API Change Logs

This document provides information about new features and bug fixes with the Lightroom APIs.

Version 1.2.1 (18 May, 2021)

  • Revision IDs have been removed from the response of below APIs.
    1. Get a Catalog Asset (GET) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}
    2. Retrieve Assets (GET) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets
    3. List assets of an album (GET)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/albums/{album_id}/assets
    4. Read a album (GET) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/albums/{album_id}
    5. Retrieve albums (GET) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/albums
  • Added Create Master Links and Create xmp Develop Links to response of below APIs
    1. Get a Catalog Asset (GET) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}
    2. Retrieve Assets (GET) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets
    3. List assets of an album (GET)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/albums/{album_id}/assets

Version 1.2.0 (24 Feb, 2021)

  • Added new Create Master API (PUT)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/master . It can be used to upload master for a new asset.

  • Existing Create Master API (PUT) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/revisions/{revision_id}/master is removed and will be deprecated soon. Please use above mentioned Create Master API instead for uploading master.

Version 1.1.0 (3 Feb, 2021)

  • Added new Create Asset API (PUT)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id} . It can be used to create a new asset with initial metadata and import information.

  • Existing Create Asset Revision API (PUT) - /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/revisions/{revision_id} is removed and will be deprecated soon. Please use above mentioned Create Asset API instead for creating asset.

  • Added new Update Album API (POST)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/albums/{album_id}. It can be used to update an existing album. The existing album should be created via the same client app and of subtype project or project_set.

  • Added new Delete Album API (DELETE)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/albums/{album_id}. It can be used to delete an existing album. The existing album should be created via the same client app and of subtype project or project_set.

  • Added new Create External Develop XMP API (PUT)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/xmp/develop. It can be used to upload external xmp develop file for an asset

  • Added new Read External Develop XMP API (GET)- /v2/catalogs/{catalog_id}/assets/{asset_id}/xmp/develop. It can be used to get latest external xmp develop file for an asset

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