Interface VersionManager

public interface VersionManager

The VersionManager object is accessed via Workspace.getVersionManager(). It provides methods for:

JCR 2.0

Method Summary
 void cancelMerge(java.lang.String absPath, Version version)
          Cancels the merge process with respect to the node at absPath and the specified version.
 Version checkin(java.lang.String absPath)
          Creates for the versionable node at absPath a new version with a system generated version name and returns that version (which will be the new base version of this node).
 void checkout(java.lang.String absPath)
          Sets the versionable node at absPath to checked-out status by setting its jcr:isCheckedOut property to true.
 Version checkpoint(java.lang.String absPath)
          Performs a checkin() followed by a checkout() on the versionable node at absPath.
 Node createActivity(java.lang.String title)
          This method creates a new nt:activity at an implementation-determined location in the /jcr:system/jcr:activities subgraph.
 Node createConfiguration(java.lang.String absPath)
          Calling createConfiguration on the node N at absPath creates, in the configuration storage, a new nt:configuration node whose root is N.
 void doneMerge(java.lang.String absPath, Version version)
          Completes the merge process with respect to the node at absPath and the specified version.
 Node getActivity()
          Returns the node representing the current activity or null if there is no current activity.
 Version getBaseVersion(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns the current base version of the versionable node at absPath.
 VersionHistory getVersionHistory(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns the VersionHistory object of the node at absPath.
 boolean isCheckedOut(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns true if the node at absPath is either versionable (full or simple) and currently checked-out, non-versionable and its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-out or non-versionable and it has no versionable ancestor.
 NodeIterator merge(Node activityNode)
          This method merges the changes that were made under the specified activity into the current workspace.
 NodeIterator merge(java.lang.String absPath, java.lang.String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort)
          This method recursively tests each versionable node in the subgraph of the node at absPath against its corresponding node in srcWorkspace with respect to the relation between their respective base versions and either updates the node in question or not, depending on the outcome of the test.
 NodeIterator merge(java.lang.String absPath, java.lang.String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort, boolean isShallow)
          Same as merge(String absPath, String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort) except that an option exists to make the merge shallow.
 void removeActivity(Node activityNode)
          This method removes the given activityNode and all REFERENCE properties within all workspaces that refer to the activityNode.
 void restore(java.lang.String absPath, java.lang.String versionName, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the node at absPath to the state defined by the version with the specified versionName.
 void restore(java.lang.String absPath, Version version, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the specified version to absPath.
 void restore(Version[] versions, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores a set of versions at once.
 void restore(Version version, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the node in the current workspace that is the versionable node of the specified version to the state reflected in that version.
 void restoreByLabel(java.lang.String absPath, java.lang.String versionLabel, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the version of the node at absPath with the specified version label.
 Node setActivity(Node activity)
          This method is called by the client to set the current activity on the current session by specifying a previously created nt:activity node (see createActivity(java.lang.String)).

Method Detail


Version checkin(java.lang.String absPath)
                throws VersionException,
Creates for the versionable node at absPath a new version with a system generated version name and returns that version (which will be the new base version of this node). Sets the jcr:checkedOut property to false thus putting the node into the checked-in state. This means that the node and its connected non-versionable subgraph become read-only. A node's connected non-versionable subgraph is the set of non-versionable descendant nodes reachable from that node through child links without encountering any versionable nodes. In other words, the read-only status flows down from the checked-in node along every child link until either a versionable node is encountered or an item with no children is encountered. In a system that supports only simple versioning the connected non-versionable subgraph will be equivalent to the whole subgraph, since simple-versionable nodes cannot have simple-versionable descendants.

Read-only status means that an item cannot be altered by the client using standard API methods (addNode, setProperty, etc.). The only exceptions to this rule are the restore(javax.jcr.version.Version[], boolean) (all signatures), restoreByLabel(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean), restore(javax.jcr.version.Version[], boolean), merge(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) and Node.update(java.lang.String) operations; these do not respect read-only status due to check-in. Note that remove of a read-only node is possible, as long as its parent is not read-only (since removal is an alteration of the parent node).

If the node is already checked-in, this method has no effect but returns the current base version of the node at absPath.

If a repository supports configurations and baselines and the node at absPath is a configuration proxy node in configuration storage then checkin of that node has the additional side effect of storing in the created version, the state of the configuration that this proxy node represents. In particular, the current bs version of each versionable node within the configuration is recorded in some implementation-specific way within the version created by the checkin. For checkin to succeed on a configuration proxy node, every versionable node within the configuration in question must have been checked-in at least once (i.e., each must have a current base version which is not the root version of its version history).

If checkin succeeds, the change to the jcr:isCheckedOut property is dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

absPath - an absolute path.
the created version.
VersionException - if jcr:predecessors does not contain at least one value or if a child item of the node at absPath has an OnParentVersion status of ABORT. This includes the case where an unresolved merge failure exists on the node, as indicated by the presence of a jcr:mergeFailed property.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - If the node at absPath node is not versionable.
InvalidItemStateException - If unsaved changes exist on the node at absPath or the node at absPath is a configuration proxy node and the configuration it represents includes a versionabe node that has never been checked-in.
LockException - if a lock prevents the operation.
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


void checkout(java.lang.String absPath)
              throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
Sets the versionable node at absPath to checked-out status by setting its jcr:isCheckedOut property to true. Under full versioning it also sets the jcr:predecessors property to be a reference to the current base version (the same value as held in jcr:baseVersion).

This method puts the node into the checked-out state, making it and its connected non-versionable subgraph no longer read-only (see checkin(String) for an explanation of the term "connected non-versionable subgraph". Under simple versioning this will simply be the whole subgraph).

If successful, these changes are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

If the node at absPath is already checked-out, this method has no effect.

absPath - an absolute path.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - If the node at absPath is not versionable.
LockException - if a lock prevents the checkout.
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


Version checkpoint(java.lang.String absPath)
                   throws VersionException,
Performs a checkin() followed by a checkout() on the versionable node at absPath.

If the node is already checked-in, this method is equivalent to checkout().

absPath - an absolute path.
the created version.
VersionException - if a child item of the node at absPath has an OnParentVersion of ABORT. This includes the case where an unresolved merge failure exists on the node, as indicated by the presence of the jcr:mergeFailed.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
InvalidItemStateException - if there are unsaved changes pending on the node at absPath.
LockException - if a lock prevents the operation.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0


boolean isCheckedOut(java.lang.String absPath)
                     throws RepositoryException
Returns true if the node at absPath is either

Returns false if the node at absPath is either

absPath - an absolute path.
a boolean
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


VersionHistory getVersionHistory(java.lang.String absPath)
                                 throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
Returns the VersionHistory object of the node at absPath. This object provides access to the nt:versionHistory node holding the node's versions.

absPath - an absolute path.
a VersionHistory object
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


Version getBaseVersion(java.lang.String absPath)
                       throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
Returns the current base version of the versionable node at absPath.

absPath - an absolute path.
a Version object.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


void restore(Version[] versions,
             boolean removeExisting)
             throws ItemExistsException,
Restores a set of versions at once. Used in cases where a "chicken and egg" problem of mutually referring REFERENCE properties would prevent the restore in any serial order.

If the restore succeeds the changes made are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

The following restrictions apply to the set of versions specified:

If S is the set of versions being restored simultaneously,

If any of these restrictions does not hold, the restore will fail because the system will be unable to determine the path locations to which one or more versions are to be restored. In this case a VersionException is thrown.

The versionable nodes in the current workspace that correspond to the versions being restored define a set of (one or more) subgraphs. An identifier collision occurs when the current workspace contains a node outside these subgraphs that has the same identifier as one of the nodes that would be introduced by the restore operation into one of these subgraphs. The result in such a case is governed by the removeExisting flag. If removeExisting is true then the incoming node takes precedence, and the existing node (and its subgraph) is removed. If removeExisting is false then a ItemExistsException is thrown and no changes are made. Note that this applies not only to cases where the restored node itself conflicts with an existing node but also to cases where a conflict occurs with any node that would be introduced into the workspace by the restore operation. In particular, conflicts involving subnodes of the restored node that have OnParentVersion settings of COPY or VERSION are also governed by the removeExisting flag.

versions - The set of versions to be restored.
removeExisting - governs what happens on identifier collision.
ItemExistsException - if removeExisting is false and an identifier collision occurs with a node being restored.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if one or more of the nodes to be restored is not versionable.
VersionException - if the set of versions to be restored is such that the original path location of one or more of the versions cannot be determined or if the restore would change the state of a existing versionable node that is currently checked-in or if a root version (jcr:rootVersion) is among those being restored.
LockException - if a lock prevents the restore.
InvalidItemStateException - if this Session has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void restore(java.lang.String absPath,
             java.lang.String versionName,
             boolean removeExisting)
             throws VersionException,
Restores the node at absPath to the state defined by the version with the specified versionName.

If the node at absPath is not versionable, an UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException is thrown.

If successful, the change is dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save. This method will work regardless of whether the node at absPath is checked-in or not.

An identifier collision occurs when a node exists outside the subgraph rooted at this node with the same identifier as a node that would be introduced by the restore operation into the subgraph at this node. The result in such a case is governed by the removeExisting flag. If removeExisting is true, then the incoming node takes precedence, and the existing node (and its subgraph) is removed (if possible; otherwise a RepositoryException is thrown). If removeExisting is false, then a ItemExistsException is thrown and no changes are made. Note that this applies not only to cases where the restored node itself conflicts with an existing node but also to cases where a conflict occurs with any node that would be introduced into the workspace by the restore operation. In particular, conflicts involving subnodes of the restored node that have OnParentVersion settings of COPY or VERSION are also governed by the removeExisting flag.

absPath - an absolute path.
versionName - a Version object
removeExisting - a boolean flag that governs what happens in case of an identifier collision.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
VersionException - if the specified version is not part of this node's version history or if an attempt is made to restore the root version (jcr:rootVersion) or if no node exists at absPath.
ItemExistsException - if removeExisting is false and an identifier collision occurs.
LockException - if a lock prevents the restore.
InvalidItemStateException - if this Session (not necessarily the Node at absPath) has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


void restore(Version version,
             boolean removeExisting)
             throws VersionException,
Restores the node in the current workspace that is the versionable node of the specified version to the state reflected in that version.

If successful, the change is dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save. This method ignores checked-in status.

An identifier collision occurs when a node exists outside the subgraph rooted at this node with the same identifier as a node that would be introduced by the restore operation into the subgraph at this node. The result in such a case is governed by the removeExisting flag. If removeExisting is true, then the incoming node takes precedence, and the existing node (and its subgraph) is removed (if possible; otherwise a RepositoryException is thrown). If removeExisting is false, then a ItemExistsException is thrown and no changes are made. Note that this applies not only to cases where the restored node itself conflicts with an existing node but also to cases where a conflict occurs with any node that would be introduced into the workspace by the restore operation. In particular, conflicts involving subnodes of the restored node that have OnParentVersion settings of COPY or VERSION are also governed by the removeExisting flag.

version - a Version object
removeExisting - a boolean flag that governs what happens in case of an identifier collision.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if versioning is not supported.
VersionException - if the specified version does not have a corresponding node in the workspace this VersionManager has been created for or if an attempt is made to restore the root version (jcr:rootVersion).
ItemExistsException - if removeExisting is false and an identifier collision occurs.
InvalidItemStateException - if this Session (not necessarily the Node at absPath) has pending unsaved changes.
LockException - if a lock prevents the restore.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void restore(java.lang.String absPath,
             Version version,
             boolean removeExisting)
             throws PathNotFoundException,
Restores the specified version to absPath.

There must be no existing node at absPath. If one exists, a VersionException is thrown.

There must be a parent node to the location at absPath, otherwise a PathNotFoundException is thrown.

An identifier collision occurs when a node exists outside the subgraph rooted at absPath with the same identifier as a node that would be introduced by the restore operation into the subgraph at absPath. The result in such a case is governed by the removeExisting flag. If removeExisting is true, then the incoming node takes precedence, and the existing node (and its subgraph) is removed (if possible; otherwise a RepositoryException is thrown). If removeExisting is false, then a ItemExistsException is thrown and no changes are made. Note that this applies not only to cases where the restored node itself conflicts with an existing node but also to cases where a conflict occurs with any node that would be introduced into the workspace by the restore operation. In particular, conflicts involving subnodes of the restored node that have OnParentVersion settings of COPY or VERSION are also governed by the removeExisting flag.

If the would-be parent of the location absPath is actually a property, or if a node type restriction would be violated, then a ConstraintViolationException is thrown.

If the restore succeeds, the changes made to this node are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

absPath - an absolute the path to which the version is to be restored.
version - a version object
removeExisting - covers what happens on identifier collision.
PathNotFoundException - if the parent of absPath does not exist.
ItemExistsException - if removeExisting is false and an identifier collision occurs
ConstraintViolationException - If the would-be parent of the location absPath is actually a property, or if a node type restriction would be violated
VersionException - if the parent node of absPath is read-only due to a checked-in node or if a node exists at absPath or if an attempt is made to restore the root version.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if versioning is not supported.
LockException - if a lock prevents the restore.
InvalidItemStateException - if this Session (not necessarily the Node at absPath) has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs


void restoreByLabel(java.lang.String absPath,
                    java.lang.String versionLabel,
                    boolean removeExisting)
                    throws VersionException,
Restores the version of the node at absPath with the specified version label. If successful, the change is dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

This method will work regardless of whether the node at absPath is checked-in or not.

An identifier collision occurs when a node exists outside the subgraph rooted at this node with the same identifier as a node that would be introduced by the restoreByLabel operation into the subgraph at this node. The result in such a case is governed by the removeExisting flag. If removeExisting is true, then the incoming node takes precedence, and the existing node (and its subgraph) is removed (if possible; otherwise a RepositoryException is thrown). If removeExisting is false, then a ItemExistsException is thrown and no changes are made. Note that this applies not only to cases where the restored node itself conflicts with an existing node but also to cases where a conflict occurs with any node that would be introduced into the workspace by the restore operation. In particular, conflicts involving subnodes of the restored node that have OnParentVersion settings of COPY or VERSION are also governed by the removeExisting flag.

absPath - an absolute path.
versionLabel - a String
removeExisting - a boolean flag that governs what happens in case of an identifier collision.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
VersionException - if the specified versionLabel does not exist in this node's version history or if no node exists at absPath.
ItemExistsException - if removeExisting is false and an identifier collision occurs.
LockException - if a lock prevents the restore.
InvalidItemStateException - if this Session (not necessarily the Node at absPath) has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - If another error occurs.


NodeIterator merge(java.lang.String absPath,
                   java.lang.String srcWorkspace,
                   boolean bestEffort)
                   throws NoSuchWorkspaceException,
This method recursively tests each versionable node in the subgraph of the node at absPath against its corresponding node in srcWorkspace with respect to the relation between their respective base versions and either updates the node in question or not, depending on the outcome of the test.

When a versionable node V with base version B is encountered whose corresponding node V' has a base version B':

  • If B' is an eventual predecessor of B then V is left unchanged.
  • If B' is an eventual successor of B then V is updated to the state of V'.
  • If B' and B are ob divergent branches of the version history then V fails the merge.
If bestEffort is true then each failed node is marked and traversal continues. If bestEffort is false then the first failed node results in a MergeException.

This is a workspace-write method and therefore any changes are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

This method returns a NodeIterator over all versionable nodes in the subgraph that received a merge result of fail. If bestEffort is false, this iterator will be empty (since if merge returns successfully, instead of throwing an exception, it will be because no failures were encountered). If bestEffort is true, this iterator will contain all nodes that received a fail during the course of this merge operation.

See the JCR specifications for more details on the behavior of this method.

absPath - an absolute path.
srcWorkspace - the name of the source workspace.
bestEffort - a boolean
iterator over all nodes that received a merge result of "fail" in the course of this operation.
MergeException - if bestEffort is false and a failed merge result is encountered.
InvalidItemStateException - if this session (not necessarily the node at absPath) has pending unsaved changes.
NoSuchWorkspaceException - if the specified srcWorkspace does not exist.
AccessDeniedException - if the current session does not have sufficient rights to perform the operation.
LockException - if a lock prevents the merge.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


NodeIterator merge(java.lang.String absPath,
                   java.lang.String srcWorkspace,
                   boolean bestEffort,
                   boolean isShallow)
                   throws NoSuchWorkspaceException,
Same as merge(String absPath, String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort) except that an option exists to make the merge shallow.

If isShallow is true, this method tests this versionable node against its corresponding node in srcWorkspace with respect to the relation between their respective base versions and either updates the node in question or not, depending on the outcome of the test.

If isShallow is false, it recursively tests each versionable node in the subgraph as mentioned above. See merge(String absPath, String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort).

If isShallow is true and this node is not versionable, then this method returns and no changes are made.

If successful, the changes are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

This method returns a NodeIterator over all versionable nodes in the subgraph that received a merge result of fail. If bestEffort is false, this iterator will be empty (since if merge returns successfully, instead of throwing an exception, it will be because no failures were encountered). If bestEffort is true, this iterator will contain all nodes that received a fail during the course of this merge operation.

absPath - an absolute path.
srcWorkspace - the name of the source workspace.
bestEffort - a boolean
isShallow - a boolean
iterator over all nodes that received a merge result of "fail" in the course of this operation.
MergeException - if bestEffort is false and a failed merge result is encountered.
InvalidItemStateException - if this session (not necessarily this node) has pending unsaved changes.
NoSuchWorkspaceException - if srcWorkspace does not exist.
AccessDeniedException - if the current session does not have sufficient rights to perform the operation.
LockException - if a lock prevents the merge.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0


void doneMerge(java.lang.String absPath,
               Version version)
               throws VersionException,
Completes the merge process with respect to the node at absPath and the specified version.

When the merge(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) method is called on a node, every versionable node in that subgraph is compared with its corresponding node in the indicated other workspace and a "merge test result" is determined indicating one of the following:

  1. This node will be updated to the state of its correspondee (if the base version of the correspondee is more recent in terms of version history)
  2. This node will be left alone (if this node's base version is more recent in terms of version history).
  3. This node will be marked as having failed the merge test (if this node's base version is on a different branch of the version history from the base version of its corresponding node in the other workspace, thus preventing an automatic determination of which is more recent).

(See merge(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) for more details)

In the last case the merge of the non-versionable subgraph (the "content") of this node must be done by the application (for example, by providing a merge tool for the user).

Additionally, once the content of the nodes has been merged, their version graph branches must also be merged. The JCR versioning system provides for this by keeping a record, for each versionable node that fails the merge test, of the base version of the corresponding node that caused the merge failure. This record is kept in the jcr:mergeFailed property of this node. After a merge, this property will contain one or more (if multiple merges have been performed) REFERENCEs that point to the "offending versions".

To complete the merge process, the client calls doneMerge(Version v) passing the version object referred to be the jcr:mergeFailed property that the client wishes to connect to this node in the version graph. This has the effect of moving the reference to the indicated version from the jcr:mergeFailed property of this node to the jcr:predecessors.

If the client chooses not to connect this node to a particular version referenced in the jcr:mergeFailed property, he calls cancelMerge(String, Version). This has the effect of removing the reference to the specified version from jcr:mergeFailed without adding it to jcr:predecessors.

Once the last reference in jcr:mergeFailed has been either moved to jcr:predecessors (with doneMerge) or just removed from jcr:mergeFailed (with cancelMerge) the jcr:mergeFailed property is automatically removed, thus enabling this node to be checked-in, creating a new version (note that before the jcr:mergeFailed is removed, its OnParentVersion setting of ABORT prevents checkin). This new version will have a predecessor connection to each version for which doneMerge was called, thus joining those branches of the version graph.

If successful, these changes are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

absPath - an absolute path.
version - a version referred to by the jcr:mergeFailed property of the node at absPath.
VersionException - if the version specified is not among those referenced in this node's jcr:mergeFailed or if the node is currently checked-in.
InvalidItemStateException - if there are unsaved changes pending on the node at absPath.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void cancelMerge(java.lang.String absPath,
                 Version version)
                 throws VersionException,
Cancels the merge process with respect to the node at absPath and the specified version.

See doneMerge(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.version.Version) for a full explanation. Also see merge(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) for more details.

If successful, these changes are dispatched immediately; there is no need to call save.

absPath - an absolute path.
version - a version referred to by the jcr:mergeFailed property of the node at absPath.
VersionException - if the version specified is not among those referenced in the jcr:mergeFailed property of the node at absPath or if the node is currently checked-in.
InvalidItemStateException - if there are unsaved changes pending on the node at absPath.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the node at absPath is not versionable.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


Node createConfiguration(java.lang.String absPath)
                         throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
Calling createConfiguration on the node N at absPath creates, in the configuration storage, a new nt:configuration node whose root is N. A reference to N is recorded in the jcr:root property of the new configuration, and a reference to the new configuration is recorded in the jcr:configuration property of N.

A new version history is created to store baselines of the new configuration, and the jcr:baseVersion of the new configuration references the root version of the new version history.

The changes are dispatched immediately; a save is not required.

absPath - an absolute path.
a new nt:configuration node
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if N is not versionable.
RepositoryException - if no node exists at absPath or another error occurs .
JCR 2.0


Node setActivity(Node activity)
                 throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
This method is called by the client to set the current activity on the current session by specifying a previously created nt:activity node (see createActivity(java.lang.String)). Changing the current activity is done by calling setActivity again. Cancelling the current activity (so that the session has no current activity) is done by calling setActivity(null). The previously set nt:activity node is returned, or null if no activity was previously set.

activity - an activity node
The previously set nt:activity node is returned, or null if no activity was previously set.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the repository does not support activities or if activity is not a nt:activity node.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0


Node getActivity()
                 throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
Returns the node representing the current activity or null if there is no current activity.

An nt:activity node or null.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the repository does not support activities.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0


Node createActivity(java.lang.String title)
                    throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
This method creates a new nt:activity at an implementation-determined location in the /jcr:system/jcr:activities subgraph.

The repository may, but is not required to, use the title as a hint for what to name the new activity node. The new activity Node is returned.

The new node addition is dispatched immediately and does not require a save.

title - a String
the new activity Node.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the repository does not support activities.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0


void removeActivity(Node activityNode)
                    throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException,
This method removes the given activityNode and all REFERENCE properties within all workspaces that refer to the activityNode. However, the existence of a REFERENCE to the activityNode from within version storage will cause a VersionException to be thrown.

The change is dispatched immediately and does not require a save.

activityNode - an activity Node.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if the repository does not support activities.
VersionException - if a REFERENCE to the activityNode exists in version storage.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0


NodeIterator merge(Node activityNode)
                   throws VersionException,
This method merges the changes that were made under the specified activity into the current workspace.

An activity A will be associated with a set of versions through the jcr:activity reference of each version node in the set. We call each such associated version a member of A.

For each version history H that contains one or more members of A, one such member will be the latest member of A in H. The latest member of A in H is the version in H that is a member of A and that has no successor versions (to any degree) that are also members of A.

The set of versions that are the latest members of A in their respective version histories is called the change set of A. It fully describes the changes made under the activity A.

This method performs a shallow merge into the current workspace of each version in the change set of the activity specified by activityNode. If there is no corresponding node in this workspace for a given member of the change set, that member is ignored.

This method returns a NodeIterator over all versionable nodes in the subgraph that received a merge result of fail.

The changes are dispatched immediately and do not require a save.

activityNode - an nt:activity node
a NodeIterator
AccessDeniedException - if the current session does not have sufficient rights to perform the operation.
VersionException - if the specified node is not an nt:activity node.
MergeException - in the same cases as in a regular shallow merge (see merge(String, String, boolean, boolean).
LockException - if a lock prevents the merge.
InvalidItemStateException - if this Session has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
JCR 2.0