Table is a container component to display and manipulate data in two dimensions or more.

Content only

There are no saved activities in your account yet.

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Show Markup
<table is="coral-table">
  <tbody is="coral-table-body">
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell" style="text-align:center">
        <p>There are no saved activities in your account yet.</p>
        <p>Get started now.</p>

Cell divider

Activities Numbers Date
Left Label Alpha 23,857 January 28, 2012 Right Label
Left Label Beta 20,398 December 1, 2011 Right Label
Left Label Charlie 3,498 February 15, 2012 Right Label
Show Markup
<table is="coral-table">
  <thead is="coral-table-head">
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <th is="coral-table-headercell"></th>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Activities</th>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Numbers</th>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Date</th>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell"></th>
  <tbody is="coral-table-body" divider="cell">
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Left Label</th>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Alpha</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">23,857</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">January 28, 2012</td>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Right Label</th>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Left Label</th>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Beta</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">20,398</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">December 1, 2011</td>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Right Label</th>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Left Label</th>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Charlie</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">3,498</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">February 15, 2012</td>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Right Label</th>

Scrollable table with a sticky head

Activities Numbers Date
Alpha 23,857 January 28, 2012
Beta 20,398 December 1, 2011
Charlie 3,498 February 15, 2012
Delta 20,398 May 16, 2014
Echo 1,247 August 12, 2010
Foxtrot 90,034 September 15, 2000
Show Markup
<table is="coral-table" style="height:200px">
  <thead is="coral-table-head" sticky>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Activities</th>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Numbers</th>
      <th is="coral-table-headercell">Date</th>
  <tbody is="coral-table-body">
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Alpha</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">23,857</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">January 28, 2012</td>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Beta</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">20,398</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">December 1, 2011</td>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Charlie</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">3,498</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">February 15, 2012</td>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Delta</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">20,398</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">May 16, 2014</td>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Echo</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">1,247</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">August 12, 2010</td>
    <tr is="coral-table-row">
      <td is="coral-table-cell">Foxtrot</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">90,034</td>
      <td is="coral-table-cell">September 15, 2000</td>

Table exposes the coral-table-scroll attribute that allows in sticky mode to define the table scrolling container max-height. This is particularly useful if the table contains dynamic content.

Sortable table columns

In this example, the cell value property is used to compare cells during a column sort. If not set, the sorting will be performed on the cell content. The content will be parse accordingly based on the column's sortabletype property.

Sorting columns triggers the coral-table:beforecolumnsort and coral-table:columnsort events.

Activities Numbers Date
Alpha 23,857 January 28, 2012
Beta 20,398 December 1, 2011
Charlie 3,498 February 15, 2012
Delta 20,398 May 16, 2012