Forms as a Cloud Service - Document manipulation Sync HTTP APIs (0.0.1)
Adobe Experience Manager Forms as a Cloud Service - Document manipulation sync HTTP APIs.
Document manipulation APIs lets you combine, rearrange, and augment PDF and XDP documents and obtain information about PDF documents. Each job submitted to the Document manipulation APIs includes a Document Description XML (DDX) document, source documents, and external resources (strings and graphics). The DDX document provides instructions on how to use the source documents to produce a set of resultant documents. It enables you to create applications that let you:
- Converts PDF documents to PDF/A standard.
- Transforms PDFs and PDF forms (created in Acrobat) to PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2b, and PDFA/A-3b.
- Validates the compliance of a PDF/A file and converts it if necessary.
You can find out more information about Document manipulation APIs at Introduction to Communication APIs
The DDX Reference documentation is at Communications – Document Manipulation APIs and DDX Reference
Make user account of your developer or techincal account member of forms-user group. If you do not have a technical account, make a call to Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. When you use service credential a techincal account is created on the first call.
To setup Document manipulation sync APIs, see Use synchronous processing
The API reference documentation is also available in the .yaml format. You can download the .yaml for synchronous APIs and upload it to postman to check functionality of the APIs.
Executes the DDX on the given input documents and returns an object containing the result documents
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
required | string or string Document Description XML document which provides instructions on how to use the source documents to produce a set of result documents. |
required | string or string Logical name of input document which is being referenced in the DDX and the values being inline input document |
object (AssemblerOptionSpec) object container for environment options for a DDX job containing flags to indicate if the DDX job is a validation-only test or if it should fail if an error is encountered. |
Response samples
- 400
{- "status": "http code",
- "code": "error code",
- "message": "exception message or message code"
Converts a given document to PDF/A using the options specified
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
required | string or string (Document) The input can be an inline document. |
object (ToPDFAConversionOptionSpec) Conversion options to be used when transforming a document from PDF to PDF/A. |
Response samples
- 400
{- "status": "http code",
- "code": "error code",
- "message": "exception message or message code"
Validates a given document is PDF/A according to the options specified
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
required | string or string (Document) The input can be an inline document. |
object (IsPDFAConversionOptionSpec) Client-configurable settings that help drive the validation scan. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "isPDFA": true