Network Service


The NetworkService provides shared functionality to make asynchronous network requests and handle their responses.


The following code snippet details how to make a simple network request and handle the response.


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final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;
final int READ_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;
final byte[] body = "SampleRequestBody".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("myCustomHeaderName", "myCustomHeaderValue");
// Create a NetworkRequest
final NetworkRequest networkRequest = new NetworkRequest(URL_TO_CONNECT, HttpMethod.GET, body, headers, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS, READ_TIMEOUT_MS);
// Make the request
ServiceProvider.getInstance().getNetworkService().connectAsync(networkRequest, response -> {
// handle connection response
// close the response
if (response != null) {
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* A sample implementation of Networking to enable overriding the default implementation of network service.
class MyCustomNetworkService implements Networking {
private final ExecutorService executorService = //
* Initiate an asynchronous network request.
* @param request {@link NetworkRequest} used for network connection
* @param callback {@link NetworkCallback} that will receive the {@link HttpConnecting} instance asynchronously.
public void connectAsync(final NetworkRequest request, final NetworkCallback callback) {
// Use an executor service for initiating the network request and dispatching the response.
() -> {
try {
// 1. If the network is down, for example, if the device is in airplane mode, the callback should be invoked immediately with a null connection. When the null connection is passed to the callback, the SDK will treat it as a recoverable failure and handle it accordingly.
// 2. If the network is available, the SDK should send out the request and invoke the callback with the corresponding connection.
final HttpConnecting connection = doConnection(request);
if (callback != null) {
// If a callback was provided, invoke the callback with the connection;
} else {
// If no callback is passed by the client, close the connection.
} catch (Exception e) {
// 3. The connectAsync method should never throw exceptions. Catch any exceptions and invoke the callback with an error response.
if (callback != null) { ErrorResponse());
* Utility method to perform the network connection.
* @praram - the `NetworkRequest` whose details should be used for connecting
* @return `MyCustomResponse` after making a connection
private MyCustomResponse doConnection(final NetworkRequest request) {
HttpsURLConnection connection = null;
try {
final URL obj = new URL(request.getUrl());
connection = (HttpsURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
// Set the request method
// Set the read and connect timeouts
// set the request properties
final Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = request.getHeaders().entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
connection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
final boolean isPostRequest = "POST".equalsIgnoreCase(connection.getRequestMethod());
if (isPostRequest && request.getBody() != null) {
// If the method is POST, set the length before connection
// if the command is POST, send the data to the URL.
if (isPostRequest && request.getBody() != null) {
// Consume the payload
final OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exceptions
// create and return a response object conforming to the `HttpConnecting` interface.
return new MyCustomResponse(connection);
  1. Override the default implementation of NetworkService provided by ServiceProvider. This step should occur prior to any other interactions with the SDK. While it is possible to register the network override at any point during the application lifecycle, the override will only function for network requests performed after the registration has taken place.
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public class MyApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// Set the network override prior to making any other calls to the SDK
ServiceProvider.getInstance().setNetworkService(new MyCustomNetworkService());
List<Class<? extends Extension>> extensions = Arrays.asList(...);
MobileCore.registerExtensions(extensions, o -> {
// Any other post registration processing

Overriding NetworkService

The default implementation of the NetworkService provided by the SDK can be overriden to use a custom implementation to cater to your app requirements. This section walks through the steps necessary to create a custom network override, and register it with the SDK.


  1. Create a custom implementation of HttpConnecting that represents a response to a network request. Also, create antoher implementation of HttpConnecting that represents the error response. They will be used to handle network completion when overriding the network stack in place of internal network connection implementation.
  • MyCustomResponse
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class MyCustomResponse implements HttpConnecting {
private final HttpsURLConnection connection;
MyCustomResponse(final HttpsURLConnection connection) {
this.connection = connection;
public InputStream getInputStream() {
try {
return connection.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
public InputStream getErrorStream() {
return connection.getErrorStream();
public int getResponseCode() {
try {
return connection.getResponseCode();
} catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
public String getResponseMessage() {
try {
return connection.getResponseMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
public String getResponsePropertyValue(String responsePropertyKey) {
return connection.getHeaderField(responsePropertyKey);
public void close() {
final InputStream inputStream = this.getInputStream();
final InputStream errorStream = this.getErrorStream();
if (inputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
// handle exceptions
if (errorStream != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
// handle exceptions
  • ErrorResponse
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class ErrorResponse implements HttpConnecting {
public InputStream getInputStream() {
return null;
public InputStream getErrorStream() {
return null;
public int getResponseCode() {
return -1;
public String getResponseMessage() {
return "";
public String getResponsePropertyValue(String responsePropertyKey) {
return "";
public void close() { }
  1. Create a custom implementation of Networking interface and, implement the connectAsync method. The implementation of connectAsync should handle the connection establishment with the details provided in the NetworkRequest and, notify the caller of a response using the NetworkCallback parameter.
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* A sample implementation of Networking to enable overriding the default implementation of network service.
class MyCustomNetworkService implements Networking {
private final ExecutorService executorService = //
* Initiate an asynchronous network request.
* @param request {@link NetworkRequest} used for network connection
* @param callback {@link NetworkCallback} that will receive the {@link HttpConnecting} instance asynchronously.
public void connectAsync(final NetworkRequest request, final NetworkCallback callback) {
// Use an executor service for initiating the network request and dispatching the response.
() -> {
try {
// 1. If the network is down, for example, if the device is in airplane mode, the callback should be invoked immediately with a null connection. When the null connection is passed to the callback, the SDK will treat it as a recoverable failure and handle it accordingly.
// 2. If the network is available, the SDK should send out the request and invoke the callback with the corresponding connection.
final HttpConnecting connection = doConnection(request);
if (callback != null) {
// If a callback was provided, invoke the callback with the connection;
} else {
// If no callback is passed by the client, close the connection.
} catch (Exception e) {
// 3. The connectAsync method should never throw exceptions. Catch any exceptions and invoke the callback with an error response.
if (callback != null) { ErrorResponse());
* Utility method to perform the network connection.
* @praram - the `NetworkRequest` whose details should be used for connecting
* @return `MyCustomResponse` after making a connection
private MyCustomResponse doConnection(final NetworkRequest request) {
HttpsURLConnection connection = null;
try {
final URL obj = new URL(request.getUrl());
connection = (HttpsURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
// Set the request method
// Set the read and connect timeouts
// set the request properties
final Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entries = request.getHeaders().entrySet();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : entries) {
connection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
final boolean isPostRequest = "POST".equalsIgnoreCase(connection.getRequestMethod());
if (isPostRequest && request.getBody() != null) {
// If the method is POST, set the length before connection
// if the command is POST, send the data to the URL.
if (isPostRequest && request.getBody() != null) {
// Consume the payload
final OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exceptions
// create and return a response object conforming to the `HttpConnecting` interface.
return new MyCustomResponse(connection);
  1. Override the default implementation of NetworkService provided by ServiceProvider. This step should occur prior to any other interactions with the SDK. While it is possible to register the network override at any point during the application lifecycle, the override will only function for network requests performed after the registration has taken place.
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public class MyApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// Set the network override prior to making any other calls to the SDK
ServiceProvider.getInstance().setNetworkService(new MyCustomNetworkService());
List<Class<? extends Extension>> extensions = Arrays.asList(...);
MobileCore.registerExtensions(extensions, o -> {
// Any other post registration processing
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