naming-convention transform

naming-convention transforms allow you to apply casing and other conventions to your response. In the example below, enumValues fields are converted to uppercase, while fieldNames are converted to camel case to enforce consistency.

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"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "PWA",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""
"transforms": [
"namingConvention": {
"enumValues": "upperCase",
"fieldNames": "camelCase"


The following example converts all of your fieldNames to lower case in the Adobe Commerce source:

Copied to your clipboard
"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "AdobeCommerce",
"transforms": [
"namingConvention": {
"fieldNames": "lowerCase"
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""

Config API Reference

  • mode (type: String (bare | wrap)) - Specify to apply naming-convention transforms to bare schema or by wrapping original schema
  • typeNames (type: String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase))
  • fieldNames (type: String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase))
  • enumValues (type: String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase))
  • fieldArgumentNames (type: String (camelCase | capitalCase | constantCase | dotCase | headerCase | noCase | paramCase | pascalCase | pathCase | sentenceCase | snakeCase | upperCase | lowerCase))