Work with your mesh

This page describes ways you can work with meshes that contain optional processes that are not required for mesh creation.

Retrieve a previously created meshId or mesh endpoint URL

If you need to retrieve a meshId or mesh endpoint URL from a previously created mesh, use the following command to display your mesh details in the console.

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aio api-mesh:describe

By default, the command describes the mesh in the selected project and workspace.

If no project or workspace is selected, the command returns a list of projects. Use the arrow and enter keys to select your project and organization. Alternatively, you can type to search for your project and workspace.

Move a mesh to another workspace

You may need to move a mesh from one workspace to another, for example from stage to production. The following process describes how to copy a mesh from one workspace and duplicate it in another workspace.

  1. Select the workspace that contains the mesh you want to copy.

  2. Retrieve your previously created mesh by running the following get command.

    Copied to your clipboard
    aio api-mesh:get download.json

    This command creates a file named download.json that contains a copy of the mesh from the selected workspace.

  3. Run the following command and select the production or target workspace, see select a project or workspace for more information.

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    aio console:workspace:select
  4. Run the create command and reference the previously created file.

    Copied to your clipboard
    aio api-mesh:create download.json

Include httpDetails in query responses

Adding the includeHTTPDetails flag to your JSON mesh configuration file determines if httpDetails information is included in query responses.

Setting includeHTTPDetails to true adds information like responseTime and response headers to every query response. Setting includeHTTPDetails to false prevents users who query your mesh from accessing this information. If you do not include the includeHTTPDetails property in your mesh, the setting defaults to false.

The following example mesh indicates the location of the includeHTTPDetails flag.

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"meshConfig": {
"handler": {

When you query a mesh with includeHTTPDetails set to true, the response will include an httpDetails section with the following information:

  • sourceName
  • request
  • response
  • responseTime

The following example includes some additional information a user can receive as part of the response. The exact response varies, depending on your source handlers, headers, and other customizations.

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"data": {
"storeConfig": {
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
"extensions": {
"httpDetails": [
"sourceName": "Venia",
"request": {
"timestamp": 1676489418840,
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"accept": "application/graphql-response+json, application/json, multipart/mixed",
"content-type": "application/json"
"response": {
"timestamp": 1676489419070,
"status": 200,
"statusText": "OK",
"headers": {
"accept-ranges": "bytes",
"cache-control": "max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache, no-store",
"connection": "keep-alive",
"content-length": "63",
"content-type": "application/json",
"date": "Wed, 15 Feb 2023 19:30:19 GMT",
"expires": "Tue, 15 Feb 2022 19:30:19 GMT",
"responseTime": 230

Projects and workspaces

View the cached project and workspace

To see your current cache configuration, use the aio config:get console command, which includes the currently selected organization, project, and workspace.

You can view a list of available projects in your current organization by running the aio console:project:list command.

To view a list of available workspaces in the current project, run the aio console:workspace:list command.

Select a project or workspace

By default, projects have a production and a stage workspace. You can also create your own workspaces. If you do not know which workspace to use, use the stage workspace.

To change the selected project, use the aio console:project:select command, which prompts you to select your project from a list.

To change the selected workspace, use the aio console:workspace:select command, which prompts you to select your workspace from a list.

Delete a cached project or workspace

If you want to clear a previously selected project or workspace from your cache, use the aio config:delete followed by the object you want to remove from your cached config.

For example:

  • aio config:delete console.project Removes the current project from the cache.
  • aio config:delete console.workspace Removes the current workspace from the cache.


In GraphQL you can use aliasing in your query to rename fields and avoid fields with conflicting names. This is particularly useful for API Mesh because aliasing allows you to rename fields when querying.

The following example renames the name field to productName.

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items {

Due to the limitations of API Mesh, responses contain both the newly created alias field and the original field. For example, the previous query produces the following response that contains both the aliased field, productName, and the original field, name.

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"data": {
"products": {
"CommerceItems": [
"productName": "Vitalia Top",
"sku": "VT10",
"name": "Vitalia Top"
"productName": "Jillian Top",
"sku": "VT12",
"name": "Jillian Top"

Chained mutations

When you query a mesh using chained mutations, the mesh makes a separate call to the source for each mutation. This happens because GraphQL requests execute when the GraphQL server receives them, instead of proxying the calls. Because API Mesh supports multiple sources, it evaluates batched mutations and separates the information based on the source it is associated with.

These mutations are executed sequentially, calling one source after the other. When you call a source directly, it will only need one API call, but it will execute the batch mutations sequentially by calling their respective resolvers. These calls are more overt in API Mesh, because they are made by a network call, instead of an internal call. This means you will see multiple calls for chained mutations.

Disable introspection

If your schema contains sensitive information, you can prevent introspection and disable auto-completion by adding the disableIntrospection configuration option to your mesh. disableIntrospection defaults to false. To disable introspection, set it to true.

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"meshConfig": {
"name":"Adobe Commerce",
"handler": {