Adobe Developer Distribution Support

If you have questions about how to use Adobe Developer Distribution or you are looking to report bugs, make feature requests, and more, we provide resources here to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Access a knowledge base of frequently asked questions and find answers to some of the most common questions asked by other Developer Distribution users. This is a great place to start when needing answers to a question.

Visit the Adobe Developer Distribution FAQ to learn more.

Developer Forums

To start a discussion, ask questions or report something you're seeing, please visit our Creative Cloud Developer Forums. On the forums you will find official Adobe developers and knowledgeable community members who are ready and available to help you find the information you need.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Log an issue on to report any bugs or request new product features.

Formal Support Requests

If none of the above helped you arrive at a solution to your issue, you can send an email to with a thorough description of the problem and attach all relevant log details and screenshots.