Copy and paste text, edit and resize it, or add text effects using Photoshop API.
APIs and Text
The Edit Text endpoint supports editing one or more text layers within a PSD.
It enables users to:
- Format text properties such as anti-alias, orientation and be able to edit text contents. Changing only the text properties will not change any character paragraph styling.
- Some of the key character properties that can be formatted include (but not limited to):
- Text treatments such as strike-through, underline, capitalization.
- Character size and color.
- Line and character spacing through leading, tracking, autoKern settings.
- All the paragraph properties are supported.
- Use custom fonts when specified through the
section in the API request body.
Usage Recommendations
- Ensure that the input file is a PSD and that it contains one or more text layers.
- Refer to Font Handling and Handle Missing Fonts more information.
You can find a code sample for making a text layer edit here:
Copied to your clipboardcurl -X POST \https://image.adobe.io/pie/psdService/text \-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \-H "x-api-key: $apiKey" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"inputs":[{"href":"<SIGNED_GET_URL>","storage":"<storage>"}],"options":{"layers":[{"name": "My Text Layer","text": {"content": "CHANGED TO NEW TEXT","orientation": "horizontal","characterStyles": [{"size": 15,"orientation": "horizontal","color": {"red":255,"green":0,"blue":0}}],"paragraphStyles": [{"alignment": "right"}]}}]},"outputs":[{"href":"<SIGNED_POST_URL>","storage":"<storage>","type":"vnd.adobe.photoshop"}]}'
Known Limitations
The API cannot automatically detect missing fonts in the layers. To prevent potential missing fonts from being replaced, please provide a href
to the font in the options.fonts
section of the API. For more details on specifying custom fonts, please refer to the example section below.
In this example, the font on the original image was altered using the Text API, as depicted in the image on the left:
Text layers Edits
The Photoshop API currently supports creating and editing of Text Layer with different fonts, character styles and paragraph styles. The set of text attributes that can be edited is listed below:
- Edit the text contents
- Change the font. See the
section for more information. - Edit the font size
- Change the font color in the following formats: RGB, CMYK, grayscale, or lab
- Edit the text orientation (horizontal/vertical)
- Edit the paragraph alignment, such as left, center, right, justify, justify left, justify center, and justify right
This example shows how you can apply edits to two text layers:
Copied to your clipboardcurl -X POST \https://image.adobe.io/pie/psdService/text \-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \-H "x-api-key: $apiKey" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"inputs": [{"href": "<SIGNED_GET_URL>","storage": "<storage>"}],"options": {"fonts": [{"storage": "<storage>","href": "<SIGNED_GET_URL>"}],"layers": [{"name": "<name_of_text_layer_1_to_edit>","text": {"orientation": "horizontal","contents": "New text Contents 1","antiAlias": "antiAliasSharp","characterStyles": [{"autoKern": "metricsKern","fontPostScriptName": "<font_postscript_name>","fontCaps": "allCaps","size": 25,"leading": 20,"tracking": 20,"syntheticBold": true,"ligature": true,"syntheticItalic": true,"color": {"blue": 100,"green": 200,"red": 163}}],"paragraphStyles": [{"align": "right"}]}},{"name": "<name_of_text_layer_2_to_edit>","text": {"contents": "New text Contents 2","characterStyles": [{"size": 45,"stylisticAlternates": true,"leading": 100,"tracking": 100,"baseline": "subScript","strikethrough": true,"underline": true,"verticalScale": 150,"horizontalScale": 200,"color": {"blue": 300,"green": 100,"red": 63}}]}}]},"outputs": [{"href": "<SIGNED_POST_URL>","type": "vnd.adobe.photoshop","storage": "<storage>"}]}'
Font handling
In order to be able to correctly operate on text layers in the PSD, the corresponding fonts needed for these layers will need to be available when the server is processing the PSD. These include fonts from the following cases:
- The font that is in the text layer being edited, but the font itself is not being changed
- If the font in a text layer is being changed to a new font
While referencing fonts in the API request, please ensure that the correct Postscript name for that font is used. Referencing to that font with any other name will result in the API treating this as a missing font.
The Photoshop API supports using the following category of fonts:
You can find a list of currently supported fonts here
Custom/Other Fonts: These are the fonts that are either owned by you or the ones that only you are authorized to use. To use a custom font you must include an href to the font in your request. Look at the
section of the API docs for more information. For including an href to the font in your request, please ensure the font file name to be in this format:<font_postscript_name>.<ext>
, when it is being uploaded in your choice of storage. A sampleoptions.fonts
section will look like so:Copied to your clipboard{"storage": "external","href": "<Storage URL to OpenSansCondensed-Light.ttf>"}
This applies to any other font present in the document which is not to be found in the first 2 categories above.
This example changes the font in a text layer named My Text Layer
to a custom font VeganStylePersonalUse
. The value for the fontName
field in the text.characterStyles
section is the full postscript name of the custom font:
Copied to your clipboardcurl -X POST \https://image.adobe.io/pie/psdService/text \-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \-H "x-api-key: $apiKey" \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"inputs":[{"href":"<SIGNED_GET_URL>","storage":"<storage>"}],"options":{"fonts": [{"storage": "<storage>","href": "<SIGNED_GET_URL_TO_VeganStylePersonalUse.ttf>"}],"layers":[{"name": "My Text Layer","text": {"content": "CHANGED TO NEW TEXT","orientation": "horizontal","characterStyles": [{"size": 15,"orientation": "horizontal","color": {"red":255,"green":0,"blue":0}}],"paragraphStyles": [{"alignment": "right"}]}}]},"outputs":[{"href":"<SIGNED_POST_URL>","storage":"<storage>","type":"vnd.adobe.photoshop"}]}'
Handle missing fonts in the document.
The API provides two options to control the behavior when there are missing fonts, as the request is being processed:
Specify a global font which would act as a default font for the current request: The globalFont
field in the options
section of the request can be used to specify the full postscript name of this font.
For any textLayer edit/add operation, if the font used specifically for that layer is missing, this font will be used as the default. If the global font itself is missing, then the action to be taken will be dictated by the manageMissingFonts
options as explained here in the next bullet point.
Note: If using an OAuth integration, Adobe Fonts can be used as a global font as well. If the global font is a custom font, please upload the font to one of the cloud storage types that is supported and specify the href
and storage
type in the options.fonts
section of the request.
Specify the action to be taken if one or more fonts required for the add/edit operation(s) are missing: The manageMissingFonts
field in the options
section of the request can be used to specify this action. It can accept one of the following 2 values:
to force the request/job to failuseDefault
to use our system designated default font, which is:ArialMT
In this example we show you how to handle missing fonts using the manageMissingFonts
and globalFont
Most of the text attributes retain their respective original values. There are some attributes however that do not retain their original values. For example (and not limited to): tracking, leading, kerning.
Supported Fonts
This is a list of all of the supported Postscript fonts for Photoshop API.
Photoshop CC
AcuminVariableConcept |
AdobeArabic-Bold |
AdobeArabic-BoldItalic |
AdobeArabic-Italic |
AdobeArabic-Regular |
AdobeDevanagari-Bold |
AdobeDevanagari-BoldItalic |
AdobeDevanagari-Italic |
AdobeDevanagari-Regular |
AdobeFanHeitiStd-Bold |
AdobeGothicStd-Bold |
AdobeGurmukhi-Bold |
AdobeGurmukhi-Regular |
AdobeHebrew-Bold |
AdobeHebrew-BoldItalic |
AdobeHebrew-Italic |
AdobeHebrew-Regular |
AdobeHeitiStd-Regular |
AdobeMingStd-Light |
AdobeMyungjoStd-Medium |
AdobePiStd |
AdobeSongStd-Light |
AdobeThai-Bold |
AdobeThai-BoldItalic |
AdobeThai-Italic |
AdobeThai-Regular |
CourierStd |
CourierStd-Bold |
CourierStd-BoldOblique |
CourierStd-Oblique |
EmojiOneColor |
KozGoPr6N-Bold |
KozGoPr6N-Medium |
KozGoPr6N-Regular |
KozMinPr6N-Regular |
MinionPro-Regular |
MinionVariableConcept-Italic |
MinionVariableConcept-Roman |
MyriadArabic-Bold |
MyriadArabic-BoldIt |
MyriadArabic-It |
MyriadArabic-Regular |
MyriadHebrew-Bold |
MyriadHebrew-BoldIt |
MyriadHebrew-It |
MyriadHebrew-Regular |
MyriadPro-Bold |
MyriadPro-BoldIt |
MyriadPro-It |
MyriadPro-Regular |
MyriadVariableConcept-Italic |
MyriadVariableConcept-Roman |
NotoSansKhmer-Regular |
NotoSansLao-Regular |
NotoSansMyanmar-Regular |
NotoSansSinhala-Regular |
SourceCodeVariable-Italic |
SourceCodeVariable-Roman |
SourceSansVariable-Italic |
SourceSansVariable-Roman |
SourceSerifVariable-Roman |
TrajanColor-Concept |