Uses of Interface

Packages that use Version
javax.jcr Provides interfaces and classes for the Content Repository for Java Technology. 
javax.jcr.version Provides interfaces and classes for content repository versioning functionality. 

Uses of Version in javax.jcr

Methods in javax.jcr that return Version
 Version Node.checkin()
          Creates a new version with a system generated version name and returns that version (which will be the new base version of this node).
 Version Node.getBaseVersion()
          Returns the current base version of this versionable node.

Methods in javax.jcr with parameters of type Version
 void Workspace.restore(Version[] versions, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores a set of versions at once.
 void Node.doneMerge(Version version)
          Completes the merge process with respect to this node and the specified version.
 void Node.cancelMerge(Version version)
          Cancels the merge process with respect to this node and specified version.
 void Node.restore(Version version, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores this node to the state defined by the specified version.
 void Node.restore(Version version, java.lang.String relPath, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the specified version to relPath, relative to this node.

Uses of Version in javax.jcr.version

Methods in javax.jcr.version that return Version
 Version VersionIterator.nextVersion()
          Returns the next Version in the iteration.
 Version VersionHistory.getRootVersion()
          Returns the root version of this version history.
 Version VersionHistory.getVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
          Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version name.
 Version VersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version label.
 Version[] Version.getSuccessors()
          Returns the successor versions of this version.
 Version[] Version.getPredecessors()
          Returns the predecessor versions of this version.

Methods in javax.jcr.version with parameters of type Version
 boolean VersionHistory.hasVersionLabel(Version version, java.lang.String label)
          Returns true if the given version has the given label.
 java.lang.String[] VersionHistory.getVersionLabels(Version version)
          Returns all version labels of the given version - empty array if none.

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