Apply a variety of documeent and layer level edits. To check the status of this process, utilize the Get Status
Authorization required | string Bearer: ${Authorization Token} |
x-api-key required | string API key/client id |
Content-Type required | string application/json |
x-gw-ims-org-id | string IMS organization ID. This needs to be sent only if it is desirable to receive the job status through Adobe I/O Events. |
required | Array of objects (input_objects_max_1) <= 1 items An object describing an input file. Currently supported filetypes include: |
required | options (object) (options) non-empty User can add/update any layer/document properties using options. |
required | Array of objects (output_objects) [ 1 .. 25 ] items An array of hashes describing the output files. Output file format can be any of |
Successful operation
Bad Request
Trial Limit Exceeded
Not Found
File Overwrite Error
Asset Link Invalid
Internal Server Error
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