Cache-control headers

API Mesh for Adobe Developer App Builder supports dynamic content caching if you provide a content delivery network (CDN), such as Fastly. Dynamic content caching helps improve site load times and reduces consumption costs associated with bandwidth.

Understanding cache-control headers

A CDN's cache-control headers determine how queried information is cached.

When a browser or a GET request accesses a URL, the site's response headers typically include a cache-control header, which determines how long the site will allow its data to be cached. For example, a site could have the following response header:

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cache-control: max-age=0

The max-age=0 cache-control directive means that this site wants to serve fresh data until 0 seconds after the response is generated, which basically means it never wants to cache data. This could also be achieved with a no-store directive.

For more information on specific cache-control directives and how they can be used, see the Mozilla Developer Network's cache control guide.

Using cache-control headers with API Mesh

API mesh users can add cache-control headers to request headers or to a mesh configuration file.

As request headers

Use a mesh configuration similar to the example below to return forwarded headers.

When the response includes cache-control values, only the most restrictive values are returned.

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"meshConfig": {
"responseConfig": {
"headers": {
"Cache-Control": "max-age=50,min-fresh=6,stale-if-error=20,public,must-revalidate"
"sources": [
"name": "venia",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""

How conflicting header values are resolved

When cache-control header values from multiple sources conflict, API Mesh selects the lowest or most restrictive value. The following section explains which values are returned when cache-control directives conflict.

The no-store directive supersedes all other directives. If your source's cache-control headers contain this directive, then the mesh does not return other headers.

If your source's cache-control headers contain conflicting values for the following directives, the mesh selects the lowest value:

  • min-fresh

  • max-age

  • max-stale

  • s-maxage

  • stale-if-error

  • stale-while-revalidate

If your source's cache-control headers contain any of the following directives, the mesh adds the directive to the cache-control response.

  • public

  • private

  • immutable

  • no-cache

  • no-transform

  • must-revalidate

  • proxy-revalidate

  • must-understand


The following example scenarios indicate the resulting Response header from two conflicting sources:

Example 1

  • Source 1 response headers

    • max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=60, stale-if-error=3600
  • Source 2 response headers

    • max-age:600, stale-if-error=60
  • Combined HTTP response headers

    • max-age=600, stale-while-revalidate=60, stale-if-error=60

Example 2

  • Source 1 response headers

    • max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=60, stale-if-error=3600
  • Source 2 response headers

    • no-store
  • Combined HTTP response headers

    • no-store

In the mesh configuration file

To set your own values for cache-control headers, add a Cache-Control key-value pair to the responseConfig object in your mesh configuration file.

Mesh Example

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"meshConfig": {
"responseConfig": {
"headers": {
"Cache-Control": "max-age=50,min-fresh=6,stale-if-error=20,public,must-revalidate"
"sources": [
"name": "venia",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""