The masonry is a container component which allows to lay out items in a masonry grid.

Layout Types


All items have the same fixed width. The remaining space is equally distributed between the container and items. If the first row is not filled, then the items are left aligned.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu. Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.
Show Markup
<coral-masonry layout="fixed-spread" spacing="20" columnwidth="80">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.</coral-masonry-item>


All items have the same fixed width. They are centered in the middle of the container with the defined spacing between each other.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu. Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.
Show Markup
<coral-masonry layout="fixed-centered" spacing="20" columnwidth="80">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.</coral-masonry-item>


The columnwidth defines the minimum width for the item. If there is remaining space, then it is distributed equally between all items.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu. Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.
Show Markup
<coral-masonry layout="variable" spacing="20" columnwidth="80">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.</coral-masonry-item>


Similar to the variable layout; however, remaining vertical space will be filled by expanding items.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu. Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.
Show Markup
<coral-masonry layout="dashboard" spacing="20" columnwidth="80">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Eos ne case mazim nominavi, ea est malorum sapientem.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. At vix iusto corpora indoctum, nam choro apeirian eu.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.</coral-masonry-item>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.
Show Markup
<coral-masonry layout="fixed-spread" spacing="20" columnwidth="100" orderable>
    <span coral-masonry-draghandle></span>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.
    <span coral-masonry-draghandle></span>
    His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum.
    <span coral-masonry-draghandle></span>
    Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.

Multi-column Items

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos. Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.
Show Markup
<coral-masonry layout="fixed-spread" spacing="20" columnwidth="100">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item colspan="2">His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Et summo volumus sed, sea sale maiorum dignissim te.</coral-masonry-item>

Filtering Items

The following example shows how items can be filtered with JavaScript.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.
Show Markup
<input class="coral3-Textfield" id="filter" placeholder="Filter">
<coral-masonry id="masonry_filter_example" layout="variable" spacing="20" columnwidth="100">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.</coral-masonry-item>
  $('#filter').on('input', function(e) {
    var filterText =;
    $('#masonry_filter_example')[0].items.getAll().forEach(function (item) {
      var itemText = item.textContent.toLowerCase();
      if (itemText.indexOf(filterText) !== -1) {;
      } else {

Selecting Items

The following example shows one possibility how selection can be implemented.

Click on items to select/unselect them:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel. His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum. Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.
Show Markup
<p>Click on items to select/unselect them:</p>
<coral-masonry id="masonry_selection_example" layout="variable" spacing="20" columnwidth="100">
  <coral-masonry-item>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, corpora postulant ocurreret in mel.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>His illum augue causae ut, vim ne magna prodesset, est ad nemore quodsi alienum.</coral-masonry-item>
  <coral-masonry-item>Ei noluisse expetenda qui. Mei in iusto convenire torquatos.</coral-masonry-item>
  $('#masonry_selection_example').on('click', 'coral-masonry-item', function(e) {
    this.selected = !this.selected;

Coral.Masonry API



new Coral.Masonry() or document.createElement('coral-masonry')





Instance Properties

instance.hidden {Boolean}

Whether this component is hidden or not.
Inherited From:
Default Value:
  • false
HTML Attribute:
  • hidden

instance.items {Coral.Collection}

Coral.Collection which allows to interact with the masonry items.

instance.layout {String}

The layout name for this masonry. Must be one of Coral.Masonry.layouts. The following layout types are available by default:
  • fixed-centered: Layout with fixed width centered items
  • fixed-spread: Layout with fixed width and evenly spread items
  • variable: Layout with variable width items
  • dashboard: Layout with variable width items which are expanded in their height to fill gaps
HTML Attribute:
  • layout

instance.selectedItem {Coral.Masonry.Item}

The first selected item or null if no item is selected.

instance.selectedItems {Array.<Coral.Masonry.Item>}

An array of all selected items.

instance.spacing {Number}

The spacing between the items and the masonry container in pixel. If this property is not set, then it falls back to the CSS padding of the masonry and margin of the items.
Default Value:
  • null
HTML Attribute:
  • spacing



Registers a layout with the given name. The name can then be set at Coral.Masonry.layout to render a masonry with the this registered layout.
Name Type Description
name String the lower case name of the layout
Layout Layout class which extends Layout


Deselects all items.
  • #selectAll


Get the value of a property.
Name Type Description
property String The name of the property to fetch the value of.
Property value. {*}
Inherited From:


Hide this component.
this, chainable {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:

Remove an event listener.
Name Type Optional Description
eventName String No
The event name to stop listening for.
selector String Yes
The selector that was used for event delegation.
func function No
The function that was passed to on().
useCapture Boolean Yes
Only remove listeners with useCapture set to the value passed in.
this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:


Add an event listener.
Name Type Optional Default Description
eventName String No
The event name to listen for.
selector String Yes
The selector to use for event delegation.
func function No
The function that will be called when the event is triggered.
useCapture Boolean Yes
Whether or not to listen during the capturing or bubbling phase.
this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:


Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again. It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
Inherited From:


Selects all items.
  • #deselectAll


Set a single property.
Name Type Description
property String The name of the property to set.
value * The value to set the property to.
silent Boolean If true, events should not be triggered as a result of this set.
this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:

Show this component.
this, chainable {Coral.Component}
Inherited From:


Trigger an event.
Name Type Optional Default Description
eventName String No
The event name to trigger.
props Object Yes
Additional properties to make available to handlers as event.detail.
bubbles Boolean Yes
Set to false to prevent the event from bubbling.
cancelable Boolean Yes
Set to false to prevent the event from being cancelable.
CustomEvent object {CustomEvent}
Inherited From:



Triggered when the component is attached to the DOM.
Callback Parameters:
Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
Inherited From:
  • since 1.14.0, use MutationObserver instead.


    Triggered when the component is detached to the DOM.
    Callback Parameters:
    Name Type Description
    event Object Event object.
    Inherited From:
    • since 1.14.0, use MutationObserver instead.


      Triggerred when the component has been upgraded and is ready for use.
      Callback Parameters:
      Name Type Description
      event Object Event object.
      Inherited From:
      • since 1.9.0, use Coral.commons.ready() instead.

        Coral.Masonry.Item API



        new Coral.Masonry.Item() or document.createElement('coral-masonry-item')

        HTML Tag:



        Instance Properties

        instance.content {HTMLElement}

        Item content element.

        instance.hidden {Boolean}

        Whether this component is hidden or not.
        Inherited From:
        Default Value:
        • false
        HTML Attribute:
        • hidden

        instance.orderable {Boolean}

        Whether or not it is possible to order items with drag & drop.
        Default Value:
        • false
        HTML Attribute:
        • orderable

        instance.selected {Boolean}

        Whether the item is selected.
        Default Value:
        • false
        HTML Attribute:
        • selected



        Get the value of a property.
        Name Type Description
        property String The name of the property to fetch the value of.
        Property value. {*}
        Inherited From:


        Hide this component.
        this, chainable {Coral.Component}
        Inherited From:

        Remove an event listener.
        Name Type Optional Description
        eventName String No
        The event name to stop listening for.
        selector String Yes
        The selector that was used for event delegation.
        func function No
        The function that was passed to on().
        useCapture Boolean Yes
        Only remove listeners with useCapture set to the value passed in.
        this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
        Inherited From:


        Add an event listener.
        Name Type Optional Default Description
        eventName String No
        The event name to listen for.
        selector String Yes
        The selector to use for event delegation.
        func function No
        The function that will be called when the event is triggered.
        useCapture Boolean Yes
        Whether or not to listen during the capturing or bubbling phase.
        this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
        Inherited From:


        Non-destructively remove this element. It can be re-added by simply appending it to the document again. It will be garbage collected if there are no more references to it.
        Inherited From:


        Set a single property.
        Name Type Description
        property String The name of the property to set.
        value * The value to set the property to.
        silent Boolean If true, events should not be triggered as a result of this set.
        this, chainable. {Coral.Component}
        Inherited From:

        Show this component.
        this, chainable {Coral.Component}
        Inherited From:


        Trigger an event.
        Name Type Optional Default Description
        eventName String No
        The event name to trigger.
        props Object Yes
        Additional properties to make available to handlers as event.detail.
        bubbles Boolean Yes
        Set to false to prevent the event from bubbling.
        cancelable Boolean Yes
        Set to false to prevent the event from being cancelable.
        CustomEvent object {CustomEvent}
        Inherited From:



        Triggered when the component is attached to the DOM.
        Callback Parameters:
        Name Type Description
        event Object Event object.
        Inherited From:
        • since 1.14.0, use MutationObserver instead.


          Triggered when the component is detached to the DOM.
          Callback Parameters:
          Name Type Description
          event Object Event object.
          Inherited From:
          • since 1.14.0, use MutationObserver instead.


            Triggerred when the component has been upgraded and is ready for use.
            Callback Parameters:
            Name Type Description
            event Object Event object.
            Inherited From:
            • since 1.9.0, use Coral.commons.ready() instead.