What's New: Experience Cloud Support in Developer Distribution

App Manager has been merged into Developer Distribution.

Logged in Technology Partner Program (TPP) members can submit Software integrations and App Builder apps in Developer Distribution. Developer Distribution is a unified portal to self-submit & manage Experience Cloud Software integration and App Builder listings to be published on Adobe Exchange

Software integrations

App Builder apps

Software integration Answers

What is a software integration?

Software integration is the name for the Experience Cloud third-party listings that extend one or more Adobe Experience Cloud products. The existing 390+ public software integration listings on Adobe Exchange were submitted using App Manager. These are typically multi-tenant service-to-service integrations that require enterprise customers to contact the developer to be acquired and installed.

Can I use Developer Distribution to create and manage software integrations?

Yes, the App Manager link in the Technology Partner Portal has been replaced with a link for Developer Distribution. All previously created software integrations can also be managed in Developer Distribution.

What are the steps to create a software integration listing for public distribution?

  1. Login or join the Technology Partner Program (TPP). You will have to join the TPP as a Silver Member or above for your published listing to be displayed publicly. At the free level, only an unlisted detail page URL is available to share with potential customers. Public listings for Experience Platform Launch are available at the free level. Upon TPP registration approval, a organization (org) will be assigned to your Adobe login credentials.

  2. After your registration has been approved, submit a request for an Adobe product Sandbox for any required API using the TPP sandbox request ticket. You will need a sandbox for building your software integration in Developer Console.

  3. Create a new listing for your software integration in Developer Distribution. You will have the option to associate the listing with an existing Console project or go to Developer Console later and add an API to a project created for your new listing.

Where can I get more information or help?

Contact TPP Support.

App Builder app Answers

What is an App Builder app?

Adobe Developer App Builder provides a unified third-party extensibility framework for integrating and creating custom experiences to extend Adobe products. Enterprise customers can browse listings and then acquire and install App Builder apps from Adobe Exchange.

What are the steps to create an App Builder listing for public distribution?

  1. Login or join the Technology Partner Program (TPP). You will have to join the TPP as a Silver Member or above for your published listing to be displayed publicly. As a Community (free) Member, only an unlisted detail page URL will be available to share with potential customers. Upon TPP registration approval, an organization (org) will be assigned to your Adobe login credentials (Personal Account).

  2. After your registration has been approved, submit a request for an App Builder Sandbox using the TPP sandbox request ticket.

  3. Once you receive confirmation of your App Builder sandbox, go to Developer Console, add App Builder to a project, and create your App Builder app.​

  4. Create and submit a new or updated listing for an App Builder app using Developer Distribution. You will be given the option to pick an existing project that you created in #3 (most common) or create the project in Developer Distribution and go back to the Console to add an API later.​

If I previously created a private App Builder App via the App Builder Trial Sign up, can I distribute it publicly?

Yes, after you login or join the TPP program, you will be able to create an App Builder listing that can be associated with an existing Developer Console Project.

Where can I get more information or help?

Learn how to build an App Builder app App Builder documentation.

Contact TPP Support.