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Getting started with Photoshop and Lightroom API

The first step in accessing the Photoshop and Lightroom APIs is getting authenticated. For that you will need an Authorization Token and an API Key. With the steps below, we'll show you how to gain access and make your first hello world call.

Get access

Here are the steps to get started with the Photoshop and Lightroom APIs.

Getting started from Developer Console

If you have already been provisioned with access through your organization you will need to create a project in developer console. If you have already got your API key, you can skip these steps.

  1. Go to https://developer.adobe.com/console/home and sign in to the Developer Console.
  2. Select Create new project under the Quick start section on the middle of your screen: Screenshot
  3. Choose Add API: Screenshot
  4. Select the Photoshop - Firefly and Creative Cloud Automation and click on Next: Screenshot
  5. Select Save configured API: Screenshot Default selection for type of Authentication is made for OAuth Server-to-Server and you should keep it. Service Account(JWT) authentication will be deprecated soon.
  6. Add the Lightroom API to your project by clicking on Add to Project and selecting API Screenshot
  7. Select the Lightroom - Firefly and Creative Cloud Automation and click on Next: Screenshot Repeat step 5
  8. Repeat step 6 and select Remove Background - Firefly and Creative Cloud Automation and click on Next: Screenshot Repeat step 5
  9. Select Generate access token: Screenshot
  10. Congratulations! You have just created a token. You can copy the token : Screenshot
  11. Once you’ve created your token, you can follow the steps below to make your first API call.
  • Open your terminal and paste the code below.
  • Replace the variables "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" with the token you generated on Adobe I/O Console.
  • Replace <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>. You can find this on the same page you generated your token on.
  • Once all variables have been replaced you can run the command.
Copied to your clipboard
1curl --request GET \
2 --url https://image.adobe.io/pie/psdService/hello \
3 --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
4 --header "x-api-key: <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>"

If you are using Windows machine don't use the backslash for the curl commands. e.g

Copied to your clipboard
curl --request GET --url https://image.adobe.io/pie/psdService/hello --header "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>" --header "x-api-key: <YOUR_CLIENT_ID>"

Congratulations! You just made your first request to the Photoshop API.

Automate Token

Note that your token will expire every 60 minutes and will need to be refreshed after it expires. You can automate the token generation by referring to our sample code in node.js here

Build something cool#

You have now Access Token and Client Id. You can use that to build your application using Photoshop API. Check out this SDK and API documentation for that.

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