Read and Generate Renditions


Each photo asset has a set of JPEGs intended for application display of the latest visual representation of the asset (either edited or original uploaded state)

Details of Renditions

  • Creation - Upon uploading a photo, the following renditions will be created (JPEG format)
    • thumbnail2x (320 pixels constraint on either edge)
    • 640 (640 pixels on long edge)
    • 1280 (1280 pixels on long edge)
    • 2048 (2048 pixels on long edge)
  • Edit - Upon editing a photo, the following renditions will be newly created with all edits applied
    • thumbnail2x (320 pixels constraint on either edge)
    • 640 (640 pixels on long edge)
    • 1280 (1280 pixels on long edge)
    • 2048 (2048 pixels on long edge)

For best performance, use the smallest size possible for all application scrolling case

Workflow to generate renditions for print workflow

Generate renditions for an original file asynchronously. Allowed rendition types are fullsize and 2560. Generated rendition will be deleted after 1 day automatically. Both these renditions must always be requested on demand. First check to see if one is available, and if not create it. These renditions are not available with basic API access. Should your application require this capability, you must contact Adobe and describe your needs. Here are the details of fullsize and 2560

  • Fullsize - size of original with edits, constrained by any applied crops.
  • 2560 - 2560 pixels on long edge

STEP 1: Generate Renditions for an asset asynchronously.

Copied to your clipboard
POST /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/renditions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {auth_token}
X-Generate-Renditions: {fullsize,2560}

Sample success response:

Copied to your clipboard
HTTP/1.1 202

STEP 2: HEAD call for Rendition API. As creation is asynchronous, please poll with exponential back with a timeout of 10 min until the rendition is available. If renditions are not genearted within 10 min then probably the operations has failed. You need to retry from Step 1 in that case. Contact us if the problem persists.

Copied to your clipboard
HEAD /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/renditions/<rendition_type> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {auth_token}

Sample success response:

Copied to your clipboard
HTTP/1.1 200

STEP 3: If the HEAD call returns 200 successfully then that means rendition has been generated correctly. Now call the read rendition api to get the rendition.

Copied to your clipboard
GET /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/renditions/<rendition_type> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {auth_token}

Sample success response:

Copied to your clipboard
HTTP/1.1 200

It will return the bits of the rendition

NOTE: Refer to the API documentation for further information about above listed APIs.

Generate Renditions diagrams

Generate Renditions for Lightroom Assets

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