Uses of Class

Packages that use RepositoryException
javax.jcr Provides interfaces and classes for the Content Repository for Java Technology. 
javax.jcr.lock Provides interfaces and classes for content repository locking functionality. 
javax.jcr.nodetype Provides interfaces and classes for content repository node type functionality. 
javax.jcr.observation Provides interfaces and classes for content repository event observation functionality. 
javax.jcr.query Provides interfaces and classes for content repository searching functionality. 
javax.jcr.util Provides utility classes for the content repository API. 
javax.jcr.version Provides interfaces and classes for content repository versioning functionality. 

Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr

Subclasses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr
 class AccessDeniedException
          Exception thrown by access-related methods.
 class InvalidItemStateException
          Exception thrown by the write methods of Node and Property and by save and refresh if an attempted change would conflict with a change to the persistent workspace made through another Session.
 class InvalidSerializedDataException
          Exception thrown by the deserialization methods of Session if the serialized data being input has an invalid format.
 class ItemExistsException
          An exception thrown when an attempt is made to place an item in a position where another item already exists.
 class ItemNotFoundException
          Exception thrown by methods of Item, Node and Workspace when an item is not found.
 class LoginException
          Exception thrown by Repository.login(Credentials, String) and Session.impersonate(Credentials) if the specified credentials are invalid.
 class MergeException
          Exception thrown by Node.merge(String srcWorkspace, boolean isDeep).
 class NamespaceException
          Exception thrown by Session.setNamespacePrefix(String prefix, String uri) if the specified uri is not registered in the NamespaceRegistry
 class NoSuchWorkspaceException
          Exception thrown by Repository.login(Credentials, String) when a specific workspace is not found.
 class PathNotFoundException
          Exception thrown when no Item exists at the specified path or when the specified path implies intermediary Nodes that do not exist.
 class ReferentialIntegrityException
          Exception thrown on referential integrity violation.
 class UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
          Thrown by methods that are not supported by a particluar implementation
 class ValueFormatException
          Exception thrown when an attempt is made to assign a value to a property that has an invalid format, given the type of the property.

Methods in javax.jcr that throw RepositoryException
 void Workspace.copy(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          This method copies the node at srcAbsPath to the new location at destAbsPath.
 void Workspace.copy(java.lang.String srcWorkspace, java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          This method copies the subtree at srcAbsPath in srcWorkspace to destAbsPath in this workspace.
 void Workspace.clone(java.lang.String srcWorkspace, java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath, boolean removeExisting)
          Clones the subtree at the node srcAbsPath in srcWorkspace to the new location at destAbsPath in this workspace.
 void Workspace.move(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          Moves the node at srcAbsPath (and its entire subtree) to the new location at destAbsPath.
 void Workspace.restore(Version[] versions, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores a set of versions at once.
 QueryManager Workspace.getQueryManager()
          Gets the QueryManager.
 NamespaceRegistry Workspace.getNamespaceRegistry()
          Returns the NamespaceRegistry object, which is used to access information and (in level 2) set the mapping between namespace prefixes and URIs.
 NodeTypeManager Workspace.getNodeTypeManager()
          Returns the NodeTypeManager through which node type information can be queried.
 ObservationManager Workspace.getObservationManager()
          If the the implementation supports observation this method returns the ObservationManager object; otherwise it throws an UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException.
 java.lang.String[] Workspace.getAccessibleWorkspaceNames()
          Returns an string array containing the names of all workspaces in this repository that are accessible to this user, given the Credentials that were used to get the Session tied to this Workspace.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler Workspace.getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, int uuidBehavior)
          Returns an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler which can be used to push SAX events into the repository.
 void Workspace.importXML(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, in, int uuidBehavior)
          Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at parentAbsPath.
 Value ValueFactory.createValue(Node value)
          Returns a Value object of PropertyType.REFERENCE that holds the UUID of the specified Node.
 java.lang.String Value.getString()
          Returns a String representation of this value. Value.getStream()
          Returns an InputStream representation of this value.
 long Value.getLong()
          Returns a long representation of this value.
 double Value.getDouble()
          Returns a double representation of this value.
 java.util.Calendar Value.getDate()
          Returns a Calendar representation of this value.
 boolean Value.getBoolean()
          Returns a Boolean representation of this value.
 Session Session.impersonate(Credentials credentials)
          Returns a new session in accordance with the specified (new) Credentials.
 Node Session.getRootNode()
          Returns the root node of the workspace.
 Node Session.getNodeByUUID(java.lang.String uuid)
          Returns the node specifed by the given UUID.
 Item Session.getItem(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns the item at the specified absolute path in the workspace.
 boolean Session.itemExists(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns true if an item exists at absPath; otherwise returns false.
 void Session.move(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          Moves the node at srcAbsPath (and its entire subtree) to the new location at destAbsPath.
          Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session.
 void Session.refresh(boolean keepChanges)
          If keepChanges is false, this method discards all pending changes currently recorded in this Session and returns all items to reflect the current saved state.
 boolean Session.hasPendingChanges()
          Returns true if this session holds pending (that is, unsaved) changes; otherwise returns false.
 ValueFactory Session.getValueFactory()
          This method returns a ValueFactory that is used to create Value objects for use when setting repository properties.
 void Session.checkPermission(java.lang.String absPath, java.lang.String actions)
          Determines whether this Session has permission to perform the specified actions at the specified absPath.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler Session.getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, int uuidBehavior)
          Returns an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler which can be used to push SAX events into the repository.
 void Session.importXML(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, in, int uuidBehavior)
          Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at parentAbsPath.
 void Session.exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath into a series of SAX events by calling the methods of the supplied org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.
 void Session.exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath, out, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath as an XML stream and outputs it to the supplied OutputStream.
 void Session.exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath into a series of SAX events by calling the methods of the supplied org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.
 void Session.exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath, out, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          Serializes the node (and if noRecurse is false, the whole subtree) at absPath as an XML stream and outputs it to the supplied OutputStream.
 void Session.setNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          Within the scope of this session, rename a persistently registered namespace URI to the new prefix.
 java.lang.String[] Session.getNamespacePrefixes()
          Returns all prefixes currently set for this session.
 java.lang.String Session.getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
          For a given prefix, returns the URI to which it is mapped as currently set in this Session.
 java.lang.String Session.getNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the prefix to which the given URI is mapped
 Session Repository.login(Credentials credentials, java.lang.String workspaceName)
          Authenticates the user using the supplied credentials.
 Session Repository.login(Credentials credentials)
          Equivalent to login(credentials, null).
 Session Repository.login(java.lang.String workspaceName)
          Equivalent to login(null, workspaceName).
 Session Repository.login()
          Equivalent to login(null, null).
 void Property.setValue(Value value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(Value[] values)
          Sets the value of this property to the values array.
 void Property.setValue(java.lang.String value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(java.lang.String[] values)
          Sets the value of this property to the values array.
 void Property.setValue( value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(long value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(double value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(java.util.Calendar value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(boolean value)
          Sets the value of this property to value.
 void Property.setValue(Node value)
          Sets this REFERENCE property to refer to the specified node.
 Value Property.getValue()
          Returns the value of this property as a generic Value object.
 Value[] Property.getValues()
          Returns an array of all the values of this property.
 java.lang.String Property.getString()
          Returns a String representation of the value of this property. Property.getStream()
          Returns an InputStream representation of the value of this property.
 long Property.getLong()
          Returns a long representation of the value of this property.
 double Property.getDouble()
          Returns a double representation of the value of this property.
 java.util.Calendar Property.getDate()
          Returns a Calendar representation of the value of this property.
 boolean Property.getBoolean()
          Returns a boolean representation of the value of this property.
 Node Property.getNode()
          If this property is of type REFERENCE this method returns the node to which this property refers.
 long Property.getLength()
          Returns the length of the value of this property.
 long[] Property.getLengths()
          Returns an array holding the lengths of the values of this (multi-value) property in bytes if the values are PropertyType.BINARY, otherwise it returns the number of characters needed to display the value in its string form.
 PropertyDefinition Property.getDefinition()
          Returns the property definition that applies to this property.
 int Property.getType()
          Returns the type of this Property.
 Node Node.addNode(java.lang.String relPath)
          Creates a new node at relPath.
 Node Node.addNode(java.lang.String relPath, java.lang.String primaryNodeTypeName)
          Creates a new node at relPath of the specified node type.
 void Node.orderBefore(java.lang.String srcChildRelPath, java.lang.String destChildRelPath)
          If this node supports child node ordering, this method inserts the child node at srcChildRelPath before its sibling, the child node at destChildRelPath, in the child node list.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, Value value)
          Sets the specified (single-value) property of this node to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, Value value, int type)
          Sets the specified (single-value) property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, Value[] values)
          Sets the specified (multi-value) property to the specified array of values.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, Value[] values, int type)
          Sets the specified (multi-value) property to the specified array of values.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] values)
          Sets the specified property to the specified array of values.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] values, int type)
          Sets the specified property to the specified array of values and to the specified type.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
          Sets the specified property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, int type)
          Sets the specified (single-value) property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, value)
          Sets the specified property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, boolean value)
          Sets the specified property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, double value)
          Sets the specified property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, long value)
          Sets the specified property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.util.Calendar value)
          Sets the specified property to the specified value.
 Property Node.setProperty(java.lang.String name, Node value)
          Sets the specified (REFERENCE)property to refer to the specified Node.
 Node Node.getNode(java.lang.String relPath)
          Returns the node at relPath relative to this node.
 NodeIterator Node.getNodes()
          Returns a NodeIterator over all child Nodes of this Node.
 NodeIterator Node.getNodes(java.lang.String namePattern)
          Gets all child nodes of this node that match namePattern.
 Property Node.getProperty(java.lang.String relPath)
          Returns the property at relPath relative to this node.
 PropertyIterator Node.getProperties()
          Returns all properties of this node.
 PropertyIterator Node.getProperties(java.lang.String namePattern)
          Gets all properties of this node that match namePattern.
 Item Node.getPrimaryItem()
          Returns the primary child item of this node.
 java.lang.String Node.getUUID()
          Returns the UUID of this node as recorded in this node's jcr:uuid property.
 int Node.getIndex()
          This method returns the index of this node within the ordered set of its same-name sibling nodes.
 PropertyIterator Node.getReferences()
          Returns all REFERENCE properties that refer to this node.
 boolean Node.hasNode(java.lang.String relPath)
          Indicates whether a node exists at relPath Returns true if a node exists at relPath and false otherwise.
 boolean Node.hasProperty(java.lang.String relPath)
          Indicates whether a property exists at relPath Returns true if a property exists at relPath and false otherwise.
 boolean Node.hasNodes()
          Indicates whether this node has child nodes.
 boolean Node.hasProperties()
          Indicates whether this node has properties.
 NodeType Node.getPrimaryNodeType()
          Returns the primary node type of this node.
 NodeType[] Node.getMixinNodeTypes()
          Returns an array of NodeType objects representing the mixin node types assigned to this node.
 boolean Node.isNodeType(java.lang.String nodeTypeName)
          Indicates whether this node is of the specified node type.
 void Node.addMixin(java.lang.String mixinName)
          Adds the specified mixin node type to this node.
 void Node.removeMixin(java.lang.String mixinName)
          Removes the specified mixin node type from this node.
 boolean Node.canAddMixin(java.lang.String mixinName)
          Returns true if the specified mixin node type, mixinName, can be added to this node.
 NodeDefinition Node.getDefinition()
          Returns the node definition that applies to this node.
 Version Node.checkin()
          Creates a new version with a system generated version name and returns that version (which will be the new base version of this node).
 void Node.checkout()
          Sets this versionable node to checked-out status by setting its jcr:isCheckedOut property to true and adds to the jcr:predecessors (multi-value) property a reference to the current base version (the same value as held in jcr:baseVersion).
 void Node.doneMerge(Version version)
          Completes the merge process with respect to this node and the specified version.
 void Node.cancelMerge(Version version)
          Cancels the merge process with respect to this node and specified version.
 void Node.update(java.lang.String srcWorkspaceName)
          If this node does have a corresponding node in the workspace srcWorkspaceName, then this replaces this node and its subtree with a clone of the corresponding node and its subtree.
 NodeIterator Node.merge(java.lang.String srcWorkspace, boolean bestEffort)
          This method can be thought of as a version-sensitive update (see 7.1.7 Updating and Cloning Nodes across Workspaces in the specification).
 java.lang.String Node.getCorrespondingNodePath(java.lang.String workspaceName)
          Returns the absolute path of the node in the specified workspace that corresponds to this node.
 boolean Node.isCheckedOut()
          Returns true if this node is either
  • versionable and currently checked-out,
  • non-versionable and its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-out or
  • non-versionable and it has no versionable ancestor.
  •  void Node.restore(java.lang.String versionName, boolean removeExisting)
              Restores this node to the state defined by the version with the specified versionName.
     void Node.restore(Version version, boolean removeExisting)
              Restores this node to the state defined by the specified version.
     void Node.restore(Version version, java.lang.String relPath, boolean removeExisting)
              Restores the specified version to relPath, relative to this node.
     void Node.restoreByLabel(java.lang.String versionLabel, boolean removeExisting)
              Restores the version of this node with the specified version label.
     VersionHistory Node.getVersionHistory()
              Returns the VersionHistory object of this node.
     Version Node.getBaseVersion()
              Returns the current base version of this versionable node.
     Lock Node.lock(boolean isDeep, boolean isSessionScoped)
              Places a lock on this node.
     Lock Node.getLock()
              Returns the Lock object that applies to this node.
     void Node.unlock()
              Removes the lock on this node.
     boolean Node.holdsLock()
              Returns true if this node holds a lock; otherwise returns false.
     boolean Node.isLocked()
              Returns true if this node is locked either as a result of a lock held by this node or by a deep lock on a node above this node; otherwise returns false.
     void NamespaceRegistry.registerNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
              Sets a one-to-one mapping between prefix and URI in the global namespace registry of this repository.
     void NamespaceRegistry.unregisterNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
              Removes a namespace mapping from the registry.
     java.lang.String[] NamespaceRegistry.getPrefixes()
              Returns an array holding all currently registered prefixes.
     java.lang.String[] NamespaceRegistry.getURIs()
              Returns an array holding all currently registered URIs.
     java.lang.String NamespaceRegistry.getURI(java.lang.String prefix)
              Returns the URI to which the given prefix is mapped.
     java.lang.String NamespaceRegistry.getPrefix(java.lang.String uri)
              Returns the prefix to which the given URI is mapped
     void ItemVisitor.visit(Property property)
              This method is called when the ItemVisitor is passed to the accept method of a Property.
     void ItemVisitor.visit(Node node)
              This method is called when the ItemVisitor is passed to the accept method of a Node.
     java.lang.String Item.getPath()
              Returns the absolute path to this item.
     java.lang.String Item.getName()
              Returns the name of this Item.
     Item Item.getAncestor(int depth)
              Returns the ancestor of the specified depth.
     Node Item.getParent()
              Returns the parent of this Item.
     int Item.getDepth()
              Returns the depth of this Item in the workspace tree.
     Session Item.getSession()
              Returns the Session through which this Item was acquired.
     boolean Item.isSame(Item otherItem)
              Returns true if this Item object (the Java object instance) represents the same actual repository item as the object otherItem.
     void Item.accept(ItemVisitor visitor)
              Accepts an ItemVistor.
              Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session that apply to this Item or any of its descendants (that is, the subtree rooted at this Item).
     void Item.refresh(boolean keepChanges)
              If keepChanges is false, this method discards all pending changes currently recorded in this Session that apply to this Item or any of its descendants (that is, the subtree rooted at this Item)and returns all items to reflect the current saved state.
     void Item.remove()
              Removes this item (and its subtree).

    Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.lock

    Subclasses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.lock
     class LockException
              Exception thrown by and when persisting a change would conflict with a lock.

    Methods in javax.jcr.lock that throw RepositoryException
     boolean Lock.isLive()
              Returns true if this Lock object represents a lock that is currently in effect.
     void Lock.refresh()
              If this lock's time-to-live is governed by a timer, this method resets that timer so that the lock does not timeout and expire.

    Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.nodetype

    Subclasses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.nodetype
     class ConstraintViolationException
              Exception thrown when an action would violate a constraint on repository structure.
     class NoSuchNodeTypeException
              Exception thrown by node type-related methods.

    Methods in javax.jcr.nodetype that throw RepositoryException
     NodeType NodeTypeManager.getNodeType(java.lang.String nodeTypeName)
              Returns the named node type.
     NodeTypeIterator NodeTypeManager.getAllNodeTypes()
              Returns an iterator over all available node types (primary and mixin).
     NodeTypeIterator NodeTypeManager.getPrimaryNodeTypes()
              Returns an iterator over all available primary node types.
     NodeTypeIterator NodeTypeManager.getMixinNodeTypes()
              Returns an iterator over all available mixin node types.

    Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.observation

    Methods in javax.jcr.observation that throw RepositoryException
     void ObservationManager.addEventListener(EventListener listener, int eventTypes, java.lang.String absPath, boolean isDeep, java.lang.String[] uuid, java.lang.String[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
              Adds an event listener that listens for the specified eventTypes (a combination of one or more event types encoded as a bit mask value).
     void ObservationManager.removeEventListener(EventListener listener)
              Deregisters an event listener.
     EventListenerIterator ObservationManager.getRegisteredEventListeners()
              Returns all event listeners that have been registered through this session.
     java.lang.String Event.getPath()
              Returns the absolute path of the parent node connected with this event.

    Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.query

    Subclasses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.query
     class InvalidQueryException
              Thrown by methods of Query.

    Methods in javax.jcr.query that throw RepositoryException
     Value[] Row.getValues()
              Returns an array of all the values in the same order as the column names returned by QueryResult.getColumnNames().
     Value Row.getValue(java.lang.String propertyName)
              Returns the value of the indicated property in this Row.
     java.lang.String[] QueryResult.getColumnNames()
              Returns an array of all the property names (column names) in this result set.
     RowIterator QueryResult.getRows()
              Returns an iterator over the Rows of the query result table.
     NodeIterator QueryResult.getNodes()
              Returns an iterator over all nodes that match the query.
     Query QueryManager.createQuery(java.lang.String statement, java.lang.String language)
              Creates a new query by specifying the query statement itself and the language in which the query is stated.
     Query QueryManager.getQuery(Node node)
              Retrieves an existing persistent query.
     java.lang.String[] QueryManager.getSupportedQueryLanguages()
              Returns an array of strings representing all query languages supported by this repository.
     QueryResult Query.execute()
              Executes this query and returns a QueryResult.
     java.lang.String Query.getStoredQueryPath()
              If this is a Query object that has been stored using Query.storeAsNode(java.lang.String) (regardless of whether it has been saved yet) or retrieved using QueryManager.getQuery(javax.jcr.Node)), then this method returns the path of the nt:query node that stores the query.
     Node Query.storeAsNode(java.lang.String absPath)
              Creates a node representing this Query in content.

    Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.util

    Methods in javax.jcr.util that throw RepositoryException
    protected abstract  void TraversingItemVisitor.entering(Property property, int level)
              Implement this method to add behaviour performed before a Property is visited.
    protected abstract  void TraversingItemVisitor.entering(Node node, int level)
              Implement this method to add behaviour performed before a Node is visited.
    protected abstract  void TraversingItemVisitor.leaving(Property property, int level)
              Implement this method to add behaviour performed after a Property is visited.
    protected abstract  void TraversingItemVisitor.leaving(Node node, int level)
              Implement this method to add behaviour performed after a Node is visited.
     void TraversingItemVisitor.visit(Property property)
              Called when the Visitor is passed to a Property.
     void TraversingItemVisitor.visit(Node node)
              Called when the Visitor is passed to a Node.
    protected  void TraversingItemVisitor.Default.entering(Node node, int level)
    protected  void TraversingItemVisitor.Default.entering(Property property, int level)
    protected  void TraversingItemVisitor.Default.leaving(Node node, int level)
    protected  void TraversingItemVisitor.Default.leaving(Property property, int level)

    Uses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.version

    Subclasses of RepositoryException in javax.jcr.version
     class VersionException
              Exception thrown by Version.addSuccessor if an invalid version graph operation is attempted.

    Methods in javax.jcr.version that throw RepositoryException
     java.lang.String VersionHistory.getVersionableUUID()
              Returns the UUID of the versionable node for which this is the version history.
     Version VersionHistory.getRootVersion()
              Returns the root version of this version history.
     VersionIterator VersionHistory.getAllVersions()
              Returns an iterator over all the versions within this version history The order of the returned objects will not necessarily correspond to the order of versions in terms of the successor relation.
     Version VersionHistory.getVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
              Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version name.
     Version VersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(java.lang.String label)
              Retrieves a particular version from this version history by version label.
     void VersionHistory.addVersionLabel(java.lang.String versionName, java.lang.String label, boolean moveLabel)
              Adds the specified label to the specified version.
     void VersionHistory.removeVersionLabel(java.lang.String label)
              Removes the specified label from among the labels of this version history.
     boolean VersionHistory.hasVersionLabel(java.lang.String label)
              Returns true if any version in the history has the given label.
     boolean VersionHistory.hasVersionLabel(Version version, java.lang.String label)
              Returns true if the given version has the given label.
     java.lang.String[] VersionHistory.getVersionLabels()
              Returns all version labels of the history or an empty array if there are none.
     java.lang.String[] VersionHistory.getVersionLabels(Version version)
              Returns all version labels of the given version - empty array if none.
     void VersionHistory.removeVersion(java.lang.String versionName)
              Removes the named version from this version history and automatically repairs the version graph.
     VersionHistory Version.getContainingHistory()
              Returns the VersionHistory that contains this Version.
     java.util.Calendar Version.getCreated()
              Returns the date this version was created.
     Version[] Version.getSuccessors()
              Returns the successor versions of this version.
     Version[] Version.getPredecessors()
              Returns the predecessor versions of this version.

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