Note:Any Coral CSS classes and attributes not explicitly mentioned in the public documentation are private and subject to change. Their direct use is not recommended and at high risk of breaking after subsequent updates of CoralUI library. For technical details of how to use Coral safely, please refer to the CoralUI Architecture.
<tableis="coral-table"><tbodyis="coral-table-body"><tris="coral-table-row"><tdis="coral-table-cell"style="text-align:center"><p>There are no saved activities in your account yet.</p><p>Get started now.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>
Table exposes the coral-table-scroll attribute that allows in sticky mode to define the table
scrolling container max-height. This is particularly useful if the table contains dynamic content.
In this example, the cell value property is used to compare cells during a column sort. If
not set, the sorting will be performed on the cell content. The content will be parse accordingly based
on the column's sortabletype property.
<tableis="coral-table"selectablemultipleorderable><colgroup><colis="coral-table-column"fixedwidth><colis="coral-table-column"><colis="coral-table-column"><colis="coral-table-column"fixedwidth></colgroup><theadis="coral-table-head"><tris="coral-table-row"><this="coral-table-headercell"><coral-checkboxcoral-table-select></coral-checkbox></th><this="coral-table-headercell">Activities</th><this="coral-table-headercell">Date</th><this="coral-table-headercell"></th></tr></thead><tbodyis="coral-table-body"><!-- Example of default handles --><tris="coral-table-row"><tdis="coral-table-cell"><coral-checkboxcoral-table-rowselect></coral-checkbox></td><tdis="coral-table-cell">Alpha</td><tdis="coral-table-cell">January 28, 2012</td><tdis="coral-table-cell"><buttonis="coral-button"type="button"variant="minimal"icon="dragHandle"coral-table-roworder></button></td></tr><tris="coral-table-row"><tdis="coral-table-cell"><coral-checkboxcoral-table-rowselect></coral-checkbox></td><tdis="coral-table-cell">Beta</td><tdis="coral-table-cell">December 1, 2011</td><tdis="coral-table-cell"><buttonis="coral-button"type="button"variant="minimal"icon="dragHandle"coral-table-roworder></button></td></tr><tris="coral-table-row"><tdis="coral-table-cell"><coral-checkboxcoral-table-rowselect></coral-checkbox></td><tdis="coral-table-cell">Charlie</td><tdis="coral-table-cell">February 15, 2012</td><tdis="coral-table-cell"><buttonis="coral-button"type="button"variant="minimal"icon="dragHandle"coral-table-roworder></button></td></tr><!-- Example of defined handles --><tris="coral-table-row"><tdis="coral-table-cell"><coral-checkboxcoral-table-rowselect></coral></td><tdis="coral-table-cell">Delta</td><tdis="coral-table-cell">May 16, 2012</td><tdis="coral-table-cell"><buttonis="coral-button"type="button"variant="minimal"icon="apps"coral-table-roworder></button></td></tr></tbody></table>
If setting sortabletype to custom, columns won't sort based on the default table sorting.
Instead, a custom sorting can be performed when triggered by user interaction. This can be defined by listening to
the coral-table:beforecolumnsort event.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again.
It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.