Uses of Class

Packages that use PathNotFoundException
javax.jcr Provides interfaces and classes for the Content Repository for Java Technology. 
javax.jcr.query Provides interfaces and classes for content repository searching functionality. 

Uses of PathNotFoundException in javax.jcr

Methods in javax.jcr that throw PathNotFoundException
 void Workspace.copy(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          This method copies the node at srcAbsPath to the new location at destAbsPath.
 void Workspace.copy(java.lang.String srcWorkspace, java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          This method copies the subtree at srcAbsPath in srcWorkspace to destAbsPath in this workspace.
 void Workspace.clone(java.lang.String srcWorkspace, java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath, boolean removeExisting)
          Clones the subtree at the node srcAbsPath in srcWorkspace to the new location at destAbsPath in this workspace.
 void Workspace.move(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          Moves the node at srcAbsPath (and its entire subtree) to the new location at destAbsPath.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler Workspace.getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, int uuidBehavior)
          Returns an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler which can be used to push SAX events into the repository.
 void Workspace.importXML(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, in, int uuidBehavior)
          Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at parentAbsPath.
 Item Session.getItem(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns the item at the specified absolute path in the workspace.
 void Session.move(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          Moves the node at srcAbsPath (and its entire subtree) to the new location at destAbsPath.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler Session.getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, int uuidBehavior)
          Returns an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler which can be used to push SAX events into the repository.
 void Session.importXML(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, in, int uuidBehavior)
          Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at parentAbsPath.
 void Session.exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath into a series of SAX events by calling the methods of the supplied org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.
 void Session.exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath, out, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath as an XML stream and outputs it to the supplied OutputStream.
 void Session.exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath into a series of SAX events by calling the methods of the supplied org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.
 void Session.exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath, out, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath as an XML stream and outputs it to the supplied OutputStream.
 Node Node.addNode(java.lang.String relPath)
          Creates a new node at relPath.
 Node Node.addNode(java.lang.String relPath, java.lang.String primaryNodeTypeName)
          Creates a new node at relPath of the specified node type.
 Node Node.getNode(java.lang.String relPath)
          Returns the node at relPath relative to this node.
 Property Node.getProperty(java.lang.String relPath)
          Returns the property at relPath relative to this node.
 void Node.restore(Version version, java.lang.String relPath, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the specified version to relPath, relative to this node.

Uses of PathNotFoundException in javax.jcr.query

Methods in javax.jcr.query that throw PathNotFoundException
 Node Query.storeAsNode(java.lang.String absPath)
          Creates a node representing this Query in content.

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