openapi handlers

The openapi handler allows you to connect to an OpenAPI-compliant REST service endpoint or static Swagger schema using a .json or .yaml file.

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"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "CommerceREST",
"handler": {
"openapi": {
"source": ""

To import a remote or local schema using .json or .yaml, use a local source, see Reference local file handlers for more information.

Naming conventions

The OpenAPI handler uses the following naming conventions:

Type naming

The operationId is only modified when necessary according to the GraphQL spec:

  • The following characters are replaced with an underscore (_): white space, ., /, : and -.
  • Characters that are not digits or Latin alphabet letters are replaced with their character codes.
  • If the first character of a name is a digit, it is prefixed with an underscore (_), because GraphQL does not allow initial digits.

Unnamed types

Unnamed types use path-based naming. This means a type in your schema could be structured like query_getUsers_items_firstName.

Headers from context

The following example demonstrates how to include authentication headers in the context of your mesh.

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"handler": {
"openapi": {
"source": "./my-schema.json",
"operationHeaders": {
"Authorization": "Bearer {context.headers['x-my-api-token']}"

When building a web application cookies are often used for secure authentication. Conversely, mobile applications tend to use an HTTP header.

Setting and unsetting cookies

To set the cookie for the web application, we need to access the HTTP response that is sent back to the client by using additionalResolvers. To do this, we need to create two new resolvers, one for login and one for logout.

The first step is to edit the mesh.json file, and add the following at the end:

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"additionalTypeDefs": "extend type Mutation {\n login(credentials: Credentials!): String\n logout: Boolean\n}\n",
"additionalResolvers": [

Then manage the cookie in the new resolvers:

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// lifespan of our cookie
const oneYear = 365 * 24 * 3600
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
async login(root, args, context, info) {
// Call the Rest API's login operation
const result = await context.Rest.Mutation.accountLogin({
args: {
credentials: args.credentials
// if `result` contains a JWT token, you could instead decode it and set `Expires`
// to the JWT token's expiration date
res.set('Set-Cookie', `accessToken=${result}; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; Max-Age=${oneYear};`)
return result
logout(root, args, { res }) {
// use old date to unset cookie
res.set('Set-Cookie', `accessToken=logout; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; Expires=Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;`)
return true
module.exports = { resolvers }

Callbacks as Subscriptions

The OpenAPI handler can process OpenAPI Spec Callbacks as GraphQL Subscriptions, by using your Publish-subscribe pattern PubSub implementation to consume the data. However, you need to define webhooks for callbacks individually.

Loading source from a CDN

API Mesh supports loading sources from a CDN or schema registry by using the source property.

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"sources": [
"name": "MyApi",
"handler": {
"openapi": {
"source": "https://cdn.<your cdn>.graphql",
"schemaHeaders": {
"X-CDN-Key": "abc123+d4/5e="

Config API reference

  • source (type: Any, required) - Reference to your API source, such as a local file, a remote file, or a URL endpoint
  • sourceFormat (type: String (json | yaml)) - Format of the source file
  • schemaHeaders (type: JSON) - JSON object for adding headers to API calls for runtime schema introspection
    • If you are using a remote URL endpoint, you can set headers for the HTTP request to fetch your schema.
  • operationHeaders (type: JSON) - JSON object for adding headers to API calls for runtime operation execution
  • baseUrl (type: String) - URL that all paths are based on
    • The baseURL overrides the server object in the OpenAPI Spec.
  • qs (type: JSON) - JSON object for the query search parameters to add to the API call
  • includeHttpDetails (type: Boolean) - Flag for including HTTP Response details in the result object