Upgrade versions

This page lists breaking changes between versions of API Mesh for Adobe Developer App Builder. For a list of new features and resolved issues, refer to the release notes.

Software updates

nvm 18 is required for API Mesh.

  1. Update nvm to version 18. The following command shows one way to do this:

    Copied to your clipboard
    nvm use 18
  2. Update the API Mesh plugin.

    To update Adobe I/O and all registered plugins, run the following command:

    Copied to your clipboard
    aio update

    To update the API Mesh plugin only, run the following command:

    Copied to your clipboard
    aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-api-mesh

If you encounter any issues installing the plugin, try uninstalling any existing plugins first by running aio plugins:uninstall. The aio plugins command will list any installed plugins.

See our NPM page or Getting Started for more information.

Mesh create and update time

While most create and update commands will take a few seconds, complex meshes and meshes with several sources will take a few minutes to fully provision and propagate.

To check the status of your mesh, use the aio api-mesh:status command, which allows you to view where your mesh is in the provisioning process.

Additionally, due to our new asynchronous architecture, the create/update commands now add your mesh to a queue where it waits to be processed, which means you will no longer receive an error if your mesh fails to create/update. We have added the aio api-mesh:status command to allow you to check the processing status of your mesh and see any errors that occurred during creating/updating.