Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The OpenAPI specification for Media Edge API
Signals the start of a new session. When the response returns, the "sessionId" must be extracted and sent for all subsequent event calls to the Edge API server
Bad request
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionDetails": {
- "dayPart": "dayPart",
- "mvpd": "test-mvpd",
- "authorized": "true",
- "label": "test-label",
- "station": "test-station",
- "publisher": "test-media-publisher",
- "author": "test-author",
- "name": "Friends",
- "friendlyName": "FriendlyName",
- "assetID": "/uri-reference",
- "originator": "David Crane and Marta Kauffman",
- "episode": "4933",
- "genre": "Comedy",
- "rating": "4.8/5",
- "season": "1521",
- "show": "Friends Series",
- "length": 100,
- "firstDigitalDate": "releaseDate",
- "artist": "test-artist",
- "hasResume": false,
- "album": "test-album",
- "firstAirDate": "firstAirDate",
- "showType": "sitcom",
- "streamFormat": "streamFormat",
- "streamType": "video",
- "adLoad": "adLoadType",
- "channel": "broadcastChannel",
- "contentType": "VOD",
- "playerName": "HTML5 player",
- "appVersion": "sdk-1.0",
- "feed": "sourceFeed",
- "network": "test-network"
}, - "playhead": 0,
- "customMetadata": [
- {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.myCustomValue3",
- "value": "c3"
}, - {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.myCustomValue2",
- "value": "c2"
}, - {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.myCustomValue1",
- "value": "c1"
}, - "timestamp": "2023-04-04T11:35:16Z",
- "identityMap": {
- "FPID": [
- {
- "id": "CHANGEME",
- "authenticatedState": "ambiguous",
- "primary": true
}, - "eventType": "media.sessionStart"
{- "requestId": "dd850e05-8c3e-4ae4-9ea8-506490978004",
- "handle": [
- {
- "payload": [
- {
- "sessionId": "bfba9a5f2986d69a9a9424f6a99702562512eb244f2b65c4f1c1553e7fe9997f"
], - "type": "media-analytics:new-session",
- "eventIndex": 0
}, - {
- "payload": [
- {
- "scope": "Target",
- "hint": "34",
- "ttlSeconds": 1800
}, - {
- "scope": "AAM",
- "hint": "7",
- "ttlSeconds": 1800
}, - {
- "scope": "EdgeNetwork",
- "hint": "va6",
- "ttlSeconds": 1800
], - "type": "locationHint:result"
}, - {
- "payload": [
- {
- "key": "kndctr_EA0C49475E8AE1870A494023_AdobeOrg_cluster",
- "value": "va6",
- "maxAge": 1800
}, - {
- "key": "kndctr_EA0C49475E8AE1870A494023_AdobeOrg_identity",
- "value": "CiY0Mzg5NTEyNzMzNTUxMDc5MzgzMzU2MjU5NDY5MTY3Mzc3MTc2OFIOCJ-YppX6MBgBKgNWQTbwAZ-YppX6MA==",
- "maxAge": 34128000
], - "type": "state:store"
Signals when the end of the main content was reached
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.sessionComplete",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Notifies Adobe to immediately close the session. Used when the user has abandoned their viewing of the content and they are unlikely to return. If you don't use this endpoint, an abandoned session times out normally (after no events are received for 10 minutes, or when no playhead movement occurs for 30 minutes), ending the session.
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.sessionEnd",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals that a play event occurred
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals a ping event. Used during main content playback when content must be sent every 10 seconds, regardless of any other API events that have been sent. Send the first ping event 10 seconds after main content playback begins.
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the start of an ad series
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.adBreakStart",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "advertisingPodDetails": {
- "friendlyName": "Mid-roll",
- "offset": 0,
- "index": 1
}, - "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 15
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:38:15+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the end of the ad series
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.adBreakComplete",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the start of an ad
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.adStart",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "advertisingDetails": {
- "friendlyName": "Ad 1",
- "name": "/uri-reference/001",
- "length": 10,
- "advertiser": "Adobe Marketing",
- "campaignID": "Adobe Analytics",
- "creativeID": "creativeID",
- "placementID": "placementID",
- "siteID": "siteID",
- "podPosition": 11,
- "playerName": "HTML5 player"
}, - "customMetadata": [
- {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.myCustomValue3",
- "value": "c3"
}, - {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.myCustomValue2",
- "value": "c2"
}, - {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.myCustomValue1",
- "value": "c1"
], - "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 15
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:38:26+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the end of an ad
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.adComplete",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals that an ad was skipped
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.adSkip",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals that the bitrate changed
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.bitrateChange",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 30,
- "qoeDataDetails": {
- "framesPerSecond": 1,
- "bitrate": 35000,
- "droppedFrames": 30,
- "timeToStart": 1364
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:38:40+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Sent when buffering starts. Since there is no bufferResume event type, it is inferred when you send a play event after bufferStart.
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.bufferStart",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the start of a chapter
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.chapterStart",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 10,
- "chapterDetails": {
- "friendlyName": "Chapter 1",
- "length": 10,
- "index": 1,
- "offset": 0
}, - "customMetadata": [
- {
- "name": "_{tenantName}.c1",
- "value": "myCustomValue1"
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:37:56+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the completion of a chapter
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.chapterComplete",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals that the chapter was skipped
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.chapterSkip",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals that an error occurred
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.error",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 35,
- "qoeDataDetails": {
- "bitrate": 35000,
- "droppedFrames": 30
}, - "errorDetails": {
- "name": "test-buffer-start",
- "source": "player"
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:15+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals that a pause was triggered
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.pauseStart",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "5c32e1a6ef6b58be5136ba8db2f79f1d251d3121a898bc8fb60123b8fdb9aa1c",
- "playhead": 25
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:39:00+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"
Signals the change of one or multiple states
Array of objects |
No content
Bad request
Not found
{- "events": [
- {
- "xdm": {
- "eventType": "media.statesUpdate",
- "mediaCollection": {
- "sessionID": "bfba9a5f2986d69a9a9424f6a99702562512eb244f2b65c4f1c1553e7fe9997f",
- "playhead": 60,
- "statesStart": [
- {
- "name": "mute"
}, - {
- "name": "pictureInPicture"
], - "statesEnd": [
- {
- "name": "fullScreen"
}, - "timestamp": "2022-03-04T13:40:40+00:00"
{- "status": 404,
- "title": "Not Found",
- "detail": "The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future.",
- "report": {
- "details": "Error processing request. If the session is longer than 24h, please start a new one. Returning Not Found",
- "requestId": "e3d87437-5054-4bc2-8953-be4be8d0b900"