Getting started

To begin using the checkout starter kit, ensure that your Adobe Commerce installation meets the following prerequisites and then proceed with the installation and configuration.


You must install or have access to the following prerequisites to develop with the Adobe Commerce checkout starter kit:

  • Adobe Commerce version 2.4.4 or higher.

  • Node.js version 22. If you have Node Version Manager (nvm) installed, you can run the following command to install and use the required version:

    Copied to your clipboard
    nvm install 22 && nvm use
  • Adobe I/O CLI.

  • Access to the Adobe Developer Console with an App Builder license. If you do not have access to the Adobe Developer Console or App Builder, refer to get access to App Builder.

Install Commerce modules

  • Install the Out-of-Process Payment Extensions (OOPE) module on Adobe Commerce

    To enable out-of-process payment methods in Commerce, install the magento/module-out-of-process-payment-methods. This module enables out-of-process payment functionalities. To install the module, run the following command using Composer:

    Copied to your clipboard
    composer require magento/module-out-of-process-payment-methods --with-dependencies
  • Install the Out-of-Process Shipping Extensions (OOPE) module in Adobe Commerce

    To enable out-of-process shipping methods in Adobe Commerce, install the magento/module-out-of-process-shipping-methods module.

    To install the module, run the following command using Composer:

    Copied to your clipboard
    composer require magento/module-out-of-process-shipping-methods --with-dependencies
  • Install the Commerce Eventing module (Commerce 2.4.4 and 2.4.5 only)

    The Commerce Eventing module is crucial for handling events within Adobe Commerce. The eventing module is installed automatically in Adobe Commerce version 2.4.6 and higher.

    This starter kit requires version 1.10.0 or higher of the Commerce Eventing module. To view your installed version, run the following command:

    Copied to your clipboard
    composer show magento/commerce-eventing

    To install this module, run the following command using Composer:

    Copied to your clipboard
    composer update magento/commerce-eventing --with-dependencies

    For Adobe Commerce versions 2.4.4 or 2.4.5, you must install the Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce module manually. Follow the instructions provided in Adobe I/O Events installation.

Initial configuration

Use the following steps to configure your local environment:

  1. Create a folder for your project and navigate to it.

  2. Execute the following command to create an Adobe Developer Console project in your organization and using the Commerce checkout starter kit as a template:

    Copied to your clipboard
    aio app init --repo adobe/commerce-checkout-starter-kit --github-pat $GITHUB_PAT

    Replace $GITHUB_PAT with your GitHub personal access token. For more information, refer to managing your personal access tokens.

  3. The starter kit requires you to add the following services in the console project:

    • I/O Management API
    • I/O Events
    • Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce

    Execute the following command to add the services by selecting them from the list:

    Copied to your clipboard
    aio app add service
  4. Copy the environment variables from the env.dist to a local .env file and enter the required values.

After completing the previous steps you can: