
Hooks allow you to invoke a composable local or remote function on a targeted node.

Some use cases for the Hooks include:

  • Authenticating a user before all operations

  • Checking for an authorization token before making a request

Hooks increase processing time. Use them sparingly if processing time is important. Hooks are executed in the order you provide them. However, any blocking hooks execute before non-blocking hooks.

Hook arguments

Hooks are plugins that accept the following arguments:

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"hooks": {
"beforeAll": {
"composer": "<Local or Remote file>",
"blocking": true|false
  • composer (string) - The local or remote file location of the function you want to execute.

    You must add any local scripts to the mesh's files array. Local vs remote functions describes when to use a local or remote function.

    NOTE: Local composer functions are limited to 30 seconds. If blocking is set to true and the function takes longer than 30 seconds, you will receive a Timeout Error. If you repeatedly encounter this error, consider using a remote composer.

  • blocking (boolean) - (false by default) Determines if the query waits for a successful return message before continuing the query.

    The blocking argument allows you to stop running hooks for a query that does not receive a successful response.

    If blocking is true and the composer returns an error, all future hook executions are canceled.

    If blocking is false and the composer returns an error, the composer will still be invoked.

Types of hooks


The beforeAll hook allows you to insert a function before the query takes place. This is a good place to add an authentication layer or anything else you want to run before your query.

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"plugins": [
"hooks": {
"beforeAll": {
"composer": "./hooks.js#checkAuthHeader",
"blocking": true

Local vs remote functions

local composers are defined within your mesh.json file, whereas remote composers are only referenced within your mesh file. Local and remote composers have different advantages and limitations.

local composers

Use local composers if:

  • The entire operation will take less than 30 seconds.

  • The composer logic is simple and only requires access to the headers, body, and other context objects.

Avoid using local composers if:

  • The entire operation will take more than 30 seconds.

  • The composer needs to make network calls.

  • The composer has complex or nested loops.

  • The composer uses restricted constructs, such as setTimeout, setInterval, for, while, console, process, global, or throw.

Local composers require adding any local scripts to the mesh's files array.

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"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "MagentoMonolithApi",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": "https://venia.magento.com/graphql"
"plugins": [
"hooks": {
"beforeAll": {
"composer": "./hooks.js#checkAuthHeader",
"blocking": true
"files": [
"path": "./hooks.js",
"content": <FILE CONTENT>

remote composers

If a local composer does not work or causes timeout errors, consider using a remote composer.

remote composers can use the params, context, and document arguments over the network. However, the serialization and deserialization of JSON data means that any complex fields or references will be lost. If the composer depends on complex fields or references, consider using a local composer instead.


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"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "MagentoMonolithApi",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": "https://venia.magento.com/graphql"
"plugins": [
"hooks": {
"beforeAll": {
"composer": "<Remote Composer URL>",
"blocking": true

Creating composers

A composer can be a local function or a remote serverless function. Composer signatures differ depending on the hook used and the location of the function.

beforeAll hooks

beforeAll hooks can receive the following fields as objects during runtime:

  • context - An object containing information about the request.

    For example, context can contain headers, the body of the request, and the request object.

  • document - A GraphQL representation of the query.

If the composer is a remote function, all the arguments are sent in the POST body when calling the function.

Local composer example

This simple composer checks for an authorization header before processing the query.

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module.exports = {
isAuth: ({context}) => {
if (!context.headers.authorization) {
return {
status: "ERROR",
message: "Unauthorized",
return {
status: "SUCCESS",
message: "Authorized",

This remote composer fetches your authorization token and inserts it into the x-auth-token header.

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function getToken({ authorization = "", body = "", url = "" }) {
return `${authorization} - ${body} - ${url}`;
module.exports = {
insertToken: ({ context }) => {
const { headers, request, body } = context;
const { authorization } = headers;
const { url } = request;
const authToken = getToken({ authorization, url, body });
return {
status: "SUCCESS",
message: "Authorized",
data: {
headers: {
"x-auth-token": authToken,

Remote composer example

The following example remote composer checks for an authorization header.

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addEventListener("fetch", (event) => event.respondWith(handleRequest(event)));
async function handleRequest(event) {
try {
const body = await event.request.json();
if (!body.context.headers["authorization"]) {
return new Response({
status: "SUCCESS",
message: "Unauthorized"
}, {
status: 401
return new Response({
status: "SUCCESS",
message: "Authorized"
}, {
status: 200
} catch (err) {
return new Response(err, {
status: 500

Return signatures

The return signature of a composer is the same for local and remote functions.

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status: "ERROR" | "SUCCESS",
message: string,
data?: {
headers?: {
[headerName: string]: string