is a partial component, which may be used to built drag-and-drop interfaces. It cannot be used on its own but serves as a building

DragAction attributes



DragAction attributes are activated on DOMContentLoaded event. JS initialization can be used as alternative to handle dynamic HTML elements.


The coral-dragaction attribute adds draggable functionalities to the corresponding HTML element.
You can drag me around
Show Markup
<span coral-dragaction>
  You can drag me around


The coral-dragaction-handle attribute allows dragging only by dragging the specified handle.
You can only drag me using the handle
Show Markup
<span coral-dragaction coral-dragaction-handle="#handle">
  You can only drag me using the <span id="handle"><b>handle</b></span>


The coral-dragaction-dropzone attribute is used to indicate possible dropzones making it possible to build drag-and-drop enabled interfaces in conjunction with DragAction events.
You can drop me on #dropzone
I'm #dropzone
Show Markup
<span id="dragaction" coral-dragaction coral-dragaction-dropzone="#dropzone">
  You can drop me on #dropzone
<div id="dropzone" style="height:200px;width:200px;background: #eee;">
  I'm #dropzone


By supplying coral-dragaction-axis and setting it to either horizontal or vertical, it is possible to restrict the drag'n'drop to a single axis.
You can drag me on the horizontal axis only
Show Markup
<span coral-dragaction coral-dragaction-axis='horizontal'>
  You can drag me on the horizontal axis only


coral-dragaction-scroll attribute will scroll the container when the draggable is moved beyond the viewport
You can drag me to the document's body edges and beyond !
Show Markup
<span coral-dragaction coral-dragaction-scroll>
  You can drag me to the document's body edges and beyond !


By setting coral-dragaction-containment, the draggable element will be constrained to its container.
You can not drag me out
Show Markup
<div style="height:200px;width:200px;background: #eee;overflow:scroll;">
  <div coral-dragaction coral-dragaction-containment style="width:50px;border:1px solid #999;">
    You can not drag me out

JS Initialization

The following examples demonstrate how to initialize coral-dragaction using pure JavaScript.

I can not be dragged out
Show Markup
<div style="height:200px;width:200px;background: #eee; overflow:scroll;">
  <span id="dragactionJS">I can not be dragged out</span>

Finally we can initialize Coral.DragAction using only JavaScript.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var dragAction = new Coral.DragAction('#dragactionJS');
  dragAction.containment = true;

Observing Events

DragActions create many additional events, which allow for more fine grained interactions and customizations. Those events are triggered on the source of the drag'n'drop. See the detailed documentation below for more information.

The following code logs some of the supported events.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var console = $("#dragaction-log");
  // Events generated on drag start
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:dragstart', function (e) {
    console.log('Start on position: [' + e.detail.pageX + ',' + e.detail.pageY + ']');
  // Events generated on drag
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:drag', function (e) {
    console.log('Drag on position: [' + e.detail.pageX + ',' + e.detail.pageY + ']');
  // Events generated on drag end
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:dragend', function (e) {
    console.log('End on position: [' + e.detail.pageX + ',' + e.detail.pageY + ']');
  // Events generated on dragenter
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:dragenter', function (e) {
    console.log('Entered element with id: ' +;
  // Events generated on dragover
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:dragover', function (e) {
    console.log('Over element with id: ' +;
  // Events generated on dragleave
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:dragleave', function (e) {
    console.log('Left element with id: ' +;
  // Events generated on drop
  $('#dragaction')[0].addEventListener('coral-dragaction:drop', function (e) {
    console.log('Drop on element with id: ' +; = 'beige';


Typical event order

In the simplest successful use case - dragging an element, moving it to the target area and dropping it - the following events will occur:

  1. coral-dragaction:dragstart
  2. coral-dragaction:drag
  3. coral-dragaction:dragenter
  4. coral-dragaction:dragover (multiple times)
  5. coral-dragaction:drop
  6. coral-dragaction:dragleave
  7. coral-dragaction:dragend

Coral.DragAction API



new Coral.DragAction()
Name Type Description
dragElement String|HTMLElement The draggable element.

Static Properties

Coral.DragAction.axis {String}

Enum for DragAction axis restriction values.


Name Type Value Description
FREE String free Allows vertically and horizontally dragging.
VERTICAL String vertical Allows vertically dragging only.
HORIZONTAL String horizontal Allows horizontally dragging only.

Instance Properties

instance.axis {Coral.DragAction.axis}

The axis to constrain drag movement.
Default Value:
  • Coral.DragAction.axis.FREE
HTML Attribute:
  • coral-dragaction-axis

instance.containment {Boolean}

Whether to constrain the draggable element to its container viewport.
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • coral-dragaction-containment

instance.dragElement {String | HTMLElement}

The draggable element.
HTML Attribute:
  • coral-dragaction

instance.dropZone {String | HTMLElement}

The dropZone to drop the dragged element.
HTML Attribute:
  • coral-dragaction-dropzone

instance.handle {String | HTMLElement}

The handle allowing to drag the element.
HTML Attribute:
  • coral-dragaction-handle

instance.scroll {Boolean}

Whether to scroll the container when the draggable element is moved beyond the viewport.
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • coral-dragaction-scroll



Remove draggable actions
Name Type Description
restorePosition Boolean Whether to restore the draggable element to its initial position



Triggered when the drag element is being dragged.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.


Triggered when the drag element stops to be dragged.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.


Triggered when the drag element enters a drop element.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
dropElement HTMLElement The drop element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.


Triggered when the drag element leaves a drop element.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
dropElement HTMLElement The drop element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.


Triggered when the drag element is over a drop element.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
dropElement HTMLElement The drop element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.


Triggered when the drag element starts to be dragged.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.


Triggered when the drag element is dropped on a drop element.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
dragElement HTMLElement The dragged element
dropElement HTMLElement The drop element
pageX Number The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document.
pageY Number The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document.