RepositoryException
Returns the identifier of the versionable node for which this is the version history.

the identifier of the versionable node for which this is the version history.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
JCR 2.0


Version getRootVersion()
                       throws RepositoryException
Returns the root version of this version history.

a Version object.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


VersionIterator getAllLinearVersions()
                                     throws RepositoryException
This method returns an iterator over all the versions in the line of descent from the root version to that base version within this history that is bound to the workspace through which this VersionHistory was accessed.

Within a version history H, B is the base version bound to workspace W if and only if there exists a versionable node N in W whose version history is H and B is the base version of N.

The line of descent from version V1 to V2, where V2 is a successor of V1, is the ordered list of versions starting with V1 and proceeding through each direct successor to V2.

The versions are returned in order of creation date, from oldest to newest.

Note that in a simple versioning repository the behavior of this method is equivalent to returning all versions in the version history in order from oldest to newest.

a VersionIterator object.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


VersionIterator getAllVersions()
                               throws RepositoryException
Returns an iterator over all the versions within this version history. If the version graph of this history is linear then the versions are returned in order of creation date, from oldest to newest. Otherwise the order of the returned versions is implementation-dependent.

a VersionIterator object.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


NodeIterator getAllLinearFrozenNodes()
                                     throws RepositoryException
This method returns all the frozen nodes of all the versions in this version history in the same order as getAllLinearVersions().

a NodeIterator object.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
JCR 2.0


NodeIterator getAllFrozenNodes()
                               throws RepositoryException
Returns an iterator over all the frozen nodes of all the versions of this version history. Under simple versioning the order of the returned nodes will be the order of their creation. Under full versioning the order is implementation-dependent.

a NodeIterator object.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
JCR 2.0


Version getVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
                   throws VersionException,
Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version name.

versionName - a version name
a Version object.
VersionException - if the specified version is not in this version history.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


Version getVersionByLabel(java.lang.String label)
                          throws VersionException,
Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version label.

label - a version label
a Version object.
VersionException - if the specified label is not in this version history.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


void addVersionLabel(java.lang.String versionName,
                     java.lang.String label,
                     boolean moveLabel)
                     throws LabelExistsVersionException,
Adds the specified label to the specified version.

The label must be a JCR name in either qualified or expanded form and therefore must conform to the syntax restriction that apply to such names. In particular a colon (":") should not be used unless it is intended as a prefix delimiter in a qualified name.

Adding a version label to a version corresponds to adding a reference property with a name specified by the label parameter to the jcr:versionLabels sub node of the nt:versionHistory node. The reference property points to the nt:version node that represents the specified version.

This is a workspace-write method and therefore the change is made immediately.

Within a particular version history, a given label may appear a maximum of once. If the specified label is already assigned to a version in this history and moveLabel is true then the label is removed from its current location and added to the version with the specified versionName. If moveLabel is false, then an attempt to add a label that already exists will fail.

versionName - the name of the version to which the label is to be added.
label - the label to be added, A JCR name in either expanded or qualified form.
moveLabel - if true, then if label is already assigned to a version in this version history, it is moved to the new version specified; if false, then attempting to assign an already used label will throw a LabelExistsVersionException.
LabelExistsVersionException - if moveLabel is false, and an attempt is made to add a label that already exists in this version history.
VersionException - if the specified version does not exist in this version history or if the specified version is the root version (jcr:rootVersion).
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void removeVersionLabel(java.lang.String label)
                        throws VersionException,
Removes the specified label from among the labels of this version history. The label must be a JCR name in either qualified or expanded form. This corresponds to removing a property from the jcr:versionLabels child node of the nt:versionHistory node that represents this version history.

This is workspace-write method and therefore the change is made immediately.

label - a version label. A JCR name in either expanded or qualified form.
VersionException - if the name label does not exist in this version history.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


boolean hasVersionLabel(java.lang.String label)
                        throws RepositoryException
Returns true if any version in the history has the given label. The label must be a JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.

label - a version label. A JCR name in either expanded or qualified form.
a boolean.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


boolean hasVersionLabel(Version version,
                        java.lang.String label)
                        throws VersionException,
Returns true if the given version has the given label. The label must be a JCR name in either qualified or expanded form.

version - a Version object
label - a version label. A JCR name in either expanded or qualified form.
a boolean.
VersionException - if the specified version is not of this version history.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


java.lang.String[] getVersionLabels()
                                    throws RepositoryException
Returns all version labels of the history or an empty array if there are none.

a String array containing all the labels of the version history.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


java.lang.String[] getVersionLabels(Version version)
                                    throws VersionException,
Returns all version labels of the given version - empty array if none. Throws a VersionException if the specified version is not in this version history.

version - a Version object
a String array containing all the labels of the given version
VersionException - if the specified version is not in this version history.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void removeVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
                   throws ReferentialIntegrityException,
Removes the named version from this version history and automatically repairs the version graph. If the version to be removed is V, V's predecessor set is P and V's successor set is S, then the version graph is repaired s follows: Note that this change is made immediately; there is no need to call save. In fact, since the the version storage is read-only with respect to normal repository methods, save does not even function in this context.

versionName - the name of a version in this version history.
ReferentialIntegrityException - if the specified version is currently the target of a REFERENCE property elsewhere in the repository (not necessarily in this workspace) and the current Session has read access to that REFERENCE property.
AccessDeniedException - if the current Session does not have permission to remove the specified version or if the specified version is currently the target of a REFERENCE property elsewhere in the repository (not just in this workspace) and the current Session does not have read access to that REFERENCE property.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if this operation is not supported by the implementation.
VersionException - if the named version is not in this version history.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.