Download OpenAPI specification:Download
API reference for the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network API.
Real-time events originating client-side, such as browsers or mobile devices
Push a single event and expect a response from real-time (interactive) upstreams
object (XdmContextData) Property that holds the xdm context data | |
object (EventQuery) Explicit request / Server-side Decisioning Override | |
required | Array of objects (BatchV1Event) |
object (RequestMetadata) Metadata passed to solutions and to the API itself with possibility of overriding at event level |
Successfully processed. The event has been received and processed in order.
Invalid input.
Internal error.
{- "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "environment": {
- "type": "browser",
- "browserDetails": {
- "name": "Chrome",
- "version": "63.0.3239",
- "acceptLanguage": "en",
- "cookiesEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
- "javaEnabled": true,
- "javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
- "viewportHeight": 900,
- "viewportWidth": 1680
}, - "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "viewportHeight": 667,
- "viewportWidth": 375
}, - "device": {
- "typeID": "TypeIdentifier-111",
- "type": "mobile",
- "manufacturer": "Apple",
- "model": "iPhone Xs",
- "modelNumber": "A1586",
- "screenHeight": 667,
- "screenWidth": 375,
- "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "screenOrientation": "portrait"
}, - "application": {
- "id": "A123",
- "name": "Myapp",
- "version": "1.0.1",
- "launches": {
- "value": 1
}, - "placeContext": {
- "localTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+01:00",
- "localTimezoneOffset": -360,
- "geo": {
- "countryCode": "JP",
- "stateProvince": "JP-13",
- "city": "Tōkyō",
- "postalCode": "141-0032"
}, - "web": {
- "webPageDetails": {
- "siteSection": "Product section",
- "server": "",
- "name": "product home",
}, - "commerce": {
- "order": {
- "purchaseID": "123",
- "priceTotal": 100,
- "currencyCode": "USD"
}, - "purchases": {
- "value": 34
}, - "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "events": [
- {
- "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "environment": {
- "type": "browser",
- "browserDetails": {
- "name": "Chrome",
- "version": "63.0.3239",
- "acceptLanguage": "en",
- "cookiesEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
- "javaEnabled": true,
- "javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
- "viewportHeight": 900,
- "viewportWidth": 1680
}, - "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "viewportHeight": 667,
- "viewportWidth": 375
}, - "device": {
- "typeID": "TypeIdentifier-111",
- "type": "mobile",
- "manufacturer": "Apple",
- "model": "iPhone Xs",
- "modelNumber": "A1586",
- "screenHeight": 667,
- "screenWidth": 375,
- "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "screenOrientation": "portrait"
}, - "application": {
- "id": "A123",
- "name": "Myapp",
- "version": "1.0.1",
- "launches": {
- "value": 1
}, - "placeContext": {
- "localTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+01:00",
- "localTimezoneOffset": -360,
- "geo": {
- "countryCode": "JP",
- "stateProvince": "JP-13",
- "city": "Tōkyō",
- "postalCode": "141-0032"
}, - "web": {
- "webPageDetails": {
- "siteSection": "Product section",
- "server": "",
- "name": "product home",
}, - "commerce": {
- "order": {
- "purchaseID": "123",
- "priceTotal": 100,
- "currencyCode": "USD"
}, - "purchases": {
- "value": 34
}, - "_id": "string",
- "eventMergeId": "9fb4e78d-b0bf-4d99-b987-cb37abdbcd15",
- "eventType": "view:load",
- "timestamp": "2017-09-26T15:52:25+00:00"
}, - "data": {
- "key1": [
- "value1"
], - "key2": [
- "value2",
- "value3"
], - "meta": {
- "state": {
- "entries": [ ]
{- "requestId": "string",
- "handle": [
- {
- "eventIndex": 0,
- "type": "state:store",
- "payload": [
- {
- "key": "kndctr_53A16ACB5CC1D3760A495C99_AdobeOrg_optout",
- "value": "",
- "maxAge": 7200
Push multiple events without expecting a response content. Events can come from different end-users.
object (XdmContextData) Property that holds the xdm context data | |
object (EventQuery) Explicit request / Server-side Decisioning Override | |
required | Array of objects (BatchV1Event) |
object (RequestMetadata) Metadata passed to solutions and to the API itself with possibility of overriding at event level |
Successfully processed. All the events have been received and processed in order.
Invalid input.
Internal error.
{- "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "environment": {
- "type": "browser",
- "browserDetails": {
- "name": "Chrome",
- "version": "63.0.3239",
- "acceptLanguage": "en",
- "cookiesEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
- "javaEnabled": true,
- "javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
- "viewportHeight": 900,
- "viewportWidth": 1680
}, - "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "viewportHeight": 667,
- "viewportWidth": 375
}, - "device": {
- "typeID": "TypeIdentifier-111",
- "type": "mobile",
- "manufacturer": "Apple",
- "model": "iPhone Xs",
- "modelNumber": "A1586",
- "screenHeight": 667,
- "screenWidth": 375,
- "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "screenOrientation": "portrait"
}, - "application": {
- "id": "A123",
- "name": "Myapp",
- "version": "1.0.1",
- "launches": {
- "value": 1
}, - "placeContext": {
- "localTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+01:00",
- "localTimezoneOffset": -360,
- "geo": {
- "countryCode": "JP",
- "stateProvince": "JP-13",
- "city": "Tōkyō",
- "postalCode": "141-0032"
}, - "web": {
- "webPageDetails": {
- "siteSection": "Product section",
- "server": "",
- "name": "product home",
}, - "commerce": {
- "order": {
- "purchaseID": "123",
- "priceTotal": 100,
- "currencyCode": "USD"
}, - "purchases": {
- "value": 34
}, - "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "events": [
- {
- "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "environment": {
- "type": "browser",
- "browserDetails": {
- "name": "Chrome",
- "version": "63.0.3239",
- "acceptLanguage": "en",
- "cookiesEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
- "javaEnabled": true,
- "javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
- "viewportHeight": 900,
- "viewportWidth": 1680
}, - "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "viewportHeight": 667,
- "viewportWidth": 375
}, - "device": {
- "typeID": "TypeIdentifier-111",
- "type": "mobile",
- "manufacturer": "Apple",
- "model": "iPhone Xs",
- "modelNumber": "A1586",
- "screenHeight": 667,
- "screenWidth": 375,
- "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "screenOrientation": "portrait"
}, - "application": {
- "id": "A123",
- "name": "Myapp",
- "version": "1.0.1",
- "launches": {
- "value": 1
}, - "placeContext": {
- "localTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+01:00",
- "localTimezoneOffset": -360,
- "geo": {
- "countryCode": "JP",
- "stateProvince": "JP-13",
- "city": "Tōkyō",
- "postalCode": "141-0032"
}, - "web": {
- "webPageDetails": {
- "siteSection": "Product section",
- "server": "",
- "name": "product home",
}, - "commerce": {
- "order": {
- "purchaseID": "123",
- "priceTotal": 100,
- "currencyCode": "USD"
}, - "purchases": {
- "value": 34
}, - "_id": "string",
- "eventMergeId": "9fb4e78d-b0bf-4d99-b987-cb37abdbcd15",
- "eventType": "view:load",
- "timestamp": "2017-09-26T15:52:25+00:00"
}, - "data": {
- "key1": [
- "value1"
], - "key2": [
- "value2",
- "value3"
], - "meta": {
- "state": {
- "entries": [ ]
Acquire identity
object | |
object | |
object (RequestMetadata) Metadata passed to solutions and to the API itself with possibility of overriding at event level |
Successfully processed. An identity has been fetched and is present in the response payload.
Invalid input.
Internal error.
{- "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "meta": {
- "state": {
- "entries": [ ]
{- "requestId": "string",
- "handle": [
- {
- "eventIndex": 0,
- "type": "state:store",
- "payload": [
- {
- "key": "kndctr_53A16ACB5CC1D3760A495C99_AdobeOrg_optout",
- "value": "",
- "maxAge": 7200
Push a single event and expect a response from real-time (interactive) upstreams
object (EventQuery) Explicit request / Server-side Decisioning Override | |
required | object (SingleEvent) Represents the single event sent in a request |
object (RequestMetadata) Metadata passed to solutions and to the API itself with possibility of overriding at event level |
Successfully processed
Invalid input.
Request Forbidden.
Internal error.
{- "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "event": {
- "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "environment": {
- "type": "browser",
- "browserDetails": {
- "name": "Chrome",
- "version": "63.0.3239",
- "acceptLanguage": "en",
- "cookiesEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
- "javaEnabled": true,
- "javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
- "viewportHeight": 900,
- "viewportWidth": 1680
}, - "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "viewportHeight": 667,
- "viewportWidth": 375
}, - "device": {
- "typeID": "TypeIdentifier-111",
- "type": "mobile",
- "manufacturer": "Apple",
- "model": "iPhone Xs",
- "modelNumber": "A1586",
- "screenHeight": 667,
- "screenWidth": 375,
- "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "screenOrientation": "portrait"
}, - "application": {
- "id": "A123",
- "name": "Myapp",
- "version": "1.0.1",
- "launches": {
- "value": 1
}, - "placeContext": {
- "localTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+01:00",
- "localTimezoneOffset": -360,
- "geo": {
- "countryCode": "JP",
- "stateProvince": "JP-13",
- "city": "Tōkyō",
- "postalCode": "141-0032"
}, - "web": {
- "webPageDetails": {
- "siteSection": "Product section",
- "server": "",
- "name": "product home",
}, - "commerce": {
- "order": {
- "purchaseID": "123",
- "priceTotal": 100,
- "currencyCode": "USD"
}, - "purchases": {
- "value": 34
}, - "_id": "string",
- "eventMergeId": "9fb4e78d-b0bf-4d99-b987-cb37abdbcd15",
- "eventType": "view:load",
- "timestamp": "2017-09-26T15:52:25+00:00"
}, - "data": {
- "key1": [
- "value1"
], - "key2": [
- "value2",
- "value3"
}, - "meta": {
- "state": {
- "entries": [ ]
{- "requestId": "string",
- "handle": [
- {
- "eventIndex": 0,
- "type": "state:store",
- "payload": [
- {
- "key": "kndctr_53A16ACB5CC1D3760A495C99_AdobeOrg_optout",
- "value": "",
- "maxAge": 7200
Push multiple events without expecting a response content. Events can come from different end-users.
object (EventQuery) Explicit request / Server-side Decisioning Override | |
required | Array of objects (BatchV2Event) |
object (RequestMetadata) Metadata passed to solutions and to the API itself with possibility of overriding at event level |
Successfully processed. All the events have been received and processed in order.
No content. When the silent parameter is set to true and there were no critical errors.
Invalid input.
Request Forbidden.
Internal error.
{- "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "events": [
- {
- "query": {
- "identity": {
- "fetch": [ ]
}, - "xdm": {
- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "environment": {
- "type": "browser",
- "browserDetails": {
- "name": "Chrome",
- "version": "63.0.3239",
- "acceptLanguage": "en",
- "cookiesEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptEnabled": true,
- "javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
- "javaEnabled": true,
- "javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
- "viewportHeight": 900,
- "viewportWidth": 1680
}, - "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "viewportHeight": 667,
- "viewportWidth": 375
}, - "device": {
- "typeID": "TypeIdentifier-111",
- "type": "mobile",
- "manufacturer": "Apple",
- "model": "iPhone Xs",
- "modelNumber": "A1586",
- "screenHeight": 667,
- "screenWidth": 375,
- "colorDepth": 16777216,
- "screenOrientation": "portrait"
}, - "application": {
- "id": "A123",
- "name": "Myapp",
- "version": "1.0.1",
- "launches": {
- "value": 1
}, - "placeContext": {
- "localTime": "2001-07-04T12:08:56+01:00",
- "localTimezoneOffset": -360,
- "geo": {
- "countryCode": "JP",
- "stateProvince": "JP-13",
- "city": "Tōkyō",
- "postalCode": "141-0032"
}, - "web": {
- "webPageDetails": {
- "siteSection": "Product section",
- "server": "",
- "name": "product home",
}, - "commerce": {
- "order": {
- "purchaseID": "123",
- "priceTotal": 100,
- "currencyCode": "USD"
}, - "purchases": {
- "value": 34
}, - "_id": "string",
- "eventMergeId": "9fb4e78d-b0bf-4d99-b987-cb37abdbcd15",
- "eventType": "view:load",
- "timestamp": "2017-09-26T15:52:25+00:00"
}, - "data": {
- "key1": [
- "value1"
], - "key2": [
- "value2",
- "value3"
], - "meta": {
- "state": {
- "entries": [ ]
{- "requestId": "string"
Manage explicit consent for marketing activities. All consent preferences previously saved in the user's profile(s) are overwritten through this operation.
object (IdentityMap) Defines a map containing a set of end user identities, keyed on either namespace integration code or the namespace ID of the identity. Within each namespace, the identity is unique. The values of the map are an array, meaning that more than one identity of each namespace may be carried. For more details, see IdentityMap Schema. | |
Array of AdobeConsent (object) or AdobeConsent (object) or AdobeConsent (object) | |
object (RequestMetadata) Metadata passed to solutions and to the API itself with possibility of overriding at event level |
Successfully processed. Consent preferences are successfully saved for the supplied profile(s).
Invalid input.
Internal error.
{- "identityMap": {
- "email": [
- {
- "id": "",
- "authenticatedState": "authenticated"
}, - "consent": [
- {
- "standard": "Adobe",
- "version": "1.0",
- "value": {
- "general": "not_provided"
], - "meta": {
- "state": {
- "entries": [ ]
{- "requestId": "string",
- "handle": [
- {
- "eventIndex": 0,
- "type": "state:store",
- "payload": [
- {
- "key": "kndctr_53A16ACB5CC1D3760A495C99_AdobeOrg_optout",
- "value": "",
- "maxAge": 7200