prefix transform

The prefix transform allows you to add prefixes to existing types and root operations. prefix is similar to rename in that it allows you to modify names to avoid conflicts, simplify complicated names, and change the appearance of your query. In contrast with rename, prefix is simpler and only allows you to append a prefix to the existing name.

You can use it to easily "namespace" APIs in your unified API and avoid conflicts.


The following example adds the commerce_ prefix to all Adobe Commerce source types:

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"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "AdobeCommerce",
"transforms": [
"prefix": {
"mode": "wrap",
"value": "commerce_"
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""

In the example below, we differentiate our sources by adding an "AEM" prefix to the AEM source and a "Venia" prefix to the PWA source.

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"meshConfig": {
"sources": [
"name": "AEM",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""
"transforms": [
"prefix": {
"includeRootOperations": true,
"value": "AEM_"
"name": "PWA",
"handler": {
"graphql": {
"endpoint": ""
"transforms": [
"prefix": {
"includeRootOperations": true,
"value": "Venia_"

Config API Reference

  • mode (type: String (bare | wrap)) - Specify to apply prefix transform to bare schema or by wrapping original schema
  • value (type: String) - The prefix to apply to the schema types. By default, the prefix is the API name.
  • ignore (type: Array of String, required) - List of ignored types
  • includeRootOperations (type: Boolean) - Adds the prefix to root types and field names (default: false)
  • includeTypes (type: Boolean) - Adds the prefix to types (default: true)