
Buttons bring attention to actions on the screen. This article will cover the use of general buttons.

For solutions not described in this topic, please refer to other related patterns or contact the Commerce UX Design team.

When to Use

Buttons should be used anywhere a call to action(CTA) is needed. Discretion should be used when deciding when to use a button vs. a hyperlink, icon, or another call to action.

When Not to Use

  • Do not use buttons to indicate actions that are better suited as hyperlinks such as "Cancel". Some exceptions may apply.
  • Do not use more than one primary page level action on a single page for different actions. Some exceptions may apply.
  • Do not use buttons to indicate a link to more information or to a task not related to primary flow.


Variations of this pattern are as follows, and will be detailed in the section on Appearance and behavior:

  • Page level buttons are to be used for calls to action on pages.
  • Form level buttons are to be used on forms.
  • Table level buttons are to be used within tables or data grids

Buttons will be take on one of the below variations.

Page LevelForm LevelTable Level
Table Button
Table Button
Table Button
Primary Dropdown
Primary Dropdown
Primary Dropdown
Secondary Dropdown
Secondary Dropdown
Secondary Dropdown

CSS style classes will need to be established for any buttons that require a custom defined style.

Styles and Behavior

Page Level Button

Button grid01 primary

Font details

Family: Open Sans Semibold;

Size: 17px; (or 1.125em based on 14px default font)

Color: #ffffff

Background color

Primary: #eb5202; (CSS-$magento-orange-color)

Secondary: #514943; (CSS-$magento-dark-brown)

Hover background color

Primary: #aa2d00; Secondary: #282421;

Disabled style

Opacity: 50%

Page Level Button Padding

Top/Bottom: 11px

Left/Right: 20px

Margin Spacing

Top/Bottom margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Left/Right margin spacing should not be less than 20px

Button grid03 dropdown

Font details

Family: Open Sans Semibold;

Size: 17px; (or 1.125em based on 14px default font)

Color: #ffffff

Background color

Primary: #eb5202; (CSS-$magento-orange-color)

Secondary: #514943; (CSS-$magento-dark-brown)

Hover background color

Primary: #aa2d00

Secondary: #28242

Dropdown stroke: #337ab7

Dropdown Highlight: #eeeeee

Disabled style

Opacity: 50%

Page Level Button Padding

Top/Bottom: 11px

Left/Right: 20px

Margin Spacing

Top/Bottom margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Left/Right margin spacing should not be less than 20px

Tertiary Buttons

Button grid02 tertiary

Font details

Family: Open Sans Semibold

Size: 14px; (or .750em based on 14px default font)

Color: #ffffff

Background colors

Secondary: #514943; (CSS-$magento-dark-brown)

Hover background color

Secondary: #28242

Disabled style

Opacity: 50%

Tertiary Level Button Padding

Top/Bottom: 12px

Left/Right: 30px

Margin Spacing

Top/Bottom margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Left/Right margin spacing should not be less than 20px

Tertiary Button Example:


Quaternary Buttons

Button grid02 quaternary

Quaternary buttons are only after all the buttons hierarchy have been used.

Font details

Family: Open Sans Semibold

Size: 13px; (or .750em based on 14px default font)

Color: #322923

Background colors

Light: #dcdcdc



Width: 1px;

Border color: #9d9d9d;

Hover background color


Disabled style

Opacity: 50%

Tertiary Level Button Padding

Top/Bottom: 12px

Left/Right: 15px

Margin Spacing

Top/Bottom margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Left/Right margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Quaternary Button Example:


Toggle Buttons

The toggle button acts like a checkbox. When you touch/click on it, the state toggles between "yes" and "no" and/or "on" and "off".

When to Use/When Not to Use

Use toggle for:

  • Binary selection (true/false) when only a single option can be set
  • When multiple non-required selections can be set
  • In relation to other form elements when needed

Do not use checkboxes if:

  • Multiple options need visibility


No additional variations.

Font details

Family: Open Sans Semibold

Size: 13px; (or .750em based on 14px default font)

Color: #322923

Background colors

Light: #dcdcdc



Width: 1px

Border color: #9d9d9d

Active background color

Dark: #cccccc

Inactive background color

Dark: #cccccc

Disabled style

Opacity: 50%

Tertiary Level Button Padding

Top/Bottom: 12px

Left/Right: 15px

Margin Spacing

Top/Bottom margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Left/Right margin spacing should not be less than 10px

Examples of toggle buttons:



(Keyboard shortcut same as checkbox)