Lifecycle behavior reference

The Lifecycle extension relies solely on the Lifecycle events dispatched by the lifecycleStart and lifecyclePause calls to determine the start of new sessions and to calculate lifecycle data.

General behavior

A Lifecycle session is the time between a lifecycleStart call and a lifecyclePause call. A new session is detected when lifecycleStart is called after a lifecyclePause and the Lifecycle session timeout has elapsed.

All events that are not Lifecycle start or Lifecycle pause do not affect Lifecycle state or data. Starting MobileCore using registerExtensions does not automatically start a Lifecycle session nor does it affect Lifecycle data.

Consecutive lifecycleStart API calls

Consecutive lifecycleStart calls will not update the session start timestamp from the initial lifecycleStart call, and Lifecycle data is not changed.

Consecutive lifecyclePause API calls

Consecutive lifecyclePause calls will update the persisted pause timestamp. On the next lifecycleStart API call, the last pause timestamp is used to determine if the previous session has timed out and a new session is started.

Expected Lifecycle scenarios

The following Lifecycle workflows show examples of the expected ordering of Lifecycle events.

App first launch after installation

Subsequent app launches, continue session with app close

Subsequent app launches, continue session without app close

Subsequent app launches, new session

On app crash or force close

Troubleshooting unexpected Lifecycle scenarios

The following Lifecycle workflows show examples of the unexpected ordering of Lifecycle events that can impact Lifecycle data and can indicate an incorrect implementation of the Lifecycle APIs. To address the following scenarios, refer to the implementation guide for Lifecycle.

Missing pause, app terminated

This scenario looks the same as a standard crash, but the underlying reason is an incorrect implementation where lifecyclePause is not called before the app is terminated.

Missing pause, app still in memory

This scenario shows an example of consecutive lifecycleStart API calls. The app close is not detected because lifecyclePause is not called. As the app is not removed from memory, the current session continues.

In this scenario, the lifecycleStart call (5) is not detected as a new session nor a crash. It will have the consequences of a consecutive lifecycleStart API call.

Missing start

This scenario shows an example of consecutive lifecyclePause API calls. The new session is not detected because lifecycleStart is not called.

In this scenario, the last lifecyclePause call (7) is effectively a consecutive lifecyclePause API call, with the consequences of:

  1. Actual app background time - the time between lifecyclePause calls (3) and (7) - to be included in Lifecycle data calculations.
  2. Potentially affecting detection of a new session start.