Getting Started with data collection APIs

The Adobe Experience Platform data collection APIs provide an easy way to send data to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network. The Edge Network parses each event and passes it along to each connected app or service, such as Adobe Experience Platform or Adobe Analytics.

Adobe recommends starting with a basic interact call to begin sending data to a datastream. Follow these steps to successfully collect data in a new datastream.

Step 1: Create a schema

A schema organizes your data so it is stored in a consistent format. Follow these steps to create a new schema:

  1. Follow the documentation on how to create a new schema.
  2. Select Experience Event as the base class for this schema.
  3. Give the schema a name, then select Finish.

Step 2: Create a dataset

A dataset is a location in Adobe Experience Platform where your data is stored. See the documentation on how to create a dataset for more information.

Follow these steps to create a dataset:

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Datasets within the Data Management section.
  2. Select Create dataset in the top right.
  3. Select Create dataset from schema.
  4. Select the schema created in the previous step, then click Next.
  5. Give the dataset a name, then click Finish.

Step 3: Create a datastream

A datastream is a location in the Edge Network that forwards your data to configured apps and services in the correct format. Follow the documentation on how to create and configure a datastream, and use the settings described below.

  1. In the left navigation menu, select Datastreams within the Data Collection section.
  2. Select New Datastream in the top right.
  3. Give the datastream a name, and select the schema created previously under Mapping Schema. Click Save.
  4. Select Add Service.
  5. Select Adobe Experience Platform in the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the dataset created in the previous step under Event Dataset.
  7. Make sure that Offer Decisioning, Edge Segmentation, Personalization Destinations, and Adobe Journey Optimizer are all unchecked.
  8. Click Save.

Everything is now configured to start sending data. Copy the Datastream ID on the right to your clipboard.

Step 4: Send data to the datastream

You can use Postman to test API calls before implementing them in your project.

  1. Download, install, and open Postman.

  2. Create a request with the following settings:

    • HTTP method: POST
    • Make sure that you replace {DATASTREAM_ID} with the Datastream ID copied from the Platform UI.
  3. Select the Body tab and set the content type to raw JSON.

  4. Paste the following into the body:

    Copied to your clipboard
    "event": {
    "xdm": {
    "identityMap": {
    "email": [
    "id": "",
    "primary": true
    "eventType": "web.webpagedetails.pageViews",
    "web": {
    "webPageDetails": {
    "URL": "",
    "name": "home-demo-Home Page"
  5. Click Send.

If successful, the API returns a 200 OK response, indicating that data was sent to the datastream. After approximately 30 minutes, you can log in to Adobe Experience Platform > Datasets to view all ingested batches.