Shipping API reference
The checkout module provides REST and GraphQL APIs to configure out-of-process shipping methods. These methods depend on webhooks to obtain shipping rates.
The App Builder application actions can act as webhook endpoints to communicate between Adobe Commerce and the shipping provider.
To configure out-of-process shipping methods, add shipping carriers using the REST API.
The raw Shipping REST schema is available here.
Route URL | Method | Description |
/V1/oope_shipping_carrier | GET | Retrieve a list of all out-of-process shipping carriers |
/V1/oope_shipping_carrier/:code | GET | Retrieve an out-of-process shipping carrier by its code. |
/V1/oope_shipping_carrier | POST | Create a new shipping carrier. |
/V1/oope_shipping_carrier | PUT | Update a shipping carrier. |
/V1/oope_shipping_carrier/:code | DELETE | Delete shipping carrier by code |
To register a new out-of-process carrier, make a POST request to /V1/oope_shipping_carrier
with the carrier information, such as code and title:
Copied to your clipboardcurl --request POST \--url <ADOBE_COMMERCE_URL>/rest/all/V1/oope_shipping_carrier \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{"carrier": {"code": "DPS","title": "Detroit Postal Service""stores": ["default", "custom"],"countries": ["DE","FR","CA"],"sort_order": 10000,"active": true,"tracking_available": false,"shipping_labels_available": false}}'
Example of the update request:
Copied to your clipboardcurl --request PUT \--url <ADOBE_COMMERCE_URL>/rest/all/V1/oope_shipping_carrier \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{"carrier": {"code": "DEPS","title": "Demo postal service","stores": ["default"],"countries": ["DE","FR","CA"],"sort_order": 10000,"active": true,"tracking_available": false,"shipping_labels_available": false}}'
The GraphQL schema allows providing additional data for out-of-process shipping methods. The additional_data
is added to selected_shipping_method
and available_shipping_methods
in cart queries.
The raw Shipping GraphQL schema is available here.
The additional_data
is a list of key-value pairs that can store additional information about the shipping method.
Copied to your clipboardadditional_data {keyvalue}
For example, when setting shipping methods on cart mutations:
Copied to your clipboardmutation {setShippingMethodsOnCart(input: {cart_id: "<cart_id>"shipping_methods: [{carrier_code: "EPS"method_code: "eps_shipping_two"}]}) {cart {shipping_addresses {selected_shipping_method {additional_data {keyvalue}carrier_codecarrier_titlemethod_codemethod_titleprice_excl_tax {currencyvalue}}}}}}
Additionally, you can use additional_data
in a query to get carts with available shipping methods:
Copied to your clipboard{cart(cart_id: "<cart_id>") {shipping_addresses {available_shipping_methods {additional_data {keyvalue}amount {currencyvalue}availablecarrier_codecarrier_titlemethod_codemethod_titleprice_excl_tax {valuecurrency}price_incl_tax {valuecurrency}}selected_shipping_method {amount {valuecurrency}carrier_codecarrier_titlemethod_codemethod_title}}itemsV2 {items {uidproduct {sku}}}}}