Enum | Description |
CMYKPolicy |
Represents CMYK (cyan-magenta-yellow-black) color options.
Color |
Represents color options that are applicable to the PostScipt file.
ColorCompression |
Color compression settings that are used to compress color images.
ColorSpace |
Represents a color space, which represents the range of colors.
FontInclusion |
Specifies how fonts are included within a PostScript file.
GrayScaleCompression |
Represents gray scale compression settings.
GrayScalePolicy |
Represents the gray scale policy.
ImageConvertFormat |
Represents an image conversion format, which specifies are images are converted.
Interlace |
Represents interlace settings, which specifies how image data is encoded.
JPEGFormat |
Represents the JPEG format.
LineWeight |
Represents line weight settings, which are used to enhance drawing readability.
MonochromeCompression |
Represents monochrome compression settings.
PageSize |
Represents page size settings that are applicable to the resulting PostScript file.
Pagination |
Represents pagination XCI values.
PNGFilter |
Represents PNG filter settings.
PSLevel |
Represents PostScript levels.
RGBPolicy |
Represents RGB policy settings.
Style |
Represents PostScript styles.
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