
Learn where to ask questions, report bugs, make feature requests, and spark discussions.

Developer forums

Adobe Community Forums, InDesign Scripting

Open discussion and support with community experts and Adobe staff.

InDesign Server Forum

InDesign Server Developers

Chat with other InDesign Server Developers.

Product Bugs and Feedback

InDesign on UserVoice

If you have product feedback or find bugs to report, use InDesign's UserVoice forum.

InDesign Prerelease

InDesign Prerelease

A Non-Disclosure Agreement is required to join. Once you're in, you can chat about prereleases in the prerelease forums.

InDesign Developers Prerelease

InDesign Developers Prerelease

A Non-Disclosure Agreement is required to join. If you're interested in InDesign's C++ SDK or InDesign Server, you'll want to join the InDesign Developers Prerelease program in addition to the InDesign Prerelease program. Once you're in, you can chat about prereleases in the prerelease forums. Please note that if you applied and more than a week has passed, please email to request access.