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@express-document-sdk / UnorderedListStyleInput

Interface: UnorderedListStyleInput

Interface for specifying an unordered list style, such as a bullet list.


  • BaseParagraphListStyle



optional indentLevel: number

A value from 0-8 that specifies indent/nesting level. Default is 0 if not provided.

Inherited from



optional marker: string

Marker symbol to use. If undefined, it defaults to a different symbol depending on the paragraph's indent level. The defaults for increasing indent are: •, ◦, ◼, ◻, and then they repeat. Markers are always displayed using the default font (SourceSans3 Regular), regardless of the font(s) used in the paragraph's text content. A default marker is used instead if the default font does not support the symbol.

Text or Unicode glyphs are accepted to represent the list marker.


type: unordered

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