Clock depicts a time selector.

Vertical Layout

Show Markup
<form class="coral-Form coral-Form--vertical u-columnMedium">
  <section class="coral-Form-fieldset">
  <div class="coral-Form-fieldwrapper">
    <label id="label-vertical-0" class="coral-Form-fieldlabel">Label</label>
    <coral-clock class="coral-Form-field" name="name" labelledby="label-vertical-0"></coral-clock>
  <div class="coral-Form-fieldwrapper">
    <label id="label-vertical-1" class="coral-Form-fieldlabel">Required</label>
    <coral-clock class="coral-Form-field" name="name" labelledby="label-vertical-1" required></coral-clock>
    <coral-icon class="coral-Form-fieldinfo" icon="infoCircle" size="S" id="coral-Form-Vertical-Clock-fieldinfo"></coral-icon>
    <coral-tooltip variant="info" placement="right" target="#coral-Form-Vertical-Clock-fieldinfo">Required Information</coral-tooltip>
  <div class="coral-Form-fieldwrapper">
    <label id="label-vertical-2" class="coral-Form-fieldlabel">Invalid</label>
    <coral-clock class="coral-Form-field" name="name" labelledby="label-vertical-2" invalid></coral-clock>
    <coral-icon class="coral-Form-fielderror" icon="infoCircle" size="S" id="coral-Form-Vertical-Clock-fielderror"></coral-icon>
    <coral-tooltip variant="error" placement="right" target="#coral-Form-Vertical-Clock-fielderror">Error Message</coral-tooltip>

Aligned Layout

Show Markup
<form class="coral-Form coral-Form--aligned u-columnLarge">
  <section class="coral-Form-fieldset">
  <div class="coral-Form-fieldwrapper">
    <label id="label-aligned-0" class="coral-Form-fieldlabel">Label</label>
    <coral-clock class="coral-Form-field" name="name" labelledby="label-aligned-0"></coral-clock>
  <div class="coral-Form-fieldwrapper">
    <label id="label-aligned-1" class="coral-Form-fieldlabel">Required</label>
    <coral-clock class="coral-Form-field" name="name" labelledby="label-aligned-1" required></coral-clock>
    <coral-icon class="coral-Form-fieldinfo" icon="infoCircle" size="S" id="coral-Form-Aligned-Clock-fieldinfo"></coral-icon>
    <coral-tooltip variant="info" placement="right" target="#coral-Form-Aligned-Clock-fieldinfo">Required Information</coral-tooltip>
  <div class="coral-Form-fieldwrapper">
    <label id="label-aligned-2" class="coral-Form-fieldlabel">Invalid</label>
    <coral-clock class="coral-Form-field" name="name" labelledby="label-aligned-2" invalid></coral-clock>
    <coral-icon class="coral-Form-fielderror" icon="infoCircle" size="S" id="coral-Form-Aligned-Clock-fielderror"></coral-icon>
    <coral-tooltip variant="error" placement="right" target="#coral-Form-Aligned-Clock-fielderror">Error Message</coral-tooltip>

The following examples demonstrate usage of the JavaScript API's for Coral.Clock.


The following JavaScript manually initializes the component on page initialization and adds it to the DOM.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var clock = new Coral.Clock(); = 'myClock';
  clock.value = '18:30';
<coral-clock class="coral3-Clock" role="group" id="myClock">
<input type="hidden" name="" handle="input" value="18:30">
<time handle="valueAsText" id="coral-id-1" hidden="">18:30</time>
<input is="coral-textfield" class="coral3-Textfield coral3-Clock-hour" type="number" min="0" max="23" handle="hours" aria-label="Hours">
<span class=" coral3-Clock-divider">:</span>
<input is="coral-textfield" class="coral3-Textfield coral3-Clock-minute" type="number" min="0" max="59" handle="minutes" aria-label="Minutes">
<coral-select class="coral3-Select coral3-Clock-period" placeholder="" __vent-id__="7" handle="period" hidden="" labelledby="coral-id-0">
<button is="coral-button" class="coral3-Button coral3-Button--secondary coral3-Button--block coral3-Select-button" size="M" variant="secondary" handle="button" type="button" block="" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" id="coral-id-2" aria-controls="coral-id-3" aria-owns="coral-id-3" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="coral-id-0"><coral-button-label></coral-button-label>
<coral-icon class="coral3-Icon coral3-Select-openIcon" icon="chevronDown" size="XS" handle="icon"></coral-icon>
<span handle="label" class=" coral3-Select-label" role="textbox" aria-readonly="true"></span>
<coral-overlay class="coral3-Overlay coral3-Select-overlay" aria-hidden="true" handle="overlay" trapfocus="on" tabindex="0" focusonshow="on" target="#coral-id-2" role="presentation" offset="-1" alignmy="left top" alignat="left bottom" style="display: none;"><div coral-tabcapture="top" tabindex="0"></div><div coral-tabcapture="intermediate" tabindex="0"></div><div coral-tabcapture="bottom" tabindex="0"></div>
<coral-selectlist class="coral3-SelectList coral3-Select-selectList" role="listbox" id="coral-id-3" handle="list" style="max-height: 252px;"></coral-selectlist>
<input handle="input" type="hidden" name="" value="">
<span class=" u-coral-screenReaderOnly" id="coral-id-0" hidden="">AM/PM</span>
<coral-select-item value="am"></coral-select-item>
<coral-select-item value="pm"></coral-select-item>

Getting the value

The following will display the above component's value in an alert.

function displayValue() {
  var value = document.querySelector('#myClock').value;
  alert('The value is ' + value + '.');

Setting the value

The following will set the above component's value to 8:30.
  function setValue() {
    var clock = document.querySelector('#myClock');
    clock.valueAsDate = new Date(0, 0, 0, 8, 30);

Responding to user interaction

The following example shows how to detect changes performed by the user.

  $(document).ready(function () {
    var eventLog = $('#clockLog');
    document.querySelector('#myClock').on('change', function(event) {
      var value =;
      eventLog.log('Clock new value: ' + value);


Coral.Clock API



new Coral.Clock() or document.createElement('coral-clock')




Static Properties

Coral.Clock.variant {String}

Enum for Clock variant values.


Name Type Value Description
DEFAULT String default A default, gray Clock.
QUIET String quiet A Clock with no border or background.

Instance Properties

instance.disabled {Boolean}

Whether this field is disabled or not.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • disabled

instance.displayFormat {String}

The format used to display the selected time to the user. If the user manually types a time, this format will be used to parse the value. See for valid format string options.
Default Value:
  • "HH:mm"
HTML Attribute:
  • displayformat

instance.hidden {Boolean}

Whether this component is hidden or not.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • hidden

instance.invalid {Boolean}

Whether the current value of this field is invalid or not.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • invalid

instance.labelledBy {String}

Reference to a space delimited set of ids for the HTML elements that provide a label for the formField. Implementers should override this method to ensure that the appropriate descendant elements are labelled using the aria-labelledby attribute. This will ensure that the component is properly identified for accessibility purposes. It reflects the aria-labelledby attribute to the DOM.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • null
HTML Attribute:
  • labelledby {String}

Name used to submit the data in a form.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • ""
HTML Attribute:
  • name

instance.readOnly {Boolean}

Whether this field is readOnly or not. Indicating that the user cannot modify the value of the control. This is ignored for checkbox, radio or fileupload.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • readonly

instance.required {Boolean}

Whether this field is required or not.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • required

instance.value {String}

This field's current value.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • ""
HTML Attribute:
  • value

instance.valueAsDate {Date}

The current value as a Date. If the value is "" or an invalid date, null will be returned.
Default Value:
  • null

instance.valueFormat {String}

The format to use on expressing the time as a string on the value attribute. The value will be sent to the server using this format. If an empty string is provided, then the default value per type will be used. See for valid format string options.
Default Value:
  • "HH:mm"
HTML Attribute:
  • valueformat

instance.variant {Coral.Clock.variant}

The clock's variant.
Default Value:
  • Coral.Clock.variant.DEFAULT
HTML Attribute:
  • variant



sets focus to appropriate descendant


Get the value of a property.
Name Type Description
property String The name of the property to fetch the value of.
Property value. {*}
Inherited From:


Hide this component.
this, chainable {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:

Remove an event listener.
Name Type Optional Description
eventName String No
The event name to stop listening for.
selector String Yes
The selector that was used for event delegation.
func function No
The function that was passed to on().
useCapture Boolean Yes
Only remove listeners with useCapture set to the value passed in.
this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:


Add an event listener.
Name Type Optional Default Description
eventName String No
The event name to listen for.
selector String Yes
The selector to use for event delegation.
func function No
The function that will be called when the event is triggered.
useCapture Boolean Yes
Whether or not to listen during the capturing or bubbling phase.
this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:


Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again. It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Inherited From:


Set a single property.
Name Type Description
property String The name of the property to set.
value * The value to set the property to.
silent Boolean If true, events should not be triggered as a result of this set.
this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:

Show this component.
this, chainable {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:


Trigger an event.
Name Type Optional Default Description
eventName String No
The event name to trigger.
props Object Yes
Additional properties to make available to handlers as event.detail.
bubbles Boolean Yes
Set to false to prevent the event from bubbling.
cancelable Boolean Yes
Set to false to prevent the event from being cancelable.
CustomEvent object {CustomEvent}
Inherited From:



Triggered when the value has changed. This event is only triggered by user interaction.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
Inherited From:


Triggered when the component is attached to the DOM.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
Inherited From:
  • since 1.14.0, use MutationObserver instead.


    Triggered when the component is detached to the DOM.
    Callback Parameters:
    Name Type Description
    event Object Event object.
    Inherited From:
    • since 1.14.0, use MutationObserver instead.


      Triggerred when the component has been upgraded and is ready for use.
      Callback Parameters:
      Name Type Description
      event Object Event object.
      Inherited From:
      • since 1.9.0, use Coral.commons.ready() instead.