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@express-document-sdk / BaseParagraphStyles

Interface: BaseParagraphStyles

Base paragraph styles that can be applied to an entire paragraph atomically. Excludes list style settings, which differ between the getter-oriented ParagraphStyles interface and the setter-oriented ParagraphStylesRangeInput.

Extended by



lineSpacing: number

Spacing between lines, aka leading, expressed as a multiple of the font size's default spacing - ex. 1.5 = 150% of normal. It only affects the space between lines, not the space above the first line or below the last line.


spaceAfter: number

Space after paragraph (in points). It does not affect the last paragraph. It is additive to the next paragraph's spaceBefore (adjacent spacing does not merge/collapse together).


spaceBefore: number

Space before paragraph (in points). It does not affect the first paragraph. It is additive to previous paragraph's spaceAfter (adjacent spacing does not merge/collapse together).

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