Manifest File Structure

The plugin's manifest is where you include metadata about your plugin. Simply put, the manifest is a list of facts about your plugin in the form of a JSON object. No executable code goes into your manifest.

The manifest is located in your plugin's root folder and must be named manifest.json.

If you are a bit rusty at reading JSON, here's a good reference.

Example manifest

Copied to your clipboard
2 "manifestVersion": 4,
3 "id": "YOUR_ID_HERE",
4 "name": "Name of your plugin",
5 "version": "1.0.0",
6 "main": "index.html",
7 "host": {
8 "app": "PS",
9 "minVersion": "22.0.0"
10 },
11 "entrypoints": [
12 {
13 "type": "command",
14 "id": "commandFn",
15 "label": {
16 "default": "Show A Dialog"
17 }
18 },
19 {
20 "type": "panel",
21 "id": "panelName",
22 "label": {
23 "default": "Panel Name"
24 },
25 "minimumSize": {"width": 230, "height": 200},
26 "maximumSize": {"width": 2000, "height": 2000},
27 "preferredDockedSize": {"width": 230, "height": 300},
28 "preferredFloatingSize": {"width": 230, "height": 300},
29 "icons": [
30 {"width":23,"height":23,"path":"icons/dark.png","scale":[1,2],"theme":["darkest","dark","medium"]},
31 {"width":23,"height":23,"path":"icons/light.png","scale":[1,2],"theme":["lightest","light"]}
32 ]
33 }
34 ],
35 "icons": [
36 { "width": 23, "height": 23, "path": "icons/icon_D.png", "scale": [ 1, 2 ], "theme": [ "dark", "darkest" ], "species": [ "generic" ] },
37 { "width": 23, "height": 23, "path": "icons/icon_N.png", "scale": [ 1, 2 ], "theme": [ "lightest", "light" ], "species": [ "generic" ] }
38 ]

See the sections below to learn more about each key/value field. All fields are required unless otherwise noted below.

Top-level metadata

The top level of the manifest JSON object contains high-level information about your plugin.

Here are the definitions of the keywords in the "Required" column:

  • Develop - required field for the plugin to be loaded.
  • Publish - required field for plugins to be submitted in the Adobe Developer Console and published in the Plugin Manager.
Key pathTypeDescriptionRequired
manifestVersionnumberThe version of the manifest. For Photoshop, this should be 4 or higher.Develop / Publish
idstringUnique identifier for your plugin. You can get your unique ID on the Adobe Developer Console.%7C Develop / Publish
namestringThe name should be 3 - 45 characters. We recommend your plugin name matches the project name you created when getting your plugin ID from the Adobe Developer Console.Develop / Publish
versionstringVersion number of your plugin in x.y.z format.
Version must be three segments and each version component must be between 0 and 99.
Develop / Publish
mainstringPath to the your plugin initialization code. This can be a JavaScript file or an HTML file.Optional (defaults to main.js)
iconsIconDefinition[]Icons for your plugin (which may be rendered in various contexts, such as the plugin panel)
PNG, JPG/JPEG formats are supported and the max file size for each icon is 1MB.
You should specify at least the 1x and 2x size. Icons for the Plugin Manager are uploaded directly via the Adobe Developer Console, not included within your plugin itself. See our "Publishing your plugin" guide to learn more.
hostHostDefinition\|HostDefinition[]Describes the supported applications that can be used with this plugin. This can include the type of application, the minimum required version, or the maximum version of the host app that the plugin supports.

Note: An array can ONLY be used during development. A single definition will be needed when submitting to the marketplace
Develop / Publish
entryPointsEntryPointDefinition[]Describes the entries your plugin adds to the Plugins menu & plugin panel. See the next section for details.Develop / Publish


Icons are not required during development, but must be provided when distributing through the Plugin Marketplace. The icons field is an array of a IconDefinitions.


widthnumberWidth in logical pixels
heightnumberHeight in logical pixels
pathstringPath to the icon (relative to the plugin root)
scalenumber[]Array of scales provided. For example, [1, 2] means that there is a @1x and @2x version of the icon specified at the path. (Densities other than 1x can be specified by adding @2x before the icon's extension)
themestring[]Array of themes this icon supports. Photoshop supports lightest, light, dark, and darkest. If all themes are compatible with the icon, you can use all. (Default is all).
speciesstring[]Identifies the type of icon and where it would make sense to display it. The default is generic, meaning that Photoshop is free to use this icon anywhere.


The host field is an object matching the HostDefinition format specified below. This entry allows your plugin to specify which app your plugin can run on such as Adobe XD or Photoshop. During development, the field can contain an array of HostDefinition's. This can be very convient during development of cross-compatible UXP plugins. However, during submission to the marketplace, only one HostDefinition is allowed.


appstringIndicates the supported application for this plugin (currently, the only valid values here are "XD" and "PS").Develop / Publish
minVersionstringMinimum required version of the host app (in x.y format) that can run this plugin. The lowest valid version for manifest V4 plugins is version 22.0.
Note: The version number must be at least two segments. Typically, you'll leave the minor segment set to 0, e.g. 22.0.
Develop / Publish
maxVersionstringMaximum version of host app that can run this plugin. Same formatting as host.minVersion.Optional

Entry Points

The entryPoints field is an array of objects matching the EntryPointDefinition format specified below. These entries appear both in the Plugins menu in the native menubar, and the plugin panel.

Each entry point specifies a type, to create either a direct-action command or a panel show/hide command.


typestringEntry point type: either "command" or "panel".
idstringUnique identifier for the entry point. This id will also be mapped to entrypoints defined in your plugin code.
labelstringLabel for this menu item that the user will select to run your plugin. May be a single string or a dictionary of localized strings.

Object defining Mac and Windows keyboard shortcuts for this menu item. See "Keyboard shortcuts" below for details. Only valid for command entry points.
minimumSizeObjectOptional. Valid only for panel entry points.

Object defining the preferred minimum size of the panel. This object is of the form {width: number, height: number} where each length is in pixel units. The host app may not guarantee the minimum width depending upon context.
maximumSizeObjectOptional. Valid only for panel entry points.

Object defining the preferred maximum size of the panel. This object is of the form {width: number, height: number} where each length is in pixel units. The host app may not guarantee the maximum width depending upon context.
preferredDockedSizeObjectOptional. Valid only for panel entry points.

Object defining the preferred size of the panel when docked. This object is of the form {width: number, height: number} where each length is in pixel units. This setting is a preference, and may not be honored.
preferredFloatingSizeObjectOptional. Valid only for panel entry points.

Object defining the preferred size of the panel when floating. This object is of the form {width: number, height: number} where each length is in pixel units. This setting is a preference, and may not be honored.
iconsarray<object>Icons for your panel. Each panel in a plugin requires its own set of icon set, which is shown in the toolbars when minimized, and has no additional treatment supplied. A panel icon is 23x23 (46x46) in size, and can be transparent. These are different from the icons in the main plugin. They are optional during development, but must be present in the manifest and the project if the plugin is submitted to the Plugin Marketplace via the Developer Console.

Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcuts are not yet available for plugins.

Plugin menu item labels or panel labels can be localized to match the host's current UI language setting. Other manifest fields such as name cannot be localized yet. Localized labels are represented as an object containing multiple translations, instead of a single string value:

Copied to your clipboard
1"label": {
2 "default": "Menu Label",
3 "fr": "Etiquette de Menu",
4 "de": "Menübezeichnung"

A default string is always required.

Inheritance and Overrides

Certain top-level fields can be overridden deeper in the manifest.

  • icons can be overridden for each panel's entry point.