@express-document-sdk / ParagraphStylesRange
Interface: ParagraphStylesRange
IMPORTANT: This is currently experimental only and should not be used in any add-ons you will be distributing until it has been declared stable. To use it, you will first need to set the experimentalApis
flag to true
in the requirements
section of the manifest.json
A set of ParagraphStyles and the text range they apply to. It is seen in the paragraphStyleRanges getter.
• length: number
The length or number of characters in which character styles will be applied. Note: since characters are represented as UTF-16 code units, some symbols such as emojis are considered to have a length of 2.
Inherited from
• lineSpacing: number
Spacing between lines, aka leading, expressed as a multiple of the font size's default spacing - ex. 1.5 = 150% of normal. It only affects the space between lines, not the space above the first line or below the last line.
Inherited from
• optional
list: Required
> | Required
Inherited from
• spaceAfter: number
Space after paragraph (in points). It does not affect the last paragraph. It is additive to the next paragraph's spaceBefore (adjacent spacing does not merge/collapse together).
Inherited from
• spaceBefore: number
Space before paragraph (in points). It does not affect the first paragraph. It is additive to previous paragraph's spaceAfter (adjacent spacing does not merge/collapse together).