Select from list

In the Admin, user will often times need to select item(s) from a list of items. This pattern address the variations of list pattern.

When to Use

When user need to select item(s) from a list of items, and each item can be identified simply by one label


Multi-select Dropdown (aka ultra-selector)

This variation is good for Multi Selection with many options (10+), when the option does not need to be shown immediately or when space needs to be preserved.

forms multi select formElement2

Single Select Dropdown

This variation is good for Single Selection with many options (10+), when the option does not need to be shown immediately or when space needs to be preserved.mmediately or when space needs to be preserved.

forms single select formElement

Multi-Select List Box

The advantage of a list box is that it exposes more options to the user. The list can be made scroll-able when space is a consideration and/or the list is long. A list box is mandatory when the list of options exceeds 6 items.

listbox multi

Single Select List Box

The advantage of a list box is that it exposes more options to the user. The list can be made scroll-able when space is a consideration and/or the list is long. A list box is mandatory when the list of options exceeds 6 items.

Listbox single


The form drop down, scroll area, and selections should be accessible via keyboard.

Follow this form control accessibility guideline: