
The manifest object provides access to the manifest.json file entries of the add-on.


object (specific type Record)

Please see the Manifest Schema Reference for the whole list of properties and types that can be specified in the manifest.json for your add-on.


Below is an example of using the manifest object, along with the expected output.

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import addOnUISdk from "";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(() => {
console.log("Name: " + manifest["name"]);
console.log("Test ID " + manifest["testId"]);
console.log("Version " + manifest["version"]);
console.log("Manifest Version " + manifest["manifestVersion"]);
for (const app of manifest["requirements"]["apps"]) {
console.log("Requirements -> Apps " + JSON.stringify(app));
for (const entryPoint of manifest["entryPoints"]) {
console.log("Entry Point Type " + entryPoint["type"]);
console.log("Entry Point ID " + entryPoint["id"]);
console.log("Entry Point main " + entryPoint["main"]);